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Are You Kidding Me


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Only after 48 hours I noticed something it wasnt immediate but I woke this morning went straight for the E smoke and started my cup of coffee and while I was burning through that tank at an alarming rate I noticed that the coffee tasted a little different. HOLD ON.... I dont remember hacking this morning.. where is that thick mucous in the roof of my mouth!! NO LOOGIES!!! Are you KIDDING ME!! ONLY 2 DAYS!!! Ha Ha Ha

Lovin it

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YEAH :animier: I love clear lungs! It feels so good when you don't have lung butter. BUT beware, soon very soon your body will start getting rid of all that tar build up. Yes I know more coughing, but it will be the good kind. CONGRATS on your great progress! Your rocking it!

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When I smoked I NEVER coughed or hacked or had to clear my throat...>NOTHING....30 years of smoking, no cough. BUT when I started vaping I was coughing like a crazy maniac, tons of phlegm. All that moisture of vaping was loosening up the garbage that was in my lungs that I didn't even know what there. I talked to my doctor about it, he TOTALLY supports my vaping and he said that the vapor was loosening up stuff that wasn't ever loose enough to cough up. So after a few weeks of that, I was fine. It is amazing how fast you start getting healthy. Congrats.

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Ahhhhh. Morning coffee and a good vape to go along with it. The only thing better will be when spring comes and I can go out on the deck with my feet up and listen to the birds sing.

And the lung thing? I cleared out a lot at first too. But my husband and I both commented how WEIRD it is not to have the both of us coughing our lungs out in the morning.

DDid anyone else ever progress to the point that you had that first morning analog and got light headed enough that you had to sit down cuz your CO level was too high or something? Yeah. THAT was fun. And I still did it every stupid morning!!

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gotta love that! I know it only took a couple days for me to stop coughing and the thing i noticed was how salty everything tasted. guess i didn't taste it so much before. Congrats and keep it up!!!!


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Flowers, that is the best news today! Oh, that coffee does taste good with my morning vape. Sunday just excites me to no end, coffee, vapor, and the Sunday paper. Life is Good! :thumbsup:

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Last night was tough, I had an old pack of smokes just laying on the table and I kept thinking about them last night maybe it was the wine but I told my wife to go get them and hide them or destroy them or whatever just dont let me get to them and she did and I have pulled through yet another day..

Thanks to all of you for your comments

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Flowers, Hang in there!! I'm on day 32.. My husband just had a heck of a time with the Blu, just couldn't make it work for him, so he kept smoking. He did cut down considerably, and mainly used his Blu at work (cut down his chewing snus, too!!). But at home, he would still smoke. The funny-weird part is that he is the lighter smoker of the two of us. I was at 25-30 smoke/day...for 34 years! He would only smoke 10-12 a day. He hadn't really smoked much until the last 10 years.

NOW that our 510 pass thrus have come in, we are BOTH exclusively vaping! I love it...he couldn't get over how well I was doing with vaping...I was always the one to fall off the wagon with the patch, gum, chantix, wellbutrin, etc. I finally found MY answer in vaping. Shout it from the roof-tops, this Kitty doesn't smoke anymore!!thumbsup.gif

I made chili a few nights ago and told my Pirate(hubby) I think I added too much pepper because it sure tastes hotter than usual...did everything the same, though. He just laughed and said, "Say hello to your missing tastebuds!" LOL! I can taste again! I can smell again! YAY!

Hey, just wanna say thanks to everyone for being so nice, willing to share...I really appreciate everyone's support and I'm ready and willing to return the love!!hug.gif

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Flowers, Hang in there!! I'm on day 32.. My husband just had a heck of a time with the Blu, just couldn't make it work for him, so he kept smoking. He did cut down considerably, and mainly used his Blu at work (cut down his chewing snus, too!!). But at home, he would still smoke. The funny-weird part is that he is the lighter smoker of the two of us. I was at 25-30 smoke/day...for 34 years! He would only smoke 10-12 a day. He hadn't really smoked much until the last 10 years.

NOW that our 510 pass thrus have come in, we are BOTH exclusively vaping! I love it...he couldn't get over how well I was doing with vaping...I was always the one to fall off the wagon with the patch, gum, chantix, wellbutrin, etc. I finally found MY answer in vaping. Shout it from the roof-tops, this Kitty doesn't smoke anymore!!thumbsup.gif

I made chili a few nights ago and told my Pirate(hubby) I think I added too much pepper because it sure tastes hotter than usual...did everything the same, though. He just laughed and said, "Say hello to your missing tastebuds!" LOL! I can taste again! I can smell again! YAY!

Hey, just wanna say thanks to everyone for being so nice, willing to share...I really appreciate everyone's support and I'm ready and willing to return the love!!hug.gif

Miss Kitty, I love what your Pirate said about saying hello to your missing taste buds. So funny and right on! :thumbsup:

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Last night was tough, I had an old pack of smokes just laying on the table and I kept thinking about them last night maybe it was the wine but I told my wife to go get them and hide them or destroy them or whatever just dont let me get to them and she did and I have pulled through yet another day..

Thanks to all of you for your comments

You can do it...Just put those yucky smokes in a tall glass of water. I have a bag of tobacco here and the tubes and machine to roll them with. I am waiting for someone to come knock on my door and ask if I have a cig. I will give them everything I have left. they do not temp me sitting here in my house. the first through the 3rd week was very hard. but, when it hit 3 1/2 weeks it was easy. just keep that e-cig in your hand and do not let go of it..lol..If you can go to VT store and get an eGo passthrough. you can sit at your computer or in your car and vape while it is charging. it is an awesome thing to have. I love mine so much.

Good Luck to you. You can do this.

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Flowers, Hang in there!! I'm on day 32.. My husband just had a heck of a time with the Blu, just couldn't make it work for him, so he kept smoking. He did cut down considerably, and mainly used his Blu at work (cut down his chewing snus, too!!). But at home, he would still smoke. The funny-weird part is that he is the lighter smoker of the two of us. I was at 25-30 smoke/day...for 34 years! He would only smoke 10-12 a day. He hadn't really smoked much until the last 10 years.

NOW that our 510 pass thrus have come in, we are BOTH exclusively vaping! I love it...he couldn't get over how well I was doing with vaping...I was always the one to fall off the wagon with the patch, gum, chantix, wellbutrin, etc. I finally found MY answer in vaping. Shout it from the roof-tops, this Kitty doesn't smoke anymore!!thumbsup.gif

I made chili a few nights ago and told my Pirate(hubby) I think I added too much pepper because it sure tastes hotter than usual...did everything the same, though. He just laughed and said, "Say hello to your missing tastebuds!" LOL! I can taste again! I can smell again! YAY!

Hey, just wanna say thanks to everyone for being so nice, willing to share...I really appreciate everyone's support and I'm ready and willing to return the love!!hug.gif

Miss Kitty, I love what your Pirate said about saying hello to your missing taste buds. So funny and right on! :thumbsup:

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Flowers, Hang in there!! I'm on day 32.. My husband just had a heck of a time with the Blu, just couldn't make it work for him, so he kept smoking. He did cut down considerably, and mainly used his Blu at work (cut down his chewing snus, too!!). But at home, he would still smoke. The funny-weird part is that he is the lighter smoker of the two of us. I was at 25-30 smoke/day...for 34 years! He would only smoke 10-12 a day. He hadn't really smoked much until the last 10 years.

NOW that our 510 pass thrus have come in, we are BOTH exclusively vaping! I love it...he couldn't get over how well I was doing with vaping...I was always the one to fall off the wagon with the patch, gum, chantix, wellbutrin, etc. I finally found MY answer in vaping. Shout it from the roof-tops, this Kitty doesn't smoke anymore!!thumbsup.gif

I made chili a few nights ago and told my Pirate(hubby) I think I added too much pepper because it sure tastes hotter than usual...did everything the same, though. He just laughed and said, "Say hello to your missing tastebuds!" LOL! I can taste again! I can smell again! YAY!

Hey, just wanna say thanks to everyone for being so nice, willing to share...I really appreciate everyone's support and I'm ready and willing to return the love!!hug.gif

NOW that our 510 pass thrus have come in, we are BOTH exclusively vaping!

Awesome thing to have!!! WTG to both of you..I use to smoke 2-3 packs a day for 30 yrs. well we use to roll our cigs, so I always had a full zip-lock baggy every day. I think I smoked for maybe 4 days while vaping, and I just stopped smoking one morning and never picked up one again. shortly after I quit, my friend saw what i was using and asked me where I got that at. I told him, and he ordered one within 5 minutes. He quit 2 weeks after I did. At first when i started Vaping, I would have to clear my throat a lot! I dont have that anymore. I just have lots of canker sores now ( they wont go away). I only cough once in awhile and I find my self not vaping as much. all the flavors I did like has changed. I find myself always buying e-liquid due to my taste buds changing.

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I too have stopped smoking, the only time I do is when my friend comes over. We used to smoke together, and he barely smokes. He SAYS he only really does it when he's with me, but he doesn't want a pv. He just likes to hit off mine! Then again, I only smoked for about 2 1/2- 3 years at 1/2 ppd to 15 a day. Still, even that little bit made my taste buds not taste as well, since I started vaping its ridiculous. I loved drinking soda, and now I love it even more! So vaping = good for lungs, bad for weight! HAHA.

Edited by PsychoMaster
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It's great for that horrid morning cough to be gone! I started vaping a year ago and it only took a few days before I realised I was no longer hacking every morning.

I've just started vaping again, after falling off the wagon for a couple of months, so in a few days I will be cough free again. It's such a gross thing really..... a 41 year old woman hacking like a 90 year old man each morning. Definitely NOT a good look. Or sound for that matter. :thumbsdown:

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