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  1. yea i will probably stay away from trying to sell anything on here for now. Trust will most certainly be a big concern. There will always be next year though!
  2. is it weird that im slightly turned on by this vid?
  3. seems like $40 - $70 is your price range. For that kind of money I would suggest these below.. itaste mvp itaste svd vamo v2 or v3 There are plenty of US vendors who sell these. The svd and vamo's use a separate battery so you will need to buy a separate recharger and batteries for them. The mvp has the battery installed in it and you recharge with a usb connection. If you want something small and simple that packs a big punch I would suggest going with an ego twist type model. The vision spinner is a common one that a lot of people use. If you dont mind waiting a month for your products then I would recommend checking out fasttech.com. They're a retailer over in china who sells a ton of ecigs for an extremely low price but beware as they have sent me duds in the past.
  4. I think mtbakervapor is a good place to start. There free shipping limit is either at $40 or $50. They have a wide variety of flavors and you can choose the pg/vg ratios to your liking. I think they have a 10% off code that stays on year round. I think its "BAKERFROMVAPOR" or something like that.
  5. paypal is usually top notch with their buyer protection service. Never buy anything from any form of classified using anything other than paypal imo.
  6. thanks for your first 2 statements. I'll just kindly ignore the last one
  7. Hey, I just became a member here. I am an ecf user since 2011 and have a 100% feedback score on there. I have a few clones I want to sell but it's against the ecf rules. I was trying to look at the rules for this site but it says "members only" so I created an account and I still cant see the rules. Someone help me
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