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Posts posted by KarateLobster

  1. SON OF A BIZNATCH (damn forum filter!!) WEIGHTS ARE HEAVY!!!!

    The last time I quit smoking I started going to the gym as a sort of outlet. I went RELIGIOUSLY for 6 months. Three times a week, regardless. It was awesome. I hurt like crazy, but it was worth every moment. Then I started smoking again and I stopped going. Somehow smoking made me lazy I guess. Although it was most likely the other stressors in my life at the time that did it. I tried going back a few times, but I couldn't commit. I wasn't getting the same feeling. I would get tired quicker, lose focus, just overall bad. So, now that I'm not technically smoking anymore I decided to start back up this week. So far it's been a week exactly. I started doing cardio (which I never did before) for the heck of it. Not only did I not fall off the bike, but I was NOT out of breath either. What an eye opener. I "biked" over seven miles and was not out of breath. Man I loved it! I'm hitting the gym 5 days a week (in the middle of the work day to break it up a bit) and I've been feeling better and better each day ... with the exception of the soreness of course.

    The first time I went, when I quit smoking, I packed a good 10 pounds of muscle through the routine I was using and changing my diet. I'm hoping to put on at least another 5 pounds of muscle now (this does not include fat or water weight) if not more. Hopefully if I do things right I can hit a goal I set for myself a year ago. I know now, without a doubt, that I couldn't have done this if I had not found e-cigs. Not only am I feeling better because I'm not polluting myself daily, but I can get healthier through exercise.

    Unfortunately my whole damn body hurts right now. I sneezed and felt like asking my wife to call 911 and get an ambulance out here because I thought I broke myself :lol:

  2. Thanks again MunkusBFunky. I was afraid it would too long to be of use, but someone told me to go ahead and post it regardless because no one would read it anyway so it wouldn't matter :lol:

    The 510 is a great unit, and each has its place in my world. I like the 401 when out and about because the carts are working better for me now (getting tired of all the crack head, and "that looks like more of a pain in the rear than it's worth", comments I get from friends and family when I pull out my juice). The 510 is great when chilling at home and stuff, I'm used to my wife calling me a crack head. :lol:

  3. :( That sucks about the tummy issues. I know I ended up getting heartburn from the JC French Vanilla juice. Didn't realize it until I stopped using it. Then a light went on, and I could see ... because my wife turned it on since I was sitting in the dark. AND THEN, after I told her what was up, she was all like "You got heartburn dumbass." It's a tearm of endearment. No seriously. At least that's what she tells me.

    Anyway, that is a nice price for all you got. That's plenty of juice to last you for a while, especially if you keep cutting it with the glycerin you got.

    Not that it would help, but are you drinking a little extra liquid (water, juice, beer, whatever) since you started vaping? I'm not really sure why I'm bringing that up, but I figured I'd toss it out there for the heck of it.

    Hmmmm ... Ijust checked the Johnson Creek site and I didn't get prompted by the age verifier. Wonder if they started having problems and removed it. :mellow:

  4. I own an m401 model e-cig (known as the Dragon). This was my first e-cig. In my review I touted how awesome it was. How it practically made me dinner and paid my parking tickets. Since the time that I got the 401 I also ordered a Joye510 e-cig. Partly because of all the chatter on forums about how completely awesome it was. This e-cig would not only make me dinner and pay my parking tickets but it would also tuck me in at night and battle extra terrestrial aliens hell bent on stealing my socks to performing unmentionable atrocities on them.

    I got my 510 about a week ago from healthcabin.Net. I won’t get into my thoughts on Healthcabin.net, service, shipping, etc. here because that’s not what this review is about. Suffice it to say I was pleased all around. My 510 is the titanium model offered by healthcabin. It came with two atomizers, two batteries, and a 5 pack of high Marlboro flavored whistle tip carts. I also ordered an extra battery and two more atomizers while I was there (plus some juice, but again, I won’t get into that here so stop asking). I’ve been using the 510 almost exclusively this week in order to get a better idea of how it works, best ways to use it, and how it compares to my 401. So, here is my comparison/review for your pleasure.

    Or not. Would it be pleasurable ? Whatever.

    Ok, so what are the big things we look for in e-cigs? Vapor production, ability to deliver throat hit, battery life, atomizer life, flavor delivery, looks, anything else? What am I missing? I think that’s everything. Let’s get to it.

    1. Looks

      • M401
        Ok, the 401 wins this one hands down. The model I have is The Dragon from TrueSmoker.com so I’m biased here. This 401 is matte black with a gold dragon silk screened on it. Very sexy. Most of the other 401s I’ve seen are either black or white, your basic standard color combinations. I give this a 5 out of 5 for looks.


      • 510
        As I mentioned the 510 I got is titanium colored. These models come in a variety of colors – white, black, copper, silver/titanium, etc. I haven’t seen any with any designs on them, but that does not mean they don’t exist. Either way, this is a very nice looking unit. I give this a 3 out of 5 for looks, nice but nothing really special.


      • Other thoughts
        Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Looks do not directly affect vaping functionality. Really? Wow, thanks for that Karate. The point is, keep it in mind but try not to put too much emphasis on it.

      [*]Battery life

    2. M401
      The 401 has fantastic battery life. I’ve gotten up to 7 hours on one battery. There are many factors that contribute to battery life. One of the main factors is whether or not the battery is automatic (activates when you drag on the e-cig) or manual (push button activation). The 401 comes with an automatic battery, increasing battery life because there is a shutoff point when you’re pulling on it. On average I get about 5 hours out of one battery. I give a 5 out of 5 here again.

    3. 510
      Battery life is not nearly as long as the 401. On a great day I’ve gotten close to 4 hours from one battery. On average I’d say I get about 2.5 solid hours out of the batteries. By solid I mean if you add all the time together it amounts to close to 2.5 hours. I’d rate these a 2 out of 5.

    4. Other thoughts
      Battery life is very dependent on vaping habits. If you’re a chain vaper do not expect to get the hours I stated above. I’m not a chain vaper. I take a few drags (up to 6, usually around 4) then put the unit away for a while – anywhere from 15 minutes to hours. So keep this in mind because YMMV (your mileage may vary).

      [*]Atomizer life

      I’ve had my 401 for a little over a month and I’ve burned one atty out. It took about 3.5 weeks to happen. I believe it was user error that caused the burn out, but I can’t say for sure. I’ve had the 510 for a week with no problems. Since I really haven’t had these units long I can’t give you guys a good idea, based on my experience, of how long they should (or tend to) last.

      [*]Vaping experience

      I’m going to cover three things here – vapor production, throat hit, and flavor delivery.

      • Vapor Production

        • M401
          The #1 biggest complain I’ve read about regarding the 401 is vapor production. And automatic batteries. The TWO major complaints I’ve read about the 401 are vapor production, automatic batteries, and leakage … AMONGST the complaints regarding the 401 are such diverse elements as vapor production, automatic batteries, and leakage. Uh … yeah. So, anyway, the m401 produces decent vapor, more so when dripping/dipping than using carts. I have noticed, however, that the juice in use can also affect vapor production, as can the use of automatic batteries since you can’t really control how hot the atomizer gets. Some e-juice produces more vapor regardless. The vapor produced by the 401 is BY FAR not anemic. Definitely adequate and closely resembles that of a regular analogue cigarette. My understanding is that manual batteries for the 401 should be hitting the market soon (no, I HAVE NO IDEA HOW SOON SO DO NOT ASK) and that may change opinions on vapor production (as well as vapor production itself). I would give this a 3 out of 5.

        • 510
          If you’ve spent any time on the internet researching e-cigs you know about the 510. People love this unit because of its ability to create clouds of vapor. The closest I’ve seen to actual analogue smoke. I’ve created a hanging vapor cloud in my basement, reminiscent of when I smoked actually cigarettes in a room, using the 510. I simply cannot do that with the 401. Vapor production on this unit is fantastic. I’m going to give it a 4 out of 5. I can’t bring myself to give it a 5. Not sure why.

      [*]Throat hit

      • M401
        I get throat hit from the 401. Some people say it does not give enough throat hit. This is another one of those highly subjective things – if you’re looking for “great” throat hit this is probably not gonna give that to you. The atomizer does not get hot enough for that. I give it a 3 out of 5

      • 510
        The 510 gives me roughly the same throat hit as the 401. Although at times it seems more. It’s looking like the more I use it, the more I “break in” the atty, the more throat hit I get. Also, how long I drag and if I let the unit heat up before dragging gives greater throat hit. So, I give this a 4 out of 5 on throat hit.

      [*]Flavor Delivery

      • M401
        I get fantastic flavor from the 401. IF the juice is right, otherwise you’re getting nothing. When you’ve got good juice there is definitely flavor. 4 out of 5 here.

      • 510
        Same here. I’ve read people say they get less or no flavor on their 510. I’ve gotten the same, and sometimes more flavor, on mine. No, I can’t explain why. Everyone is different. 4 out of 5 as well.

      [*]Final Thoughts

      Like everything else, YMMV with these units. One thing I have noticed is that the 510 sucks when using carts. I have yet to pack and fill my own carts, so my thoughts on this may change. The 401, on the other hand, is fantastic with carts. It might have something to do with design, or cart filler, or the phases of the moon for all I know.

  5. Sounds like your moving down the right path to figure out where your issue originates.

    If I could make one suggestion though - try changing only one thing at a time. I nother words, start with lower nic concentration first and see if that takes care of the issue. If not, then go the VG route. I only suggest this because if it indeed turns out to not be an allergy thing then you'd be a bit better off as PG based juice is more prevalent than VG based juice. If it doesn't change your reaction, then try the VG based and see if that works.

    Good deal ioth the PCC though!

  6. KarateLobster your welcome to as well, just don't get anything on the seat. ;) Don't try to hold my hand either. I already get enough of that from Sean :lol:

    Wow. I can't hold your hand or get anything on the seats? What the hell is the point. What if I get scared? I may need some support and understanding :wub:

    Well, if you come out this way I'll take you for a spin in the Yugo. I might even let you drive if you ask nicely.

  7. LMFAO! I really need to stop checking this forum while at work. Boss might get suspicious as to why I keep cracking up in my cube all day. But then again they know I'm a little crazy anyway. Probably why they never ask what's so funny. They just give me weird looks. Then my face changes to serious and I stare them down. Yeah that's right...walk away. LOL!


  8. I lived in Northern VA for a bit and would love to go back for a visit, we are now in the good old Hoosier State... when I do head out your way for a visit, I will get ahold of you and we will have that beer... or two... or three... because beer is goooood :) The darker and thicker the better. (I am Irish... what can I say!) Cheers!

    That sounds like a plan then!

    My liver is Irish, so I got that going for me. Which is nice.

    "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" - Ben Franklin

  9. hehe that's why i don't drip... i dip. Got a contact cleaning case and just put enough in it to get the bridge wet so it makes that bubble in the middle... so much easier than trying to drip, with a 401 anyways.

    Reading is fundamental. I re-read your earlier post and saw that it said DIP and not DRIP. I've thought about dipping, but I'm such a klutz I'd end up knocking it all over the place. :blush:

  10. No need to apologize Lacey, at all (honestly I read no malice in your post, just a question. My bad :lol: ). You're on overdrive with this, and I can completely understand how that can make one touchy. Especially after having to fight off the hordes of "non believers" with they party line BS ("It's antifreeze!", "e-Cigs make baby Jesus cry!!")

    And you're completely right about having to step back, collect yourself, and then type out a non emotionally laced (heh, Lacey, laced. I'm such a tool) comment/rant. While it's all good to vent one's frustrations that's not the argument that will win the fight, much less the battle. It almost puts us (and by us I mean those who are at the forefront, like you) in the same league as the the guy on the corner with the "The world is ending!!" sign. Kinda. Ok, maybe that's taking it a bit far.

    Anyway, as for pats on the back, hell if I could you buy you a beer (or wine, or soda if that's what you're into) to thank you for all the leg work you've done I would. But, alas, I have no idea where you live (not asking :lol: ) and sending the money for something like that just seems lame. :P

  11. Interesting issue, and what a terrible way to start off! :(

    However, getting a replacement should fix the issue. Gotta love a supplier that takes care of their customers. Don't worry though, you'll be kicking the analogues to the curb as soon as you get the fix.

  12. Thanks MunkusBFunky! I doubt the Truesmoke will disappoint. I'm interested in what your thoughts are of it when you get it. If anything to see how two palates compare.

    I'm glad the Dragon is treating you well. I'm still loving it, and I do drip. Like crazy. Matter of fact I went a little crazy with the drops during this review and had to go into evasive action to keep the battery from getting flooded :lol:

  13. uhhhhh, ummmmm, I think I'm gonna say no on the whistle tips. I have whatever came with the starter kit. I'm assuming regular, plain-old 510 carts.


    Are the carts round? If not then they are whistle tips. Mine came with the whistle tips and I've noticed they fit snug.

  14. Haha...great way to start a party! I can just picture it now.

    Everyones chillin in the backyard. I throw some steak on the grill. Then Chris goes "Damn none of us have any lighters since we all vape now."

    KarateLobster jumps in, "I got it!"

    Sticks his arm out and torches all the steak. His shirt catches on fire then he runs off while screaming "RRRRRRRRAASSSSSSSSPUUUUUUTAN!!"

    ROFL!! :lol::lol::lol:

    First time I read that I thought you said my skirt caught on fire! lol

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