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Everything posted by CASEACE79

  1. I hated mine too. You need to get the exact number of drops to get any vapor out of it at all. I keep mine as a back up in case I run out of attys. I had 3 burn out on me in 2 days and was glad I kept my mega atty handy.
  2. Burn thanks for the heads up. I'll definitely check it out after the holidays. Strapped for cash at the moment.
  3. Please help! I'm looking for a good coffee vape and haven't quite found it yet. I've tried vapor bombs coffee with sugar and it was too bold. Really tasted like black coffee. I've tried vaperite's kona cream and it is good but too light for me and kinda had a slight hint of anise or black licorice. So here's your chance to chime in and let me know who's got the best cup o' joe in the town. Thanks again for the help. You guys and gals are the best!
  4. I am learning that I shouldn't try and predict what a flavor is going to taste like because if it isn't what I've expected I confuse that with not liking it. That's what happened with Dulcis. I was expecting more of a weathers origional caramel flavor and that's not what Dulcis tastes like to me. It's more of a rich tobacco with a kinda burnt caramel taste to me and not burnt in a bad way but more of a caramelized sugar burnt. Like the top of a cremé brûlée. It is steady climbing the charts. Definitely in my top 5.
  5. Can't say I've had this happen. Thanks for the heads up. Too funny. LMAOMEP!!!!
  6. I'm pretty new here too. Only been vaping for a month but have tried probably 30 different flavors already. So here's my top 5 so far. 1. Bobas Bounty from Alien Visions ( tobacco with a kinda gramcracker taste) 2. Atomic Cinnacide from Tasty Vapor ( think red hots) 3. Geoff's Blend from Tasty Vapor ( think juicyfruit gum with a bit of cinnamon) 4. Dulcis from Vapor Talk store ( caramel tobacco) 5.Flue Cured from Alien Visions ( smooth tobacco)
  7. This shows ya how subjective taste is. I can't stand this juice. I would have to say that it is in my bottom 5 of my least favorite juices.
  8. Right now Dulcis. It's definitely growing on me. Hated it at first but love it now. Been switching between Dulcis, Bobas, and Geoff's blend all day.
  9. I've since switched to LR attys and haven't had a problem on my ego. (knock on wood)
  10. Wow! I sat here for 5 minutes trying to come up with a comment and that's all I can say!
  11. Once again a juice that I hated at first but is growing on me really quickly. At first this tasted like a burnt caramel with almost no sweetness. I love really sweet juices like Geoffs Blend and Whisker Licker. But I also know that I get an idea in my head about what I think a juice will taste like and when I'm wrong I feel disappointed and confuse that with not liking it. I've learned to come back to juices and let them flavor up and give them another try. That's what happened with Dulcis. I've revisited it and its slowly climbing the charts to be one of my top five.
  12. Why does this always happen to me? I see a review of a juice that I think I'll love and go to order it only to find it out of stock. Happened with Bobas, Dulcis,Sweet Dawn, and now Gorilla juice. It's probably someone trying to tell me that I don't need to buy any more juice(which is true). I've only been vaping for a month and already have over 20 flavors.
  13. Great review. I gotta try some of those. Happy holidays!
  14. I gotta try this. Iooove Bobas. Glad to hear that it isn't too overpowering.
  15. Well I was wrong. Atomic Cinnacide is awesome. So awesome that my Geoff's Blend is kinda on the back burner at the moment. I don't vape it nearly as frequently as I used to. Another good cinnamon flavor is cinnabomb from vaporbomb. Tastes more like big red gum where cinnacide tastes more like a red hot.
  16. No I left it as is. Plenty sweet but would love to hear from someone who has tried it with and without. Curious to hear what their thoughts are.
  17. My method for filling cartomizers with VG is a bit weird but makes sense. I use the topfill method till it looks like a slushie. Then I hold it so that the bottom is to the floor and swing my arm around in circles like a wild man. The centrifugal force pulls the liquid down towards the bottom. Fill and repeat. Do this till when you look at the filler it looks like a slushie instead of dry. I know this sounds stupid and have been caught by my girlfriend and she gave me this look like do I need to call the people in white coats (again!) try it and let me know what ya think. Disclaimer: I am not responsible for people making strange faces at you, people in white coats showing up at your house, or dislocated shoulders. Try at your own risk and stupidity!
  18. you might wanna try the lipton pyramid teabag mod. I personally haven't tried it but I've heard great things. Just youtube search lipton pyramid teabag mod. Looks pretty straight forward.
  19. I just got my cartomizers in the mail and the first thing I loaded up was Bobas Bounty (100% VG) and have had no problem. Plumes of vapor. I do have to say that direct dripping does give better flavor. I do have to say that my PG liquids especially Atomic Cinnacide is that I get more flavor.
  20. Great review but I couldn't disagree more on the juice. Taste is subjective but I have to say that this is one of the worst I've tried. I'll take your advice and let it sit for a bit. Maybe longer. Anyone else not care for this juice? Keep em coming!
  21. Congrats! I just passed the 30 day mark and am still going strong.
  22. Personally I love www.tastyvapor.us great flavors ( Atomic Cinnacide and Geoff's Blend are a MUST!) plus they're prices are great $15 for a full oz. Not to mention you can order their doublers for the same price and cut your juice to whatever nix level ya want. I also order from Alien Visions ( Bobas Bounty is awesome) oh and of course vaportalk store. My first order of Dulcis is in the mail. Can't wait. The only other flavor is Midnight which is a soo relaxing.
  23. This morning I really craved an analog so I started out with my flue cured from AV. Since I've been flip floping between atomic cinnacide, Geoff's Blend, and whisker Licker. Can't make up my mind today.
  24. Strictly a console gamer here. Basically a FPS and JRPG fan. Love the Final Fantasy series and COD series. Currently playing Black Ops. So much fun. Feel free to add me as a friend on 360. My gamertag is the same as my forum name.
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