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Posts posted by PoppaC

  1. My sentiments exactly... Penstyle rocks... And, as you mentioned, the atomizer fits the mini pipe. We're getting it down...

    And, as Vacker as investigated and proven we can stuff our own carts. We can continue to get our juice USA side. I'm liking it.....

  2. So, if the penstyle atomizer fits the mini pipe, carts can be re-restuffed w/fluvan, and stringdancer can figure out the battery problem, and juice locally, it sounds like the perfect situation for me. Sorry, Royce, as much as I like my pee wee it just doesn't seem to last as long as the penstyle for me. Even though I get spurts of great vapor from it. I vape like I smoke a pipe and the penstyle seems to give me constant vapor. The only thing that bugs me is the cut off time and trying to figure out how to clean the atomizer properly. (I'm going to try the Pepsi O way)

  3. First off... The Widow Rocks!!!

    I also Puffing a lot and enjoying it even more, the Pen is doing fantastic!

    The rack next to my monitor has 2 401's, 2 901's and 2 501's, the Lil lady and I like to change up LOL

    But I find myself reaching for the Pen a LOT.

    At my door today was a nice package from the Widow, just have to love her..

    The Pipe is here, Batt"s are charging (I got extra chargers and Batt's after reading the posts on charging) and I'm chomping at the bit to puff this thing....

    Will let you know if it replaces the Pen....

    Yes, I'm very interested in what you find.....

  4. Ahhh .... just read through some previous posts and realize that I can truly be comfortable here. A lot of like minded thinkers on this forum. Whoo hoo. I know there are a lot of people out there who are waking up to the fact that 'the times, they are a-changing'. People up here north of the border are still pretty complacent, I think. Figure that no matter what happens down in the US, it would never happen here. All I can say is that they are in for a big shock. Bottom line is that this isn't 'just' the US - it's the whole dang world. I am pretty darned worried about the future my kids are looking at. They're both in their late teen's so wouldn't listen to anything I had to say anyway and far too young to be able to read the signs. Too young, probably, to even realize what they stand to lose. My hubby and I adopted 'later in life' so we're both in our 50's and ... well ... whatever comes around, we'll handle one way or the other. But the young ones ... sigh. Just have to keep focused on the fact that these times, too, shall pass and eventually there's better things coming. But we sure got some stormy weather approaching.

    Our politics aren't any better than yours either - more laughable if there was anything to laugh about. Bought and paid for like the rest and only too anxious to sell this country down the road. Okay - enough of my rant for the night. Better go and find something to laugh about. :D And always keep in mind that great saying from one of my personal favorites ' Desiderata' - With all it's sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

    I agree, and my favorite song is "It's A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong.... :D

  5. Thanks, that's the story of my life... Wait.... :lol: all kidding aside, I think it is worth looking into. Lately I find myself with three different e-cigs loaded and taking turns on them. I'm chain vaping Chris.... I do believe I'm chain vaping... I've got to slow down... :wacko: I'm looking at the e-cigars for more vapor and the pipe to last longer.... I need help Chris.. I like too, too much..... I think I've lost control.... Between the vaping and this forum.....

  6. It sure appears as though he wasn't acting like a minister of the Lord from what I'm hearing. The Lord said to give unto Ceaser what is Ceaser's. He taught to obey authority. It doesn't appear he did either. Who knows what provoked the border patrol. he is surely a contoversal preacher from what I've seen... and am I not taking up for what the cops did....

  7. I kinda look at it like if I am wrong I'm just trying to live the right life (I fail a lot) but if I'm right, Wow! Besides, with all my children and grandchildren I really do want to be right. For their sake as well. We are warriors though,don't be fooled, right... Yep, I'm with you. Like Chris has said, there are a lot of extremely inteligent people on this forum...... I can see that and I fully agree with him.... I've enjoyed being on it, even if I do get carried away sometimes.... :lol:

  8. Interesting statement and an interesting point of view..... I'm not a Holy Roller by any means, but I am not a fool... I am a Christian and there is a love letter written to believers that explains why and what is happening today... It's pretty clear to me... I just can't figure out why others can't see the obvious... too much!

  9. You know, that might be a good move for me.... I like the penstyle a lot since you introduced me to it. It wouldn't be much of a switch and maybe the batteries will last longer.... It might make me look like a wise old man instead of wise old bastard... You know, the inteligent look.... :lol:B)

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