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Everything posted by Heldar

  1. Vaping on taters from the standard. Pretty interesting flavor that likes to change from day to day.
  2. Its not the ideal solution, and thankfully I have zero desire to actually smoke them. Taste terrible. Had two or three and havent lit one up all day. Just gotta slow down my vaping and ration a bit till I can get my hands on nore juice.
  3. So sad. One of my favorite actors and comedians. Grew up watching his movies. He'll be missed.
  4. I was actually just thinking that. I generally jave issues with most flavors for being a little on the light side, anyway.
  5. Thanks for the great advice guys! Didnt even know about any of those huice sales, ill check them out. As for cutting the juice, ill give that a try and see how I like it. Appreciate the heads up!
  6. Went over to a buddies house the other night, and he offered what was left of his last carton since he quit cold turkey a month or so ago. I foolishly agreed, since ive been in a bit of a finacial bind in the recent months and was running low on juices. guess ill be back on analogs a bit till I can do some budget fiddling and get restocked on juices.
  7. Well, I have one of the chinese dna 30 clones, amd also a vapor shark dna 30. Had them both for about for something like 2-3 months? (Cant remember when exactly I got the clone, feels like a few months) in terms of functionality, they are pretty much identical with the exception being the clone reading the ohms of my builds about .1-.2 lower than actual. Reliability, so far ive had zero issues with either. I know some folks have issues with the clone boards doing some weird stuff, but ive had zero issues with it. Maybe I won the lottery on that one.
  8. Thats what I ended up doing.tried a few dual coil builds and they were alright, went back and built a 1.6 ohm Single and its giving me better flavor but less vapor than the duals.
  9. Im actually rocking the mvp abd a Russian. Its a little tall in my pocket, but no where near to being not portable. I have no issues with it at work. I work in aviation and climb up and down helicopters all day. Biggest pro for me, though, is that one charge on the mvp lasts me 2 full 10 hour shifts. Currently have a 1.6 ohm single coil at 11 watts in the Russian.
  10. Ive got an order of both 30 and 32 gauge coming, but doesnt look like it'll be here in time before I head out of state for two weeks. Ill have to fiddle with it when I get back, sadly.
  11. As far as Original vs Clone prices, youre dealing with a couple of things. One is cost of production in the states vs china. Production in the USA overall is far more expensive due to our relatively recent tenancy to out source. Secondly, they tend to be limited runs (intended or not is irrelevant) which allows them to charge a premium. Think of Ferrari vs GT 500 or Corvette. Thirdly, the thought of something US made or at least localish ( IE, not China) tends to demand higher prices in general, with the combination of the first two points. there are nothing wrong with clones. They use the same materials and look the same. Maybe they dont use the highest quality steel or what have you, and may have a bit more voltage drop, but as someone who isnt a "connoisseur" of mech mods, youll likely not find much of a difference between the two. Just find something you like, and something that your wallet can agree with, in terms of mods. Batteries are a whole different animal. Dont skimp, and you really have no reason to. They arent expensive. Also get a good charger, they can be pricey, relative to their function, but it will be worth it.
  12. Thats why im shooting for around 1.8-2.0. Ive tried a few 1.2-1.4 ohm single coils and they were OK, but the vape is a lot better around the 2.0 mark.
  13. Ive gained weight since I dropped analogs. Makes sense since they are hunger suppressants. Granted, I went from an "unhealthy" 130lbs at 5"9' to 150 and developed what looks like a small beer belly. Odd considering I eat relatively healthy and run 4+ miles a day, as well as weight lift. Havent had this much of a weight change in 3-4 months in my life, and smoking is the only thing that has changed.
  14. If I could switch you places, I would in a heartbeat. You deserve to be with your family, and I honestly loved my time spent in Iraq. Life was much more simple for me, and I have nothing holding me here state-side. You stay safe over there, and try to stay away from Basra. It was a crap hole in 08 and I can't see it changing too much from then
  15. I'm not so hip to have an apple, or is the android in these days? I'm just cheap when it comes to phones, so my $30 android phone was good enough. Already located it and fiddled with it!
  16. Didn't even know there was such an app, ill have to check it out, thanks for the heads up! Ill have to get my hands on some 32g when i get back from some good army training in 2 weeks, but i should have 5/65ths drill bit laying about, so should be doable.
  17. Now, for the life of me, I cannot seem to build an acceptable dual coil for the russian that works on my MVP. Ive gotten a few coils to read at 1.0 to 1.2, but they were less than pretty and performed even less. I'm aiming for 1.8 - 2.0 ohms, which seems to allude me. Any suggestions on builds that perform well, especially suggestions as to proper gauge wire? I am currently using 28 gauge almost exclusively, or am I just chasing my tail and stick to single coils? Thanks!
  18. Glad I stopped using the el'cheapo Great Value bread ties and upgraded to those fantastic Sara Lee brand. Much better flavor production!!
  19. So you're saying i should stop using my .27 ohm coil built from left over rj45 wire and cut up cotton t-shirt scraps?
  20. Well i honestly dont understand how someone can think its a good idea to use something as volatile and a li-ion or li-min battery that isnt protected pulling as much as 20 to 30 ohms. The things are quite literally explosions waiting to happen if you pull too many amps. I could maybe understand if there was a massive price difference, but hell, $12 versus $8 (at a local BM shop at that) isnt going to break anyones bank.
  21. Agreed, and did my research on that one too. Picked up two Sony vtc4 30A batteries before i even attempted to vape anything below 1 ohm.
  22. Thanks! I have a tendency of jumping in head first with all my hobbies, and I realized very quickly that vaping was going to become one, when the iTaste 30 didnt quite do it for me. Thankfully, ive been fooling around with electronics for long enough, that i know better than to just "wing" it. I'm still pretty terrible at building my own coils, but I must admit I impressed myself with a .27 ohm build on the IGO i made earlier today, and the vape is honestly the best ive had yet (although the prim g2 valiza helps a lot, as i think its going to be my all day vape now, when i discovered it at a BM a lil ways away). Ill be sure to hit up that sub forum and get some advice and ideas
  23. Whats and ohm, and why does it need to be read?? But seriously, its just not in the picture. Had it sitting on my work bench and just forgot to grab it.
  24. Hows it going, folks? This would be my obligatory introduction of myself. I'm a relatively new vaper, quit smoking a pack a day 77 days ago, and did it using an MVP v2 with the tank that came with it. My collection has grown a bit, and I just recently got into mech mods and RBAs. Lookin forward to learning stuff from you all and what nots. And now for a cheap and crappy cell phone pic of my gear: Shown is the MVP v2 with a R91%, a Smok-e Mountain vanilla S/N 05293 with an IGO-M dripper, and various other stuff and things.
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