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Has Anyone Hiccupped While Vaping?

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I have been vaping for awhile and it would seem I end up hiccuping when I exhale and it isn't great. Is there any reason for this, and is there any way I can prevent it. At the moment I am using orange cream 100% VG ANO. This doesn't happen to me all the time but when it does it makes me a little uncomfortable about it and want it to stop.

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hiccups are caused by irritation to the diaphram. Could possibly be from inhaling too deeply. Also, nicotine is a stimulant...you could possibly have a very sensitive diaphram, Other than that, not certain. Hiccups are a funny thing. for some reason, men are more prone to hiccups, their Diaphrams are positioned a bit higher in the chest cavity.....no really good cure that I know of....other than mayby thorazine.

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Well that may be. But you should tell that to this girl that when I was still in school. She was hiccuping throughout the whole class. She sounded like a bull frog and everyone was just roaring until the teacher told her get a drink of water.... but it didn't help.

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I've noticed this happens, generally when i vape right after i've eaten a meal. That glorious after-meal nic fix :) I just set it down and give my stomach some time to digest. I wouldn't be overly concerned unless it persist and increases in frequency.

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This happens to me sometimes. Not every day or anything but sometimes I'll hiccup on the inhale when vaping.. When it happens, it happens on every hit for a period of time. If I just put it down and come back to it later, it will have stopped.

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When I first started vaping I got "niccups" as a friend called them. I also started at a higher nic strength so I went down too. I find that while vaping I drink more water because my mouth will dry out so I don't get many niccups anymore.

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Personally never gotten hiccups from vaping, but I do occasionally get hiccups from (of all the strange things that cause it) clearing my throat aggressively. That'll trigger them. I can stop them with a, oh, 70% success rate by drinking a large amount of water very quickly, and then, trying to.. burp. Clear any air that might be in my stomach... don't ask me why this works (sometimes), but it does..

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