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Posts posted by KarateLobster

  1. My main issue is with the reviewer dude they used at the beginning of the clip "they are completely healthy and 100% healthy". This is the issue the FDA is attacking. This is not an apple, or bran fiber, it's a nicotine delivery system. Nicotine, by virtue, is not healthy.

    Not many people realize that nicotine is also sold commercially in the form of a pesticide! And every year, many children go to the emergency room after eating cigarettes or cigarette butts. Sixty milligrams of nicotine (about the amount in three or four cigarettes if all of the nicotine were absorbed) will kill an adult, but consuming only one cigarette's worth of nicotine is enough to make a toddler severely ill.

    Source from HowStuffWorks - http://health.howstuffworks.com/nicotine7.htm

    Right there we've shot ourselves in the foot. I can't blame the FDA for WHAT they are doing, or even WHY, it's the HOW that gets to me.

    A Simple - "We're not sure how safe these products are for consumers so we want to test them. In the mean time we caution consumers on the use of these nicotine delivery systems but do not feel a ban should be considered until further data is available. We would also like to strongly urge any retailers ensure that these products are not available to persons under the legal cigarette age." Would have worked so much better. Instead, we have this s**t storm.

  2. Ahh I see well you could go the needleles (or needle-less not sure to lazy to spell check) syringe route (like the ones you use to give kids cough medicine and such) you would still be able to measure the amount of ejuice you use for each cart.


    That's a great idea! Time to do some research.

  3. you could always buy a syringe they are cheap and you know exactly how much juice your putting in every cart.

    Why you gotta go and get all logical and stuff???


    I thought about that, but I have a 22 month old at home and my wife has already jump all over my butt about where I leave my "supplies". So, while it would greatly help, I'm that much of a doofus that I may get myself into a bad situation with it. :(

  4. Thanks Royce.

    I realized last night I forgot to add one thing to the review, so I'll add it here (can't seem to edit the original):

    1. Throat Hit!

    About that - throat hit is not something I am actively looking for, it's not on the top of my list of things I need from an e-juice. Some people can't live without it, it's their everything. Like plastic surgery to Michael Jackson. Not so much for me, so that's why I forgot to add it. That, and the fact that there seems to be little throat hit. It's there, it exists. It's not an "OMG!" type experience. The sample pack is 18mg PG based. This could have something to do with it, especially using a 401. Because of the overall temperature that the atty gets, and the medium nic content, it could possibly lead to reduced (or lower, less noticeable, whatever!) throat hit. I would imagine that on a manual setup things may be different. So, if your using an auto battery, with 18mg JC juice, don't expect a big throat hit. Based on my experience.


  5. I have the dragon like you do, but I stopped using it...kinda. Ok I'm actually vaping it as I type this out while I let my joye510 charge. It tastes pretty nasty right now actually. I let my cousin and his friends try it out while we were all dranking and getting drunk. They loved this thing so much they were puffing on it like there was no tomorrow. I wonder if they messed up the atomizer somehow.

    Anyway, to get back on topic...I don't fill the carts anymore, but when I did I usually got 11 or 12 drops into it. 13 if I got really lucky. This is with a 10ml bottle from truesmoker.

    That sux! You should have them chip in for another new atty or two. Just in case they got their alcohol breath all over it and ruined it! :P

    I have yet to fill a fresh cart with the TrueSmoker juice, I've only dripped so far. I'll keep your numbers in mind though.

  6. Probably one of the most entertaining reviews I"ve ever seen, and I've seen a lot of reviews. It's a shame really JC just changed their flavors and it was supposed to be stronger, I guess they still don't have it down. I'll have to order some one day. But with some of the negative reviews I'm in no rush.

    Keep up the good work


    Thanks! It may not necessarily be a JC thing. I forgot to mention this in my review but, since I really have just quit smoking analogues, it may be that my taste buds are still a bit off. It's one of the things I keep forgetting, and I suppose others do as well, that it takes some time for a person's full range of flavor to return after quitting. I'm surprised every day by the "new" things I can taste and smell.

  7. Well I do not have a 401 but I have been using refilling carts for some time. What I did discover is every bottle I have ever had gave me a different count. Soft squeezie clear bottle, soft squeezie white bottle, eye dropper bottle, then it also depends on 2ml, 3ml, 10ml, 30ml, 50ml.

    yes -- every bottle does drip different size drops AND depends on the viscosity of the juice. So it is all relative.

    so sorry to confuse the issue.rolleyes.gif

    I completely understand. I wish I had a better measure to use. Like somehow figure out how many ml, or parts thereof, fit into a cart to gauge if I'm getting the same per cart or just fooling myself. Would help to know what the optimum is per cart filler material (aquarium stuff, poly batting, pyramid tea bags, etc) to make sure each cart is the same as the last.

    Ugh, I just made this more difficult I think.

  8. Ok so I'm nearly done with my JC Sampler pack. To give some background - I ordered the sampler pack right after I ordered my Dragon (m401 from TrueSmoker). So I've had it for nearly a month now. I vaped one flavor at a time, cleaning the atty before moving on to a new flavor. Ok, enough of that. Let's get to the review!

    Before I actually get into the review I just wanted to remind everyone that I've had the sampler pack for about a month now.

    Not sure why I had to repeat that.

    Right, here we go then:

    1. Shipping!

    Shipping took longer than expected. I'd like to say it was about a week. I'd also like to say Rasputin because it's a fun word. Go ahead, say it. See what I mean? Now draw out the R so it sounds like Rrrrrrrrrrasputin. Much more fun! Anyway, shipping took about a week (ordered on the 17th got it on the 24th).

    Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrasssssssputin! Drawing out the S as well is kinda fun too!

    1. Packaging!

    Was great. Everything was nicely bubble wrapped and fit in a little round tin. The dropper tops were packaged separately from the bottles, probably to ensure that there was no leakage. The bottles hold roughly 2ml of e-juice, are nicely labeled, and are made of awesome. Not really, it's just regular glass. Brown glass. Of course once you put the droppers in the bottles they don't fit in the tin anymore (well, they fit you just can't put the lid back on). But hey, you can't have everything right?

    1. Flavors!

    The sampler pack comes with 10 flavors. So 10 bottles of 10 different e-juice flavors. Ten. Flavors. Of. E-Juice. They are(in no particular order)(except, like, first to last):

    • French Vanilla

      Ok, so this tasted like Vanilla. Wow, big surprise. I detected no undertones of French though, so that was a little disappointing. Although I have no idea what French would taste like. Frog legs maybe? So, chicken? Or possibly S-Car-Go? No clue. This flavor did, however, give me heartburn. I really couldn't wait until I was done with it because of that. My only complaint.

    • Summer Peach

      To me this tasted like peaches. At first. After the first cart it seemed to have lost all flavor. Excpet every once in a while I would taste the peach. I can't really say if that was a problem with the juice or if it was an issue with my taste buds. Again, no summer flavor. I would imagine summer tastes like fresh grass clippings, sun tan lotion, and hot dogs. So in a way I'm glad there was no summer flavor otherwise I would have probably puked.

    • Simply Strawberry

      Simply put - strawberry. The whole time. Maybe I'm partial to strawberries, or maybe it was because the vapor was just sooooo damn sweet. For me this one never lost its flavor. Except when there was no more. Then it tasted like disappointment and shattered dreams. Nothing but shattered dreams, shattered dreams, Feel like I could run away, run away,

      From this empty heart ...

    • Black Cherry

      Right. I can't really explain this one. I liked it. It was sweet. Much like vaping a piece of candy. I guess there was a cherry flavor. There was definitely a flavor. I vaped this after I was done with the strawberry so I may have been having some sort of flavor memory, or something. I did enjoy it quite a bit though. Another sweet vape.

    • Chocolate Truffle

      This one I did not like. To me it tasted like a whole bunch of nothing. Seriously. The only thing I really noticed was an odd smell upon exhale. Like, burnt something. Maybe burnt chocolate. Not impressed. Could have done without this one.

    • Arctic Menthol

      Minty, kinda. Weak minty. I wasn't a menthol smoker but I had my sister in law who's a menthol junkie try it. Seriously, she would mainline the stuff if she could! I think I actually saw her eat a pack of menthol cigarettes once. Crazy! Anyway, she said it tasted like vanilla. So that was TOTALLY useless. So there was some minty-ness to it but I think if you're a menthol smoke this will not do it for you.

    • Espresso

      I was soooooo looking forward to this juice!! I was practically salivating just to try it. I would stare at longingly while vaping whatever the f***k juice I was subjecting myself to (read: I was asleep and having some VERY vivid dreams). I was also INCREDIBLY disappointed! I like espresso. I like coffee. I hated this stiff. It tasted like burnt coffee. No, that's not descriptive enough. It tasted like burnt coffee grounds that had been eaten by a cat, pooped out, then re-used and RE-BURNED! Absolutely terrible. Bad aftertaste, bad smell on exhale. Just bad all around. Like getting a paper cut and then squeezing a lemon while someone is pouring buffalo sauce on your junk. Terrible.

    • Mint Chocolate

      See chocolate truffle above. Then add a little bit of arctic menthol. That about covers it. Not bad, not good, not really much of anything.

    • Tennessee Cured

      I have not tried this yet. Once I do I will update this post to reflect my feelings.

    • JC Original

      Currently vaping this. Not sure what to think really. Kinda empty? Does that even make sense?

    1. Vapor!

    On a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being nothing and 5 being way to small of a number, so we'll say 1 to 10 instead, I would put vapor production around a 5. I had nothing to compare vapor production to, really. But I got some TrueSmoker e-juice from TrueSmoker and that stuff made vapor like crazy!! I mean holy smo ... uh,vapor! So 1 is nothing and 10 is my TrueSmoker juice the JC stuff lands squarely at a 5.

    Throat Hit!

    About that - throat hit is not something I am actively looking for, it's not on the top of my list of things I need from an e-juice. Some people can't live without it, it's their everything. Like plastic surgery to Michael Jackson. Not so much for me, so that's why I forgot to add it. That, and the fact that there seems to be little throat hit. It's there, it exists. It's not an "OMG!" type experience. The sample pack is 18mg PG based. This could have something to do with it, especially using a 401. Because of the overall temperature that the atty gets, and the medium nic content, it could possibly lead to reduced (or lower, less noticeable, whatever!) throat hit. I would imagine that on a manual setup things may be different. So, if your using an auto battery, with 18mg JC juice, don't expect a big throat hit. Based on my experience.

    1. Exclamations!!!!!!!!


    1. Overall Impressions!

    As a vapeing n00b I think the JC Juice is a good return on investment. Some may complain about the price, about the overall amount, etc. But, as a first timer, I think it's a good way to get one accustomed to re-filling their own carts, learning how to repack and refill their carts, learning how to drip/dip, and getting immersed in the wold of vaping. Yes, there are other suppliers out there who offer sampler packs. Awesome. Rad even. The point is still the same. Would they taste different? Make more vapor? Possibly. This was the sampler I found and went with. This is my opinion on it. The fact that they come in 2ml is good. If you don't particularly care for a flavor it's not that big of a deal. You can get through it and move on. If you had a 5 or 10ml bottle you would be much more upset if it sucked.

    So I hope someone finds this at least marginally helpful. Maybe. Most likely not. Whatever. I'm gonna go cry now.


  9. If you refill your carts, which you should (seriously), how many drops do you get into 'em? I'm talking regardless of what mod you may have in place (i.e. the straw mod, or air vents of some sort)?

    I've been getting between 9 and 12 drops (JC juice so JC droppers) in my carts. I've gotten as many as 15, but I think that may have been either a fluke or I didn't have enough cart filler. I may have also lost count that time. OR, I'm just lying. Which happens, I won't lie to you.

    Or WOULD I?

  10. While I think regulation could be a good thing, and their still is a bunch we don't know about the e-cig and the interaction of the chemicals in the juice, etc, the tactics being employed by (partly) the FDA but mostly the politicians is wrong.

    Sure they should test them, lead to some quality control. Absolutely they should not be marketed to anyone who can't buy tobacco products. But calling for an outright ban is yet another example of government (Federal, State, Local, etc) thinking they somehow have the right to tell me what I can and cannot do to/with myself. I am completely capable of making my own decisions, thank you, and you (government) simply do not have the right to tell me otherwise.

  11. 61 posts in one month plus humor...your already on your way :)

    60 of those posts lack any real content and the humor is only a mechanism I use to seem normal and try to fit in, to make people like me.

    Sooooo thanks for making me feel like a loser Christopher, thanks alot.


  12. Personally think each state should have someone go to the media and give out info on the truth behind the fda tests and the facts about how much safer ecigs are then analogs. If enough information is circulated then we will end up with a bigger chance at preventing our safer alternative from getting banned, I really don't want to resort to going back to analogs.

    BTW, hope you didn't mind VT being mentioned. Wonder how many new people will check out the boards once they read the paper :P

    While I agree I'm going to go ahead and play Devil's Advocate here. TO quote Jerry Maguire - Show me the money! In other words, where's the proof that e-cigs are "safer"?

    Please, keep in mind I'm playing Devil's Advocate here. I'm looking at this from the FDA point of view (in a perfect world, I know). Once, and IF, the FDA can unequivocally prove that e-cigs are safer, even if marginally, this all goes away. Theoretically.

  13. Interesting, isn't it, how we can come up with this information, figure out that a precedent might be set by these muckity mucks, and yet they don't seem to understand it.

    Of course it all boils down to politics. It's not about public safety, regulation, or anything like that. Politics (Who's side do I have to be on in order to not get blacklisted and have a prosperous career in the system) and money (who's going to line my pockets the most so I can be rich whilst being part of the system).

    Taking the argument further (as you hinted at Lacey) one could postulate that any substance not approved by the FDA could have serious health ramification for anyone. Medicines, vitamins, foods, liquids, regardless of any age restrictions. How many medicines are prescribed by doctors which are not FDA approved? Sure, they might be controlled (in a sense) but all you have to do is ask the doctor and, chances are, if the rep from that particular company has been by to generously drop off samples, you'll get it. Medicine is no longer (and hasn't been for a while) about making people better as it is about making people money.

    This makes me ill. People say "You can't complain! You didn't vote in the primaries!! It's ultimately your own fault that these people are representing you!!" You know what? Last time I checked every name on the ballot belonged to a politician. Politicians haven't represented their constituents in WAY too long. It's bad for their bottom line. It's political suicide to do so. Politics is one of the hardest, most evil games, anyone could play. Yet, we're all impacted by it.

  14. I'm thinking this ban thing may be a slippery slope for the FDA and all those political type folks. Here's why, and please bear with me for a moment - to quote the above "I will vigorously fight to ban e-cigarettes, unless approved by FDA". Now, please someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not believe that cigarettes are approved by the FDA. So, using that logic, this fellow should be tased in the bean bag (multiple times) because he just set a precedent to have analogue cigarettes, and the sale thereof, also banned in his state of Connecticut. Now let's look at the bigger picture - other states follow suite with banning "non approved" e-cigarettes. How can they then allow for the sale of "non approved" analogue cigarettes?

    Do we have any lawyers on the forum who could put together a case with this? Maybe at a Federal level? An overall ban on e-cigs due to "non FDA approved" status would cause an immediate ban of analogues under the same statute?




  15. Ha ha.

    Actually usually VIP members get first dibs (if they want to) On samples and free products. How do you become a VIP member you may ask? I usually give out VIP access to members that are not hit and run members (members that come on the board, post for a while and then bounce out) Also members that help spread the word about Vapor Talk or who do reviews etc can make it into the VIP Group and hidden area.

    There are currently only 3 VIP members in the group and hidden area. What's behind those doors? Some may never know....


    I can't stop myself sometimes.

    So no one night stands, spread the good word, and review stuff.

    Got it.

  16. If I blow into the battery it lights right up. Same goes if I draw on the battery with no atty. It seems to be this particular battery/atty combo, which is odd. It seems to be working better now anyway, which means there be gremlins in my shizz. I really can't explain it.

    Oh, and thanks for the Janty Stick heads up. While I'm ready to experiment with another unit, I don't think I'm quite at the point of using something that does not resemble an analogue in shape and size. I get enough crap using the Dragon (one friend calls it a FIG for fake cigarette lol). Busting out with the Janty would be too much to deal with at this point :blush:

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