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Posts posted by KarateLobster

  1. After I ordered my JC sampler pack i decided to get myself another e-juice to use for comparison purposes. I had to order some extra parts from TrueSmoker for my Dragon e-Cig and figured I would go ahead and try some of his juice while I was there.

    I'm going to use a similar methodology to my JC Juice review, with a few changes. I'm working out a system for reviews using a 5 cloud rating system for vapor production (as opposed to a 1 - 10 scale). I'm also going to be reviewing the juice in regards to how it works on both of my e-cig models - the m401 Dragon and the 510.

    1. Shipping

    Shipping from TrueSmoker is always fast. Typical ship times run in the 3 - 4 business day arena. So far every one of my orders has been packaged and shipped the same day via USPS (US Postal Service, just in case) express mail. A tracking number is provided so you can check the USPS tracking site and see that the USPS tracking system is a complete joke. They basically have two statuses - shipped and received. Wow. Thanks. I already know it shipped and, since the package is in my hands already, I appreciate you taking the time to remind me of that. Go USPS. From what I've been told it depends on who's at the sorting facility and if they make the effort to scan and update the status. Whatever, this is something completely out of TrueSmoker's control anyway so my rant has no bearing on this review. But thanks for listening.


    The e-Juice came packaged in bubble wrap. PLENTY of bubble wrap. The bottle itself is a plastic dropper bottle - the dropper is built into the bottle as opposed to being part of the cap and removable. the bottle also has a child proof cap, making it impossible for children and the old to open. Also, kinda hard to do one handed. At first I thought it was unscrewed when I got it (see, the childproof cap spins ans spins like it's open, but it's not)! Totally freaked me out as I thought it had leaked everywhere, but it didn't.


    The flavor I ordered was TrueSmoke, labeled Like Smoke on the bottle, in 18mg strength. TrueSmoker describes the flavor on the website as "A unique flavored juice very enjoyable smoke." Not much to go on there. So I dropped a few drops on my m401 atomizer and took a few drags. The best way I describe the flavor is akin to that of a medium bodied (i.e. not full flavored. So like a medium, or a light) cigarette. Honestly this is the closest thing to a real cigarette that I have smoked. I'm talking tobacco here, not the "I just licked an ashtray" cigarette flavor. There is a slight sweet undertone, kinda like a molasses flavor. I very much enjoy vaping this juice and plan on getting more in the near future. If you're looking for something that closely approximates the taste of a real cigarette give this a try.


    Here's how the rating system will work - I'm going to use a 1 - 5 scale instead of a 1 - 10 scale like I did with the JC juice. Why? Because I want to. Also because a 1 - 10 scale involves way to much thought. I mean, there so many more numbers to consider!

    Anyway, here's the scale breakdown:

    1. 1.
      Barely any to no vapor. Anemic even.

      Noticeable vapor, but not a whole lot. Think "I don't really smoke but pretend I do in order to look cool. But I really have no idea what I'm doing. Did I even light the right end? Maybe nobody will notice."

      Vapor production is there and is adequate. Vapor is definitely noticeable, and thick without being overly thick. Closest to smoking a cigarette.

      Wow! This is a 3 taken to the next level. Nice billowing clouds of vapor. Enough to make other people jealous and wonder if there is something wrong with you.

      HOLY CRAP BATMAN!! I CAN'T SEE A THING! A cloud of vapor which beams of light could not penetrate. So thick, in fact, that the mere sight of it would cause you to weep uncontrollably.

    I'll further break this down by device to give a better impression, starting with the m401 and moving to the 510:

    • m401 - The Dragon

      I didn't use a cart, only dripped on the atomizer for best and quickest results. I typically had to take a primer puff or two before I got any substantial vapor using the JC juice. Not so with TrueSmoke. I inhaled once and the amount of vapor simply blew me away. This was the first time I had vaped anything that came even remotely close to cigarette smoke. At first blush I was going to give this a 5 on vapor production. But that was just ridiculous. Seriously. Technically a 5 is only reachable by something that would make people think either I, or my house, was on fire. A 5 would involve a call to 911 to get the fire department out to save me. So, with that said, I give this a strong 3. How is a strong 3 different from a regular, or light, 3? It's not. I just aided that word to drive home the idea that I strongly gave this a 3 in the vapor department. I didn't tentatively give it a 3, I slammed that 3 on the table and made you look at it. I put it right there in front of your face so you could see it flex its muscles and bare its teeth like a caged wild dog. This 3 would make you crap your pants if you saw it in a dark alley at night. Get it? Good.

    • 510 - The ... uh ... 510

      I dripped on the 510 as well. Looks like that's going to be my modus operandi, or MO if you prefer, so get used to it. Ok, I dripped, hit the button, and took a drag. I'd give this a - before I get into that, how long do you hold your button down on your manual batteries? I press it down for a sec before I drag then I take like a 5 second drag, take my finger of the battery, and finish off the drag. Is that how you do it? I'm curious really. Anyway, where was I? Right, the vapor production. The 510 gave me a solid 4 on vapor. I don't want to say that the vapor was incredibly more than the 401, but there was definitely more vapor. This is due in part to the manual battery, but also is a testament to both the e-juice itself and the 401.

    1. Throat Hit

    As I've mentioned throat hit is not something I'm after. I do realize, however, that it is high on other people's lists of what they are looking for in a e-cig so I'll address it either way. Throat hit for both e-cigs was present. At times it seemed overly harsh with both, but that was a product of the way I was inhaling as opposed to the e-juice itself. I can say this because, while throat hit was consistent, the harshness was not. Can I rate this on a 1 -5 scale? No. Why not? I have nothing to compare it to. Is it like a cigarette? i don't really know. I can't recall there being a throat hit with regular cigarettes. The TrueSmoke juice definitely left a tingling sensation (or burning, depending on how you describe it) at the back of the throat or in the mouth. So there you have it.

    Overall Impression

    This is a great product. Not overly strong, a good cigarette (tobacco) flavor with a nice sweet (molasses like) chaser. Great vapor production, throat hit for those looking for it, and a great supplier to get it from. I highly recommend TueSmoker's Truesmoke juice. You will not be disappointed.

    So there you have it! My Truesmoke juice review. Hopefully I've helped you along in the decision making process.

    P.S. – I have absolutely NO affiliation with TrueSmoker.com. I do, however, approve this message.

  2. Why do you think that Karate? They weren't that bad, slightly aggressive, but not that bad and someone did post a link to Dr. Siegel which is awesome. :)

    I have seen your comments before on articles so I know you have a totally different way of going about it which I completely respect. Just FYI. ;)

    When I originally read the article there were three comments. Here's one:


    How does this help? It would have been better to not post anything than to post a comment that makes e-cig users seem like filth spewing, adolescent, idiots. That's what I think a comment like this does.

    a second comment:

    E-Cigarettes are much better for you then regular smokes. The FDA lied about all of this because they are corrupt. The FDA is in with Big tobacco and Big Pharm so of course they don't want a healthier product coming out, that would take away money from them.

    Why? This started out good but then went right down hill. Calling the FDA corrupt does not lend any credence to any argument. Regardless of whether or not they are, or are not, saying they are, and basing your whole comment (argument) on it, is useless. "Ok, the FDA is corrupt because you don't agree with what they are doing. Fine. Please go away now, and let those who can make a valid point and back it up, get to the front of the line." And of course there is the conspiracy theory. Again, regardless of its validity is an empty position. "This is BS because the FDA is corrupt and they are in bed with Big Tobacco and Big Pharma!!" Whatever. That's not going to change minds and make them think "Hey, you know, this rabid poo flinging monkey makes a good point. Maybe I should reconsider my position and look at this with an open mind." Had they maybe added some facts about how e-cigs are better, well, then we're talking.

    The rest of the comments start to move towards the open lines of communication. They adult point of view if you will. I've seen everything that you are doing Lacey, and I respect every bit of it. You're really putting yourself out there and doing as much as you can to get this into the spotlight and get people involved in fighting the good fight. People like the above, in my opinion, actually hurt that idea.

    The way I see it stuff like this turns people off. For all they know the "big deal" is that people using the e-cig are just pissed because the FDA is, potentially, disagreeing with them. FOR NO GOOD REASON.

    Does that make sense? I kinda went on a tangent there and lost myself.

  3. I looked at the link and they are identical to what i have. i also have a Blu kit just got it and its like 20% smaller and does not show up on the page above.....what is the class model etc of that...

    I do not know about the blucig. If I remember correctly it's a two piece model instead of a three piece (cartomizer instead of atomizer and cart). I don't really know if it has a "generic" alternative. I'm sure someone else on the forum may know though.

  4. the SE gold I believe is compatible with the RN4081 so anything you find that says it will work with that model number should work with your unit.

    Here's a good thread to look over as well --> http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/topic/467-a-guide-to-e-cigs-and-their-model-numbers/

    Welcome to the forums.

  5. A member had asked if a thread such as this existed. I didn't see one so I took the liberty of borrowing this information from a post put together by imsewsure over at ECF. I fully intend to give it back once we're done with it. :)


    • Noob, n00b, newbie - Beginner
    • OP - Original Post(er)
    • Analog, analogue - Regular Cigarette
    • Mod - Homemade device/Moderator.
    • Pull - The act of sucking on the mouthpiece to pull the vapor into your mouth
    • TH - Throat Hit (The tingling sensation in the back of your throat)
    • Vapor - the "smoke" emitted from an e-cigarette
    • Vape, Vaping - The use of an e-cigarette (similar to the term "smoking" when referring to an analog)
    • Topping off - Adding drops of e-liquid to your current cartridge.
    • Dripping - Vaping by adding a few drops of e-liquid directly on the atomizer instead of using a cartridge.
    • Dipping - Sticking the bridge of the atomizer in e-liquid.


    • E-cig or E-cigarette - Electronic Cigarette
    • PV - Personal Vaporizer
    • Atty - Atomizer
    • Cart - Cartridge
    • Bat - Battery
    • Filler - The fiber found inside your cartridge that holds your e-liquid
    • PCC - Personal Charging Case
    • SD - ScrewDriver
    • JS - Janty Stick
    • PT - Passthrough or passthrough battery
    • 2-piece/Disposable - 2 part e-cigarette. The Battery and a "cartomizer".
    • Cartomizer - An atomizer built into the cartridge, marketed as disposable (you throw it away when the e-liquid is used up).
    • 3-piece - 3 part e-cigarette. Battery, Atomizer, and Cartridge.
    • Cutoff - Refers to how long the battery will activate the atomizer before shutting down (safety measure to protect the atomizer).


    • E-juice, e-liquid, juice - the liquid that you fill your cartridges with.
    • DIY - Do it yourself (homemade e-liquid mixture)
    • PG - Propylene Glycol
    • VG - Vegetable Glycerin
    • PEG - Propylethylene Glycol

    Anything else can be added as needed. Hope this helps!

    • Tennessee Cured

    This tasted like cinnamon and vanilla to me, with some smokey tobacco somewhere in there as well. It turned out to not be a bad vape at all, so that was good. I'm not sure what Tennessee is supposed to bring to the game in this one, but I'm guessing the Cured part deals with the smokey tobacco flavor hints. Probably the best in the bunch. Of the "I'm tobacco like" flavor types. Of which there was two. And the other tasted like nothing to me. So ... take that for what it's worth.

  6. From my experience, pissing your wife off (or I guess pissing MY wife off) can produce a throat kick.

    Also, annoying a mule while standing behind it can very possibly lead to a throat kick. But that would depend on many variables like angle of kick, angle to the mule, your height versus the mule's height, etc.

  7. On average I would say about 4 weeks from an atomizer. Again, that's an average based on my experience. If you haven't already I would order a few (say 4) atomizers to have as backups as that will most likely be the first thing to go. I think the jury is still out on whether or not cleaning extends or shortens the life of atomizers, everyone seems to have a different opinion on the matter.

  8. BILLS!!! Yay!!

    And some COUPONS for crap I would never buy. Like siding, and lawn service, and a midget.

    Oh yeah, and a bubble wrap envelope with two 5ml bottles of e-juice from VaporTalk. One Dulcis and one Mentha. I'll be reviewing these and comparing them with the 401 and 510. Along with some Healthcabin and TrueSmoker e-juices.

    Did I mention the bills? Yah? ok.

    How about the coupons? Yah again? Alrighty then.

    I also got bit by a ravenous mosquito with a mustache. Seriously, this thing had a mustache. Kinda looked like Ron Jeremy.

  9. Ha ha rhymes with duck lol

    Has anyone noticed that the swear filter on this forum changes the F work to duck? (I thought it was funny, not many people have noticed so far)

    I haven't actually written a swear word yet. I just figured it would get filtered anyway.

    Um, I just tested the swear filter and it may need to be tweaked a little bit.

  10. In response, let me just say: Rrrrrutebeggga. (I have to say it that way cause I don't know how to spell it).

    I've only tried the 3 flavors and I agree chocolate truffle was not impressive -- I think somebody put a real truffle in there, although I've never had a chocolate covered mushroom ... Haven't found one yummy chocolate yet -- why is that so hard?

    JC Original is kinda empty flavorwise, just a bit sweet like maybe brown sugar or something. My first reaction was EW!, but now it has grown on me (like truffles?). It's a smooth, sweet tobacco, makes me think of pipe smoke.

    Tennesse Cured is just a smooth smokey tobacco, kinda JC Orig without the sweetness. I prefer it to a Marlbro or Camel "flavored" tobacco.

    My husband says that the vapor with these definitely smells stronger than any of the others I've tried, is he just attempting to draw attention away from the analog stench in his room or has anyone else noticed this?

    Thanks KarateLobster -- you're review is way FUN!

    My wife also noticed the smell. Especially the espresso. I will not repeat what she had to say about it, only to say one of the words rhymed with duck, the other with grass. So, something like "that smells like ducking grass!"

    I just pictured ducking grass, made me smile a little bit.

    Rrrrrrrrrrrrrutebegggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! This IS Rrrrrutebegggaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

    That was fun :)

  11. Have you noticed all of them except the peach smell like hazelnut? It's really strange.

    I did notice a common smell/taste in all of them. I chalked it up to vanilla, but hazelnut might be more accurate ...

    I just tried it, and I would have to say this is pretty much spot on. I threw it out.


  12. Actually, I said it just came in the mail today :P

    It's definitely better! I ordered from E wicked, since they have 20% off at the moment and it came with a case. The case was pointless, since it's way to big to pocket. The closest thing I can compare it to is a 3.5" desktop hard drive, but I think it's actually bigger. I would suggest getting the pcc if you need something to carry it in.

    Here's a picture comparison the the dragon and the titan case.

    Jimminy Cricket that case is ridonkulous!

    But enough thread hijack ...

  13. just got a Titan in the mail today.

    You gotta let me know what you think of the 510. Like you I also ordered a 510, it should be arriving next week.

    Back on topic though - I have nothing to give you with this. I've seen the ads, and they are EVERYWHERE! But some research made me think otherwise.

  14. Chris - GET THE FUDGESTIX OUT OF HERE!!! That is SLICK. Although it does require some amount of dexterity ...

    Darth - You hit it on the nose, or face mask. Oxygen delivery device? Whatever the hell you got on your face there. The PV simply does not satisfy, and I think it's mainly due to expectations. You know, due to what one is used to from back in the analogue days. Now, I've been good about not reaching for the analogues (I actually don't have any, finished the pack before starting with the PV), but I haven't been around any smokers while enjoying the wonderful nuances of my New Castle beers so I don't know how tempted I would be. You good sir (or bad sir ... good Sith? Bad Sith? DAMN IT I'M SO CONFUSED!!!) are a stronger man than I however, I can't give up my beer.

  15. When I was a smoker I noticed that the more I drank, the more I smoked. I mean, on a righteous night of drinking I would easily burn away one to two packs. Without thinking twice. I was a pack a day smoker and could smoke a pack in no time flat when getting my drink on.

    Now, when I vape and drink, I vape like it's going out of style. I tend to use carts specifically when I'm going to get inebriated because I learned that if I drip, I DRIP. On the atty, the floor, my pants, EVERYWHERE. And no, dipping is totally not an option.

    So does anyone else find themselves to chain vape when enjoying a plethora of adult beverages?

  16. I commented on the examiner article and on the first one mentioned. I'll be emailing the AP as well.

    EDIT - I clicked the links to see if any of the comments had been approved and saw that Lacey's original comment on the first article linked HAS BEEN REMOVED! No effort was made to change the story either.

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