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Everything posted by Aquatroy

  1. Do the vtc4-5s work in a VV-VW device as well??
  2. Evods are a poly tank, but the new evods have a glass option now...
  3. Jazzfest was a blast! Great to visit family and old friends, This year it was special, Since my neice moved out of the house (been in our family since 1909) i was able to sleep in the same bedroom my Dad slept in when he was a kid! Of course i drank way too much( one of the benefits of coming down from altitude) and enjoyed some great music (the best is in the bars after the festival closes at night) and I glutened myself big time eating all the food I could stuff down my big mouth!! The honeysuckle is booming this year and I can still smell it, and thinking Fadora should mix me up a batch of honeysuckle juice! But had to fly home this morning, and sitting at DIA waiting for the wife to come pick me up, and back at work at 11. There are only three true cities in the US...San Francisco, New York, and NOLA...everywhere else is just like everywhere else. I've been blessed to live in two out of three....the only thing keeping me from moving back is this blasted ring on my finger!!
  4. Dude...I'm a Johnny Walker black man... It's just there all freaking out, like they had no clue...
  5. I'm tired of hearing all the whining. My FB page is packed with a bunch of ninnies crying about it...YOU KNEW IT WAS COMING....now find a way to DEAL WITH IT!
  6. Ce-4 long wicks...vision called em stardusts...
  7. Okay MSRP is 119.99 so unsure if they will help, but lets give it a shot. Do you have a Facebook account?
  8. Provide a pic of the serial number, and a receipt showing you paid MSRP, and I will give my contact at Innokin...
  9. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/reynolds-american-1q-profit-falls-113035309.html
  10. I sell it here in the shop, or you can buy online at Texas select..
  11. Brian you so right...but I remember a few months back when you were ready to buy a tanker truck and roll up to Fusion!! It will be interesting and glad to finally see what's up...but no hasty moves necessary...
  12. Down Girl...easy does it... No worries, yes I was hard on her, on purpose...I spend all day harping on battery safety, and if you don't have a grasp, you don't buy your mods from me...I've been called worse, she caused her own issue by not paying attention to what she typed...I meant well and she knows it by now...and no reason for the hammer...just listen and learn is all I ask...I'm no expert, but know enough to stay out of the ER...
  13. So you want Tam to order you a pooper scooper??
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