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Everything posted by BEERCITYVAPRZ

  1. they usaully come with one but if you dont have one the link above looks like a good answer.
  2. It maybe bcuz you are still doing the same even tho you are somewhere else, last summer I went to Texas for the first time and found out I was doing the same stuff I would as if I was at home, switch it up do something spontaneous without even thinking twice about it, like if a different type of oppertunity presents itself to you in the future and you think it would be something you wouldn't normally do, DO IT!, we only live once and with the little resources I have I try to experience anything and everything just for a rush as long as its something that fits my/your style, I guess im an adrenaline junkie, Do it bro switch it up, live life to the fullest bcuz you never know when it could end.
  3. All I gotta say is Jolly is the best modder that i've personally come across, I totally want this EXACT one, that thing is a work of art, a straight up masterpiece, I don't think the chinese can even come close to building something like that, and I bet Jolly is just going to get better and better at modding, soon he will be selling a working cell phone mod called the Vapor Talk, lol, seriously dudes got mad skills, all other modders better watch out bcuz this guy is gettin real creative with it, I know where im going for my mod, im getting Jollified
  4. Good looking out for other vapors in the community posting this smokie, altho I do believe a majority of suppliers just stick to the basics, but you never know with suppliers popping up from everywhere now a days doing and adding things that are not needed, The main question is WHY? mess with something that is working fine the way it has been and then adding stuff and not knowing the repercussions of it, like the whole chantix thing, IMHO that was the stupidest idea a supplier could think of adding to their liquid stock, what the heck was the whole idea behind this, as humans I think we think way too much when it comes to stuff like this just to be different or try to create an edge over on other suppliers, im not knockin JC for doing this but my main question is why, what was the thought process behind this additive, a marketing strategy for more business, ANYTHING that deals with money making in your business there is always going to be someone trying to one up someone else with a new idea, whether they know its bad for us or not...idk, blah, blah, ive been drinking so this probably dosent make sense.
  5. You aren't the only one out there alot of people I know, my friends , wife and myself go thru Deja Vu all the time, its just repeating acts unknowningly doing it just bcuz thats what your brain is used to doing, it happens to almost everyone who gets stuck into everyday lifes routines.
  6. I dont know exactly what you mean DDing into a carto, usually do that on attys, but if this helps, when I use standard 510 cartos I use a drip tip to keep it filled after it goes dry so if this is what you are referring to I recommend it, I always use drip tips on my cartos, looks and vapes better (more air flow).
  7. Just another example of our country turning into a "nanny" state!
  8. great point jolly, that makes alot of sense comparing that to cell phone batteries, another point I would like to bring out is dont overcharge the eGo/Tornado bats, meaning as soon as the light goes green disconnect it, this also I think will lead to bats dieing faster.
  9. Yeah that makes total sense, Thanks again, Thats on my to do list for today, Im actually more mad about my LR atty stuck on the bat, its one of the better working/tasting ones outta the handful im using and I don't want to start breaking out my brand new 5 pack im saving for when the you know what happens.
  10. The 5 pack of 1.8 lr cartos I got worked good on my eGo, idk I actually like the standards a little better tho, the lr's burnt up to fast. (the standards at 5volts are perfect for me)
  11. Thanks for the idea Brian, I gotta get my tools outta storage today, I dont have a small screwdriver like that but I am going to have to dig around to find something slim and strong like that to hopefully pull it back up without ruining it, also need to get this dang atty off it, I only have that little gold strip/thread thing to grip on to and get it off, still looking for those pliers, dont know where the heck I put them last.
  12. I am actually still staring at an ashtray right now at the computer desk bcuz my wife still smokes a few a day, at least she has gotten better at keeping them cleaned out, lol.
  13. Trying to figure out why my 3.7v 651mAh Tornado battery isn't working properly, gave up on it a few weeks ago and had thrown it in the box to deal with later to figure it out , So last night I started messing with it and weird thing is that it charges and works fine but the problem is the heating coil in the battery is pushed down, I think this bcuz I took a LR atty and screwed it on super tight and it started working a little, after comparing with the other battery (super hard to see) you can tell it is sitting lower than the other one, I think I know what caused this malfunction, cleaning my battery component too hard pushing it down in there with paper towel, I thought the heating coil was done with originally, going to use my neighbors multimeter to make sure it is still working and at 3.7volts bcuz this type of LR atty I got (janty) is very, very slightly longer in the threads (at least it seems) than the standard joye ones from TW so it was just enuff to make contact with the heating coil to create a small amount of vapor, in result of doing this the metal casing came off the atty and it is now stuck on the battery, its got me kinda mad bcuz I cant find my pair of pliers around my house to take it off now, anyway is there any way I can get that heating coil raised back up to where it is supposed to be? so I can continue using this battery, any suggestions? also wanted to share this so people new to the eGo/Tornado to make sure when you clean your batteries, DON'T push down to hard with the paper towel when cleaning your threads and excess liquid sitting on the heating coil before you charge bcuz this could happen. (I usually use Q tips for this but sometimes a piece of paper towel is already out and I use that) Hoping to fix it, I appreciate any suggestions.
  14. Another quick and clean way to switch flavors in your atty is put paper towel in the bridge part and then use keyboard cleaner (air in a can) with the straw on it and put it right into the hole and blast away, all the liquid will come out on paper towel, dosen't get rid of flavor right away but after like 3 or 4 vapes its the taste of the flavor you just switched to. Hope this all helps you try all those flavors faster, oh yeah good to have ya on VT, make sure to have fun with this.
  15. WOW! Smokie that elixirtv site is awesome, super cool idea to meet and talk to other vapors out there, definately going to tune into this alot.
  16. I think this is important that we keep in mind that some people converting to e cigs are not 2 pack a dayers, like my wife she smokes like 4 to 5 cigs a day and a standard 510 or the revolution at VT (KR808's) would work fine for her and sounds like that maybe the way you might want to go as well. Good luck on a healthier lifestyle.
  17. Believe me purchasing becomes an addiction itself, I got to the point where I remembered all the #'s on my debit card, even the exp. date and code on back by heart, its just the beginning, LoL!!
  18. I agree with Ben1990 on this one if your looking to go the PCC route go with the 510, they make them now with little digtal screens on the pack showing you the battery life on the case/charger, an eGo is also a good choice but you may not like the bulkyness of it a little thicker than a cig style one, check all them out, im sure you will make the right decision.
  19. I was just going to mention that myself, the revolution at the VT store is a good starter kit if you are a light to medium smoker, KR808's are easy to use in the beginning as well, helps you get the feel of where you need to go or if your good where your at. hope all our advice helps ya!
  20. Congrats to both of you for switching to a healthier alternative, the eGo will absolutely keep you guys away from the analogs and thats the main goal here to get healthy and BREATHE better, good luck on your e cig ventures!
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