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Everything posted by Schizophretard

  1. I wouldn't use the same atty everyday. If I were to buy an ultrasonic cleaner I would have one atty for each day of the week. Drying wouldn't be an issue.
  2. How well do they work? If you dropped an atty in every night, what would you expect?
  3. They are one less on a 510 and pcc cuz I got mine yesterday.
  4. It would be interesting to make a mod out of him. I wonder where they would put the atty.
  5. So, they ban it based on other people's ignorance? That doesn't seem like a solution.
  6. OMG! The answer is obvious. Buy both! When you're using The Force or The Schwartz carry your VP2 and when you're fighting crime on the streets of Gotham carry the Spade!
  7. I'm tempted to make a comment about you whipping out your unit and what you did with it after that but I think it is too soon to get one of my posts deleted. Anyway, good news! I'm totally going to whip mine out at the family Christmas party!
  8. I ordered a 510 and a Spade. I can't wait for them to come in. This excitement is like Christmas! Right now I'm stuck with a Smoke Money Everywhere that I only use at this computer. The rest of the time I'm stuck with analogs.
  9. I wonder why they would be banned during flight. In places that have no smoking section like planes it seems like an obvious place for it to be acceptable. I think the opposite would make more sense: Selling e-cigs in the airport.
  10. I wonder how it would work if you combined the auto drip mod with the straw mod? Also couldn't you screw the spring through the fiber to keep it where you need it and you could use a little less fiber without it getting into the atty?
  11. I rather vaping being in the category of smoking and chewing then in the category of the patch and gum. We enjoy much freedom to vape right now only because it is new. The likely future is that it is either going to be taken over by Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, or BANNED. I'm 28 years old and nicotine addiction is usually and most likely for me a life long addiction. We must look to the future. The freedom we enjoy is most likely not going to last our lives. Which future do you want? One where it is controlled by Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, or BANNED? I rather buy a PV from Marlboro then getting a prescription from a doctor. I believe that if it is seen as an alternative to the patch or gum we will have more problems then if it is seen as an alternative to smoking or chew. Also, I believe it makes the likelihood of a ban even more likely. I rather be compared to a smoker than someone on the patch. I think one reason why we maybe called cheaters by smokers at the work place is because in a way we are cheating them. We used to have to wait for our smoke breaks. We used to be the disgusting minority. Now we are basically saying to the group we were once a part of,"I'm not one of you. I'm a nonsmoker." I rather smokers be on my side because people who have never smoked wont be because they can't relate. People who have never smoked will always have a "QUIT OR DIE!" view of smoking. If we "cheat" by mimicking the hand to mouth and blowing out "smoke" behavior but behave as nonsmokers then no one will accept us. The smokers at work will think we should be treated like them by having smoke breaks and the nonsmokers will believe the same plus believe we should "QUIT OR DIE!" I believe that only partially behaving as smokers will give us no allies and we are a bigger minority than smokers. I'm going to team up with the smokers because if I go it alone I will lose more of my freedom to vape than I can handle. I'm going to mimic the behavior of smokers the best I can which means smoke breaks and no smoking in nonsmoking areas. I lived like that most of my life and don't mind it much. What I don't like is being unhealthy from smoking. I'm going to live like a smoker and educate others about the truth of vaping. I'm not going to get in anyone's face about it.
  12. LOL! You owe me a new laptop! I got Pepsi all over it and my nose burns! I'll see you in court!
  13. LOL! You could tell them that you have a mutated version of H1N1 and the devise keeps it from giving you pneumonia then cough on them. That would end the conversation fast.
  14. Sounds like the Kissbox is a good choice. I'm starting to get paranoid about the stick. I need something reliable because right now I'm stuck with a Smoke Everywhere or as I like to call it, the Smoke Money Everywhere . I decided to go with the 510. I bought one of those and the Spade last night. Doesn't the 510 PT use the same batt also?
  15. Interesting! What is the main problems you have with them?
  16. What kind of atomizer is the JANTY CLASSIC Atomizer? Is it an 801? What atomizers are compatible without adapters? Where can I get the adapters? What does the six month warranty cover? What is the JANTY CLASSIC Atomizer's average life span? Can I direct drip and use this BIG 3ml E-Dobit? I'm a pizza delivery driver, so I need a USB car charger. Can I use any USB car charger or do I need something like this 5V 2000mAh car cigarette lighter to USB port adapter?
  17. LOL! In my town we don't even have a traffic light and we only have one store. We call it the Corner Store. It is a gas station that no longer sells gas but still sells bait. No body knows the nationality of the people that run it. They say they're Iranians but out here even people from India are Iranians. I think it is because my county used to be a major Klan headquarters. Out here there is only three known nationalities, Black, Chinese, American, and Iranian. Our town is so small that if you drive on the main road for five seconds at any speed you would go right through it. A trip to the Indianapolis Zoo is considered a vacation and a trip to Walmart is considered going to the mall. I grew up in Indianapolis and still work there. Whenever someone hears a gun shot in Indianapolis everyone assumes someone is dead but out here in the sticks we assume someone is dead when the shot guns and AKs stop. At night when the coyotes and wolves stop howling I know Bigfoot is near by and I have to go outside with my SKS to protect the chickens. We have only one cop so If someone has a problem with their neighbor they challenge them at Thunderdome!
  18. I want a stick. Where should I buy one in the USA? Is Janty the only place? How is their service? Opinions?
  19. If you exhale enough second hand nicotine that it causes a physical effect on the second hand inhaler then you can be sure that you are going to over dose. Our lungs are designed to absorb and they do an excellent job. Sure there will be second hand nicotine just like there is second hand oxygen from normal breathing but you will be dead if you received your oxygen only from second hand breath. As tar starts leaving your lungs and they get more healthy from vaping you will absorb more of the nicotine. Your lungs no longer have to try to absorb 4000 chemicals. Nicotine can be absorbed into the skin. Imagine how much of it is absorbed into healthy lungs.
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