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Posts posted by PoppaC

  1. what some people have had luck with is putting a drop or two of hydrogen peroxide in the atomizer and blowing through the batt to activate the atomizer do that a couple times and let it dry the HP should eat/get rid of all the meds in there

    Thanks, I thought of that but wasn't sure if it would work. I'll try it (Maybe I should clear my lungs with some too, :lol: ) I'll try your idea...

  2. I can see a huge number of lawsuits against the FEDS if only one previous smoker that has swithched to e-cigs dies. I for one was told by my personal cardiologist that if I didn't quit analog cigs that I'm about finished in a short period of time..... Considering what he said, and finding e-cigs this was a perfect solution for me.... Believe me, I'll jump on the bandwagon of law suits.... :mad:

  3. Thats pretty good my buddy did almost the same thing but he went to put visine in he's eyes but it was my cats eye drops he had to go to the doctors and wear blacked out sunglasses even indoors. :lol:

    Scary! I'm wondering what inhaleing mine did to my lungs....

  4. I was really tired one evening (actually every evening), had my liquid all sitting together. I reached over and grabbed the wrong juice, some ear meds, and dripped in a brand new atomizer.... took a big inhale and thought I was going to die of an overdose.... Uck!! Then I tried cleaning it with O pepsi and soda water... it's working but can't get the damn meds out of it.... pretty stupid, huh? I gotta chalk it up to Mad Cow Disease (alzimers).. :wacko:

  5. You are all very bad..... I say..... Vacker, your an instegator princess.... Royce.... a trouble maker..... and Christopher started the whole thing..... LOL.... Poor Sean, our VicePres to be.... Don't worry Sean, the Navy Seals are on the way..... HEE, HEE, HEE.... :lol::ph34r::lol: P.S. :P

  6. Asian girls....let me tell you...another story.

    And I'm going to show Ashley when she wakes up :) I'm going to tell her Poppa sent me the links :lol:

    Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire, Your Nose Is Longer Than A Telepone Wire............................................................................

    .................. (very long!)

  7. You know, I've tried two so far and both didn't work for me..., I was told they are having lots of issues... I've returned them both... I'm still looking for a good one so that I can save wear and tear on my portables while I'm at home.....

  8. Interesting to see it in person... and a price.... Very neat..... I carry super mini's and penstyles with me, along with all the works so I don't run dry. It would be great to have a portable charger close at hand..... Thanks Vacker.

  9. Gotta put my 2 cents in here..... Navy Seals, Three Head Shots, On rolling Seas, From a Distance, All at the same time, ninja my butt.... Take it from an old sailor...... Only Superman can move faster than a speeding bullet, and I know Superman, and your ninjas are not supermen...... :lol: :P :lol::D:lol:

  10. It appears, my dear, that I am having the same problem with my 'pass through'! This is the second one I have purchase with the same problem. The last one I sent back and recieved this one to replace the first. After plugging it in to my computer, it gives me one good blast of vapor then proceeds to go eratic and frustrate me to no end. Blinking, then not coming on at all. Why, I ask! I do not like to be played with, although I like to play. Alas, I can not bring myself to torture so I will do the same as you, with this particular item. Back to the supplier! Unless someone can come up with a solution. :(

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