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Everything posted by CASEACE79

  1. Only 182 more left. Oh wait 181 forgot about nana's order. Lol. I an so damn impatient!!!
  2. Thanks Brian. I think I have a bit of reading to do in the meantime.
  3. I forgot that some of the orders weren't for the provari. That's awesome! Ya gotta stop sayin stuff like this. Gettin me all excited. Really chomping at the bit to get mine.
  4. I just got my ego passthrough about 5 days ago and love it. I have used it with my ps3,xbox360 and laptop and all work great.
  5. Lol nana. Can't wait to get it. There is one problem though. I feel I've set myself up for disappointment later on down the road. This is my 1st mod and I fear that I'm setting the bar so high for my first one that others won't compare and I'll only have my provari. Oh well saving money that way.
  6. Well I bit the bullet and just placed the order I'm order # 3621. Brian how did you know what order numbers they were filling? Now the dreaded wait begins. I'm so impatient with this stuff. I'm the type that will camp out for the release of a phone. July I camped out for 8 hrs for the iPhone 4 release. Damn instant gratification! Lol
  7. Sorry to hear your having such a rough time. Try buying sample packs from different vendors to keep the initial price down. It took me awhile to find some juice I really liked. Read a lot of reviews and buy the smallest quantity possible when ordering. If you're looking for a good tobacco my personal favorite is Bobas Bounty from Alien Visions. It is a little sweet but has a really smokey quality to it. And when I say a little sweet I mean very little. Hell I'll buy it off ya if ya don't like it. Don't quit before the miracle happens. You're taste buds are still healing so juice you may hate now you may end up loving later.
  8. Too funny. My daughter asked what was so funny when I reached the smoking a banana part.
  9. I need some insider info. If I ordered a provari today what do you think the ETA will be? I know you lovely guys and gals will have insider info.
  10. Wow. I didn't realize they were stamped like that. Great info. Thanks.
  11. I use ecig exclusively. Personal vaporizers sounds almost illegal to me. I also extend ecig to electronic cigarette when talking to laymen about vaping. I also don't use terms like vaping or refer to myself as a vaper to avoid confusion. And I don't think anyone would have a clue if I called a cigarette an analog except you fine people. Lol!
  12. Bobas bounty is one of the weirdest juices I've tried. I mean that in a great way. It changes all the time. Sometimes it tastes like golden grams cereal. The next day it'll have a hint of vanilla. Next thing I know I taste bittersweet chocolate and tobacco. Don't give up on it yet. Has great TH for a 100% VG too.
  13. Exactly what happens to me. My top 3 juices started out with me just hating them.
  14. Lol. Back ups for back ups. Where does the madness end?
  15. Dulcis was really weird for me. At first I hated it. I've learned that if I try and figure out what I think something is supposed to taste like and it tastes different than what I thought it would I initially hate it. Then I go back to it later and try to judge it on it's own merit and not my preconceived notion and end up loving it. That's exactly what happened with Dulcis. When everyone said it was like a caramel tobacco. I was thinking like a soft sweet caramel candy. To me that's not what Dulcis tastes like. It's more of a caramelized sugar tobacco. To me the caramelized sugar tastes like the top of a creme brûlée. Now it's in my top 5.
  16. This is a great idea but I don't think now is the time to do it. I'd say a yr or 2 before more people even know what an ecig is. They have been getting a lot of press recently but old habits are hard to break. Remember the birth of email. Only used as correspondence between scientists. It was years before the general public accepted it and today we couldn't imagine life without it. At this point I don't think it would be very profitable if profitable at all. But when the stars align just right kiosks can be an opportunity to make serious cash. Here's a very good example. Remember about 8-9 years ago when yoyo's came back and were really popular? It was about a 2 yr window but my boss (very smart business man) who owns two seasonal retail toy and kite stores in a resort area saw such an opportunity and sent one of his employees to yoyo school (no I'm not making this up) to develop a routine to do for the upcoming Xmas season. He had a kiosk at our only mall which was an hr away and only did it for 1 year. He had $100 yoyo's that were flying off the shelf and he couldn't keep them in stock. He ended up making enough in 2 and a half months to put the down payment on his home or roughly $75,000 dollars. So it can be done but it takes the right timing. In this economy with ecigs being in their toddler yrs I don't think now is the time but trust you and I. I'm paying very close attention.
  17. I'll have to try their Irish Cream. You need to try Geoff's blend. In my top 3 for fav juices. Definitely an all day vape. So sweet and complex.
  18. Cool idea. Personally I overlay most flavors because most of my regular flavors taste really well together. Bobas Bounty and Dulcis are amazing together. May use this for really strong flavors though. Atomic cinnacide is the best example and would work for my cartomizers cause I don't like to mix flavors with those.
  19. I just got my eGo pass thru yesterday and the 1st thing I did was plug it into my 360 and PS3. Both work great but I wouldn't recommend anything over 3.7 volts just to be on the safe side.
  20. Love my eGo and I will second the comment about backups. Last thing ya need is to go back to smoking analogs because you burned out your only atty.
  21. The method I use for filling a carto with VG is to drip some in like ya would with a PG. Problem there is that it usually just sits on top. Cap the carto and hold it like ya would a dart with the bottom of the carto as the point of the dart. Now with your arm outstretched swing it around in circles (think of elvis strumming a guitar but faster) The centrifugal force will pull the juice towards the bottom filling the carto. Keep doing this till its full. Hope this helps. Seems to work great for me. Sometimes science can make ya look like an idiot but if it works it works.(BTW also works for getting the ketshup from the bottom of the bottle.Just make sure the lid is on tight. Ya only make that mistake once.)
  22. Glad to hear that vaping is working for you this far. Don't give up. Quitting smoking has never been much fun. What flavors do you like? Do you like hot connimon? Desserts? If so what kind? Were you an menthol smoker or just a straight tobacco user? What fruits do you like? The best advice I can give is to have plenty extra atomizers/cartomizers around. The last thing you want to go back to smoking because you weren't prepared. Good luck. I know ya can do it.
  23. The reality is that taste is subjective. So why do juice reviews at all? If what we think about a juice has no weight then why waste the time? That brings us to the real truth. Taste isn't as subjective as we all may think. It's subjective to a point. There is an area where some juice will rise above the rest for the majority and fall below the rest for most people. Otherwise we wouldn't have juices like Dulcis, Atomic Cinnacide, Bobas Bounty, Geoff's Blend and RY4's on the top of of everyones favorite lists. While I think that the OP's review was quite vague I don't think it shouldn't carry any weight. If a juice is REALLY bad then it's safe to assume that it may fall below the bar for most. If that wasn't the case then juice reviews might as well be removed from all vaping forums because they would be pointless. Everyone deserves to voice their opinion so to the OP I say thank you I'll steer clear of this one for now.
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