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Posts posted by PoppaC

  1. I was just thinking about what a great sense of humor there seems to be with the members here in this forum. How about you pick out some of the funny one-liners and people have to guess who said it and for extra points which thread it was in.

    I like that... cause I can't video.... :rolleyes:

  2. I just wanted to point out to everyone (in case you didn't see the Announcement Chris made) that the site will be under "construction" and closed on the night of Tuesday May 26th, and some of Wednesday the 27th. There are going to be some very cool and exciting new changes coming!

    If you have any questions or concerns please post about it (preferably before the update starts to occur :D ).

    Always look forward to what you all do. Just not happy about the don time. I'm patient though, you guys always come thru....

  3. Let me just be clear it's not a Ruyan. Ruyan doesn't make the DSE.

    But why would you purchase a Ruyan anyway? The DSE you got is the same DSE you will find any place else. We've all used them, and they all work great. In fact I have a review of the DSE coming up next week. (As well as the mini pipe)

    Looking forward to the mini pipe review.....

  4. unbelievable. But those same people drive around a car all day spewing crap into the air. So full of s***

    Amen, Christopher! It takes everything I have to hold back listening to the BS. I have never seen such ignorance in my entire life. It is refreshing to see our 'intelligent', patriotic and truthful young folks like you and many on this forum voicing honest and good opinions. Please don't stop. Everyone seems to dictate to us to be tolerant to their intolerance. Hypocrites and Jackasses! :angry:

  5. I just spoke with the FDA they said all flavors fall under the "new drug act" and must be approved first. However they are willing to let the "blonde poon-tang and Peruvian cocaine on a hot summer night in Cabo" pass through customs so long as we send them some samples for testing as well as a few starter kits.

    Me too! :)

  6. Interestingly enough it looks like Ruyan really does not sell but has distributors sell their products exclusively. Ruyan is apparently in the R&D and Manufacturing business along with being litigious :)

    Absolutely correct... it's ovious... can't blame them though... This is the same oriental fellow who invented it, correct?

  7. We all agree the system needs an overhaul but the trouble with the US Gov't. is that is so slow to move. Usually gets it wrong to start with due to outside influnce from those that lobby for the big tobacco and pharmaceutical industries. It turns like a big stupid snail.... not usually for our good!

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