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Posts posted by PoppaC

  1. Good review guys, again. Easy to appreciate the products after you two do your reviews. I'm surprised that venders aren't throwing products at you to review for them. Good sales approach for them. How does it compare to your 501?

  2. Ya, the 510 produces more vapor than any other e-cig out there and is also the most consistent, specially with the manuall batts, at least in my case. In fact I am actually calling the 510 the Allegory (as in the Allegory of the Cave by Plato) because before the 510 I thought I was getting great vapor production from the peewee and the penstyle. Boy was I wrong!!!!

    Are any parts from any other units compatable with the 501 parts? Or is this entirely a new syastem?

  3. Great information and quotes! Thanks for the research. As you already know, the folks that are critical of vaping instead of smoking aren't intelligent enough to see the truth as educated as they claim to be. I am certainly happy to see some intelligent and educated people declaring for us in a positive way.

  4. From my friend Toni @ Bloog she is on the mailing list too:

    From: "Hitch, Mary C", INTERNET:Mary.Hitch@fda.hhs.gov


    Date: 5/1/2009 5:05 PM

    RE: Email from Heather Zawalick (CBER)

    Dear Mr. Godshall:

    Your communication was forwarded to me for response as a function of FDA's Office of External Relations. The email to which you refer contains factual errors and does not reflect an official FDA action or policy.


    Mary C. Hitch

    Senior Policy Advisor

    Office of External Relations

    I was wondering if that is not their official policy then is it possible to obtain what their official policy is at the moment.. without shaking the cart too much?

  5. Someone just sent me an email and said they recently received this response when asking Puresmoker when they would have more liquid in stock

    I also want to add that Puresmoker is trying to sell ALL of their liquid. If you use the code JUICE50 it will get you 50% off

    I have been wondering why I haven't been able to order from them. I've recieved the same cookies statement every time I've tried to order lately. You were pretty tight with Steve. Have you personally recieved any info from him and his direction? It is kind of hard to support him as a customer if we really don't know what's happening. I've purchased a lot from him.

  6. Yeah, you're right about dumb ***, and stinking lungs. I coughed for a day and a half and almost pulled a Princess (slamming it against the wall) on it

    then realized I was the idiot who dripped meds into my atomizer..... You know that taste you get out of a new atomizer? Nothing compared to this. Again, I thought I was doing an OD on my lungs... :blink:

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