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Posts posted by ThatCarGuyDFW

  1. I got a Blu pack as my first shot at vaping. The vanilla was also my favorite but the charging pack died on me not long after buying it. I couldn't find warranty info so I just chucked it. I would consider another Blu pack as a backup to my eGo I case I am stuck in a jam. The most surprising thing I found was the fact that you could find nic free carts in the store. I never see them for any of the others except Blu. The actual cig was fantastic. I liked the feel and the look (something about gloss and matte black together is just awesome) 8/10 from me.

  2. I'd leave the pub. I'm not going to be out in the cold cause some one else is jealous my activities dont hurt other people.

    It wasn't a huge issue with the staff. A chap that came in right behind me who had been smoking outside. I suspect he saw me take a drag of my e cig and went to the pubs owner and whined about it.

  3. My fear of planes is bad enough that I have crashed a car when a plane came in low over the car. Right off the road and in to a ditch.

    I have no idea why I'm so terrified of planes.

    For me flying isn't a big issue. I flew from Florida back to Texas the weekend after 9/11 happened. That was a white knuckle flight.

  4. An atheist goes for a walk in the woods, admiring what nature has created. Suddenly a bear comes out of nowhere and is about to attack him. With the bear towering over him the atheist cries out "Oh God help me!" Time freezes. Suddenly a light shines from the sky and a booming voice responds. "You have denied my existence all of your life. The moment when you face death you cry out for my help." The atheist, in tears at this point, says "I know, is there anything you can do?" God replies "It is too late for you." The atheist thinks and replies "Can you at least make this bear a Christian before I die?" The light suddenly fades and time returns to normal. The bear pauses before attacking the man, puts it's paws together and says "Thank you God for this meal I am about to receive."

  5. I had heard this person whining about every little thing on the flight over. The seats were too uncomfortable, the engines were too noisy, the flight attendants were annoying, the in flight movies were inappropriate for children. On and on and on. I wasn't entirely surprised when I became the target for this person.

  6. While picking up my bags at the baggage claim at LHR and someone came up to me and started giving me a verbal licking for stinking up the room with my "cigarette" (they used a British slang term that I don't want to repeat here due to it being offensive in the states.) Instead of getting defensive I said respectfully "It's actually a personal vaporizer." After that they started to get more belligerent and a PO came over and asked what the shouting was about. They replied with "This brazen Yankee moron is stinking up the baggage claim with his tobacco." The officer looked at me and I showed him my eGo-cc and he rolled his eyes and laughed a little. Asked them to take in a deep breath and said "Do you smell any tobacco?" They shook their head and said I was hiding it (how that's possible I wouldn't know). He then told them to move along and came up to me, shook my hand and said he was happy to see someone taking a step towards a healthier life style.

  7. Oh how I miss the pubs over there, they got me in so much trouble. Is been nearly 30 years since I was there so can't tell you on the vaping.

    A little off topic, since I am a beer nerd I have set myself a challenge for the whole month while I am there. No beer that I can get here in the states.

  8. This is also my second go at Vaping, I fell off the Vape wagon do to stress. Let me tell you it is harder than it was the first time. I will get through the ruff spots because I'm committed. It is will power at this point. I'm vaping between 28-30 mg just to stay off analogs. It gets easier every day, but I can say it is harder than before. Welcome to Vape Talk you have support here, we all were in the same analog boat at one time and know what it is like.

    I feel like this time vaping will stick. This time around I have a lot more support not only from here but my sister also vapes. She helped me pick out my joyetech. I am looking forward to talking to everyone.

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