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Posts posted by bcartervol98

  1. My favorite is split between Sweet-Vapes and Vapedudes. The best tobacco flavor I have found by far is Traditional Tobacco from Sweet-Vapes and I go back and forth between their Juicy Peach and Vapedudes Strawberry Fields. After a fair trying out I am also fond of VapeDudes Vanilla Mint but maybe as an occasional vape. My case will always in the near future have a tank of the three I mentioned at first. I have tried a lot of flavors, at least 30, in the last couple months and have found those my three favorites.

    It's funny though, flavors I absolutely detest have great reviews so it goes to show its just what each person prefers. I do stand behind my raving reviews of both them for liquid. Also get my batteries from Sweet-Vapes and hardware from The Veteran Vaper. All three top notch suppliers. VapeDudes is the slowest of the three but very high quality.

  2. On an opposite note VanillaNilla we both found disgusting as with Vanilla Coffee. I always disclaim taste is subjective but have found the flavors I do not like all have the same thick aftertaste.

    I ordered a 10ml Fuzzy Navel to try with my reorder of 100ml of strawberry fields and a 50ml of spearmint for the wife. After those I think we are set for a few months.

  3. Just wondering if you have reordered and if the 80/20 mix with 24mg changes your review at all

    Everything so far has been better in 80-20 24mg without fail.

    I now have 3 flavors that I change out throughout the day.

    Juicy Peach (Sweet-Vapes 80-20 24mg)

    Strawberry Fields( VapeDudes 70-30 24mg)

    Traditional Tobacco (Sweet-Vapes 80-20 24mg)

    My wife also now loves Vanilla Mint and Spearmint from VapeDudes 70-30 24mg. I am ok with them but only on occasion too mentholy for me personally but spot on flavors.

  4. I also agree you can buy batteries, clearos, chargers, and a case for about the same thing a starter kit will cost. Vision Spinner 1300mah at Sweet-Vapes are $24.95. Two of those, a case, two chargers, and 6 ego cc long wicks from veteran Vaper with 10 replacement could would be around 100 bucks and set you up for months. Then its just finding flavors you like and you are all set!

  5. I would buy some Ego CC long wick clearomizers (T2 another name) and some replacement coils. I just ordered more to have one for each flavor. All you need is a clearo and a battery and you're good. Veteran Vaper is a great supplier of these. I keep 1.8ohm for fruit flavors and 2.2 for tobacco flavors or coffee if that's what you find you like.

    They are simple to fill and the tank will last a long time, are easy to clean, cost is around $4.50 with a coil and replacements coils are $2. They last about 2 weeks if using the same one but a lot longer if you keep multiple tanks and switch around.

    In my case are 2 ego 1000mah batteries, 2 Vision Spinners 1300 mah, and 3 full T2s at all times. I keep a charger at home, one in my office at work, and one to travel with and have yet to have two dead batteries at the same time. The 1000mah are my backups and the spinners are my daily vapers. Everyone has different experiences but I an not a fan of cartomizers or atomizers. I think clearomizers are the most widely used, and for me the Kanger T2, also called the Ego CC Long Wick Clearomizer, is the head of the class. I think they offer everything a tank does without the expense.

  6. I unfortunately just spent the night in the hospital for a blood pressure issue-testing and stress test and the doctor told me my ecig was fine and said no one would know and to go ahead and use it. Yes I laid in a hospital bed, watched episode after episode of Pawn Stars and puffed away. That's pretty awesome with the blessing of the cardiologist too. He said he wouldn't be something he would recommend a non smoker start doing but "a million percent" better than smoking real cigs.

  7. I started with an eGoT 1000mah starter kit from vapedudes.com for $38.95. It comes with two batteries, all charging accessories, and a CE4 clearomizer for each tank. Shortly after I bought a pair of Vision Spinner 1300mah batteries from Sweet-Vapes.com ($24.95 each) and now the starter kit are my backups. I also found I prefer T2 (Ego CC Longwick) Clearomizers and have found theveteranvaper.com the best supplier for these and the replacement coils.

    The NJoy one referenced above, no offense, is garbage compared to EGO style batteries as a starter kit. Stay away from those unless you want to quit everything or have to buy 10 batteries and have 2 or 3 on the charger at all times. I get 24 hours out of my 1000mah starter kit batteries and about 36 out of my Vision Spinners

    I am not a fan of Dekang juices, and again no offense, but I believe the VT juices are Dekang. I prefer domestic liquid and have found Steet-Vapes.com to be my favorite supplier overall of liquid BUT my favorite non tobacco flavor is Strawberry Fields from VapeDudes.

    Hope this helps.

  8. I used pliers and a 24mm flat head. It was press fitted, I took on the lower o rings out, but I didn't pull out the atomizer head/ cone on the inside. After I put it back together the bottom part (the inner circle cutout) I just twisted with the flat head until I got it to fire/have proper air flow. I've been using it all day, worked great and I had no leakage what-so ever.

    I had one of these clearomizers if it makes any difference:


    I have used a bunch of those from that same supplier and they all worked, but all leak out the bottom a lot more than the T2s do.

  9. But how do you remember the resistance on so many devices? And so many tanks come with 2-3 replacement coils with different ohms??

    Thats why I like my Tesla, screw on a tank, push a button and get the ohms, adjust watts and volts per Vape chart, and sit in the clouds...

    I only keep 2 resistance replacement coils for my T2. 1.8 and 2.2. I can take a drag off one and immediately tell you which one it is but I also color code. I have fruit flavors in clear T2s and tobacco-coffee flavors in green T2s. The Green have 2.2ohm and the clear have 1.8ohm. I also use a small fishing tackle box and have everything labeled.

  10. As I vape more and more I am liking a little cooler vape it seems. I realized last night that 1.8ohms at 3.5-3.8 is a great setting for fruit flavors but 2.2ohm took around 4.1-4.3v to produce the same experience and it was a lot hotter. Next time I order coils I am definitely ordering 1.8ohm instead of 2.2 especially for non tobacco or coffee flavors.

  11. Yes, thank you all very much. Gave me a lot to think about and decide which way I want to go. Some sounds like a lot of trouble for doing right before I go to work. Maybe do it the night before and be ready to go when I get up. Or, just buy a bunch of the CE4s and color code the flavors. I got my 40% off on my juices at Vape Dudes so I am ordering MANY different flavors. I loved their Strawberry Ice. They say that juice stays good up to 6 months in the refrigerator so while I can get it cheap I'm going to get 6 months worth. I am using about a 20 ml bottle a week.

    If you like Strawberry try Strawberry Fields. I just ordered got a 50ml bottle, my wife hoarded the 10ml we got in a sampler. We both like it so well I ordered another 100ml lol. Its like biting into a fresh strawberry. Best fruit flavor anywhere that I have tried. Love my Juicy Peach from Sweet-Vapes too but this one is great!

  12. Another thing I have learned is I always keep a 30ml bottle of 100% PG in 24mg and order extra flavor in my fruit flavors so I can increase the ratio by mixing a little in to increase the PG ratio. Not only that, I have also read about people using the unflavored to remove a flavor from their wicks to change flavors in a disposable clearomizer. I havent tried this but apparently you wash it out with alcohol, let it dry a bit, put some unflavored in, vape a few times, then fill with the new flavor.

  13. I feel like I need to expand. I have a bunch of CE4s I bought at first pretty cheap and now I use those to try flavors before I fill my T2s with them. I pretty much have my vaping refined down to 3 flavors for now so that's about all I use but if I want to try something new I put it in a clearo I consider "disposable". I am not as adventurous as some and have not really become a "connoisseur" of flavors. I have found the three that work for me and am a "find what works and stick with it" kind of guy lol. With that said I have 3 tanks now in my case at all times. They are T2s one with Sweet-Vapes traditional tobacco, one with Sweet-Vapes Juicy Peach, and one with VapeDudes Strawberry fields. Usually the fruit flavors are mixed around 50-50 with the traditional tobacco but not always. All are wither 70/30 or 80/20 depending on the suppliers avalable configurations all 24mg.

    I have 5 new flavors coming from VapeDudes tomorrow. Spearmint, Hazelnut Coffee, Vanilla Mint, Vanilla Nilla, and Vanilla Coffee. With these I will put them in a CE4 and see if I like them before filling a T2. I am thinking these will end up my wifes flavors because it was her selections for a sample pack. I am quite happy with what I am vaping for now.

    I have also read a lot of people that wash out their clearos and let them dry and put in a new flavor. After a few pulls the old flavor seems to go away, or at least thats what I have read. I have never actually tried it. If I dont like a flavor I put the CE4 on the shelf for hard times and save it.

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