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Posts posted by KarateLobster

  1. Also, before I forget - Will there be a video review of the baby? Maybe a comparison of diaper brands, which last longer and provide less "Vapor" ( :P )? Also, if you get the time, the amount of maintenance required to keep a baby in optimal condition (number of hours spent crying versus number of hours of productive parental sleep, amount of baby vomit per ounce of liquid ingested)?

    Enjoy it!

  2. Congrats Chris! It really is a life changing thing - you spend your whole life changing things now (diapers, minds, diapers).

    You're always going to be plagued by the "I don't want to drop my child" mindset. At least I have been. You won't drop the baby ... twice :P

    Before you know it they will be walking/running. Seriously. It's freaky. First they can't even hold their heads up on their own and then BLAMMO there's a naked baby running around the house.

    Most important though - you WILL figure it out. Take what people say, what you read, all with a grain of salt and just use your gut. Every child is different - my boy started talking at 9 months (he's almost 2 now) and my friend's boy who is 16 months old barely says three words. Trust me, you will figure it out.

    That's all for now.

  3. KarateLobster almost every post you make cracks me up, perhaps a possible future PR job? :lol:

    Man would I love to get you in our videos.

    LOL! That would take some serious editing.

    Nope not at all useless, when using carts instead of dripping you need a "primer" puff to get things going then the big billowing clouds of awesomeness shall errupt forth from your lungs  :o

    Very true. Primer puff certainly does help.

  4. I've left mine charging over night and the results were the same. Flashing back and forth between the green and red. Regardless, I have gotten up to seven hours out of one battery. Holy smoke!! Seven hours!! Yes. I tend to take a few puffs (we'll say four good ones. We'll also say cheesburger. Just for the heck of it) then put it down/away for a while. I don't tend to vape the way I used to smoke, unless I'm drinking. Then I get the crazy idea that it would be good to drip instead of using a cart. And so I spill liquid all over myself, drip it on the floor, and make a complete fool of myself whilst convincing my friends that I'm some sort of crack ***** trying to get a fix. To remedy that I have begun to pre-fill all of my carts at night (have a total of ten) so I have plenty to last me throughout the day.

  5. It's a bit like asking why does it matter how much horsepower is in a car, is it just speed?

    Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall, torque is how far you take the wall with you.

    Completely off topic? Yes. Relevant? No, not at all. Interesting little nugget of info? Yeah, sure, why not? Itchy? A little bit.

    Back on topic - I too am enjoying my Dragon. And I have to agree with Chris and DarthVaper - if I don't get the vapor cloud my first thought is "What the HECK!" But not really heck, cuz that's just not the word I use. The word I use sounds more like duck. Anyway, then I think my battery is about dead, or my carts empty, the planets aren't in alignment, I'm wearing the wrong underwear, whatever and take another longer drag. Sure enough, more vapor and more happy.

    That was completely useless, wasn't it?

  6. You're using the JC juice on the dragon right karate? I have a lot of JC juice left over, but I've been scared to try it on the dragon because of the problems I had with it on my Joye510.

    Yup, on the dragon. No issues to report (besides me not knowing how to stuff carts :P ) I've dripped and refilled carts with it. Granted, everything starts to sorta taste the same after a while, but that's besides the point. And this is all with the original atty.

  7. I've been using JC juice without any issues so far. I tend to blow my atty out at least once a day though, and let it drain over night as a precautionary measure. Not sure if that makes a difference or not.

  8. seeing as how they are desinged to vaporize a liquid not solid plant matter I wouldnt recomend it.

    However there is a process to extract (in a way) the active ingredient into a liquid(ish) form. Google it, you may find what you're looking for ...

    I do not condone, or recommend it in any way.

  9. Ok, I’m going to break this review of TrueSmoker.Com's "The Dragon" PV into a few parts to make it easy … for me to write :lol: I’ll start with looks, go to “smoking” (can’t get myself to say vaping, for some reason I have a problem with that term) and all it involves, then end with overall impression. Beyond that I’ll give my impressions as a n00b e-cig smoker as I go along, what I think of the whole process, and my experience with TrueSmoker.Com in particular.

    So let us begin.

    1. Looks:

    • What can I say? This e-Cig is absolutely gorgeous. Sure I may be a little biased because of my preference of dragons and all things dragon. Regardless, this cig is fantastic looking. It has a matte (flat even) black finish, which we all know is sexy as hell. BUT, add to it the very nicely done silk screen of a golden Dragon – which, according to D&D lore is a good dragon - and the sexy factor goes to 11. Add to that the nicely done carrying case, and you’ve got a winner all around. JUST LOOK AT THE DAMN THING!!! Oooooohhhh aaaahhhhhhh oohhhh.


    • Let’s start with vapor production. Ok, so I’m a n00b. I have no idea how to drag on (HA! Drag on, dragon. I’m so clever) one of these things. So, naturally, I smoked it like a cigarette. Well, it worked. Nicely. Granted I smoke by taking slow, long drags. That seems to work very well with this unit. I “primed” it the first few puffs by taking a short drag, blowing it out, and taking another longer drag immediately afterwards. Nice and smooth. Plenty of smoke, but really now, let’s be honest here – isn’t that really for show more than anything else? Would smoking an e-cig be THAT much worse if there was no “smoke” production? Regardless, I would put the vapor production almost on par with a regular cig. Almost. I mean it’s still vapor, right?

    • I’m not sure what “throat hit” is, although I have an idea. That’s not necessarily something I’m after, but I think the way one drags on their e-cig determines if/how much of a throat hit one gets. I’ve read a whole bunch on these forums about people getting/not getting throat hits with the SAME EXACT units (not this one specifically, but X number of people with X unit). From what I gather, it depends on how you smoke, not what you smoke (and to a certain degree the quality of the product). So, I believe I have gotten a throat hit from this unit, don’t really care either way. I also think it depends on the type of smoker you were/are and how you smoked your cigarettes. It wasn’t something I ever really noticed (I am, or was?) a Parliament Lights smoker. Hell, I can blow smoke rings with the vapor, make your own judgment based on that.

    - I have since gained a better understanding of what throat hit is, and I consictently get a throat hit with The Dragon. I have also started dripping and find that I get great vapor, great flavor, and overall great satisfaction by doing so. I simply put around 4 drops of juice on the atomizer, cap it with the empty blank shipping cartridge, and vape away!

    3.Overall Impression

    • Ok, so smoking an e-cig is not the same as smoking a regular cigarette. Duh. However, it is damn close. And much more enjoyable. Seriously, I can smoke in the house. I don’t smell anymore (well, not like cigarettes at least). If it’s raining outside I don’t have to worry about getting wet. In the long run, if done correctly (using e-juice to fill your own carts) it ends up being more economical. As far as safety, or health, is concerned – let’s not kidd anyone here. These things are marginally better than analogs. The main thing going for them is that they have fewer carcinogens, byproducts, and overall badness than analogues. They are, however, still bad for you because they have nicotine and are not perfect. So what. If they are 70% better than analogues it’s a win in my book. If I can lower my nicotine dosage over the course of my smoking, and eventually get off nicotine while still enjoying a smoke I’m ahead of the game. So, in that regard, The Dragon (in all its awesomeness) is helping me help myself. I can’t think of a better way to help myself that with something sexy, like this bitchin’ product!

    4.TrueSmoker – WTF?!

    • 100% awesome. Seriously. Fast shipping. Great service. Someone who cares about their product, the quality, and is willing to go the extra mile to ensure you are happy with the product. How can you fault someone with such impeccable taste and sense of style anyway? Would I recommend TrueSmoker to a friend? Family member? Stranger? Every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Heck, thrice on Sundays.

    Ok, so I hope this helped someone. Maybe not. Who knows. Whatever. Look, here’s the deal – I LOVE THIS THING. Subjective? Absolutely. Honest? 100%. Two beers short of a six pack? You better believe it. Take it for what it’s worth. If you have, or want, an e-cig that works and looks great – buy The Dragon. If you’re new to this whole thing and want something that looks like a cigarette because you’re worried about the “stigma” – STFU and buy The Dragon. If you are an alien from Saturn who has no idea what being an Earthling is about – I can’t help you there. BUT, buy The Dragon and GTFO.

    P.S. – I have absolutely NO affiliation with TrueSmoker, aliens from Saturn, or D&D. I do, however, approve this message.

  10. One cart a day is VERY good. That's about oh I dunno 5-6 drops or so Maybe 8 tops. I myself use about 1ml a day at most. To be honest I don't really keep track. When you move over to liquid you tend to use quite a bit more

    Yeah, I may have jinxed myself after this post. I killed two batteries and two carts tonight. I was drinking, ok drinking is an understatement, so I vaped more. Oh, and I was also Mr. Instructional Video as well so that didn't help - "It's an amazing alternative to smoking. This is how it works. You can also just drip the juice on like so. Sure you can try it. Where's my beer? Hell no you can't borrow it!! Well screw you too! Yeah, the carts are easy to fill. No, I don't think there is a Snickers flavor. Can I have my pants back?"

    Good times.

    Never did get my pants back though. Made for an awkward drive home.

  11. Uh oh into the world of dripping it's all over now! Thick clouds of vapor, and pure vaping madness!


    AND I think I just convinced my sister in law to gt rid of the analoges!! Woo Hoo!!!

    I sounded like a freaking salesman tonight. I could have made a bundle in kit sales if I was :)

  12. I'm a current Dragon user and can attest to it being an awesome product. JD is top notch with his service, and has a quality product. I get great vapor, long battery life, and "throat hit" as well.

    I recently tried dripping (like 2 hours ago lol) and it certainly works well. Lots of vapor, and hit.

  13. Hmmm ... maybe I'm doing something wrong. So far (and we're talking a week here so bear with me) I smoke roughly one cartridge a day. Man that sounds weak! Not sure how many ml that is or anything. I tend to take a few good puffs (maybe 4 at the most) then put it down. I used to smoke a pack a day and thought I would go crazy with this, but it's really been much easier than I thought.

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