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Hacking A Lung?


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I was wondering if anyone else was going through this too? When I was smoking I would wake up in the morning and cough and hack till it seemed I was bringing up a lung. Then I started vaping and it slowly started to stop. Well it's been 7 months and I'm starting to hack again in the morning. I can't figure out if it's sinus, changing weather or what. I was just curious if anyone else was having any reaction like this? :wallbash:

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Hi snubber, I heard we're in for a heck of an allergy season this year in the northern part of the country. Don't know if that will affect you where you live. I do not suffer from allergies, but when the pollen is blowing, it does aggravate my throat, nose and eyes. I have not coughed vaping anything like when I smoked analogs, but I do cough every now and then, especially when my throat is dry. I have since acknowledged that I did a fair amount of damage to the tissue in my throat when I smoked. Like I cannot eat really spicy food any longer without a profuse coughing fit. That's just my own experience. Of course you're going to hear someone suggest a visit to a doctor and perhaps have an x-ray taken. The best to you.

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you may just have some kind of cooties---

my cough went away shortly after I started vaping---no more cough.

other than old age--make any changes with what you are vaping???

Every little boy knows that only girls have cooties...lol Haven't heard that term in a long time.

No nothing really different except juice flavors. It's just like it was when I was smoking analogs. Wake up and start coughing and hacking for about 10 mins or so and then it finally goes away. A little gunk in my throat and nose and after sounding like I'm gonna die for about 10 mins it all clears up. Didn't know if anyone else went through this or not.

Must be old age like Jeff said. You know how us old farts are. :shutup:

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Every little boy knows that only girls have cooties...lol Haven't heard that term in a long time.

No nothing really different except juice flavors. It's just like it was when I was smoking analogs. Wake up and start coughing and hacking for about 10 mins or so and then it finally goes away. A little gunk in my throat and nose and after sounding like I'm gonna die for about 10 mins it all clears up. Didn't know if anyone else went through this or not.

Must be old age like Jeff said. You know how us old farts are. :shutup:

If it were me I would go back to vaping something you had a lot of, then see what happens. Second, does it feel like you are coughing stuff from your throat or from your chest? Is it colored or clear? Usually clear is allergy if its colored it could be a sinus infection. Any other symptoms? When I have bad sinus issues I cough in the morning blow my nose then its all good until I go to bed again because of the sinus's dripping down the throat.

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If youre still coughing up the black boogers its probably just that your lungs are still healing. I read somewhere once that it could take years after quitting smoking for your lungs to finally heal. It was a poster in a clinic I used to go to, just see it through you should be ok, and kick yourself in the bottom for smoking so long... lol! Old people have it way worse than us youngins, cause after 20-30 years of smoking its like using a rusty gas tank in a car.. itll get better im sure with time!!

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Well, I sometimes have the occasional hacking but it never bothers me at all. Maybe Jeff is right...

Another one huh? Didn't think you'd turn on me too. :on2long:

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I'm actually going thru the same situation right now. I want to believe it's just that my lungs are starting to heal and the only way to get rid of all the crap stuck in them is by coughing. No literally, since we are still getting nicotine in our bodies and nicotine inhibit the lungs healing process the other way the body uses is by coughing. Hopefully it goes away soon!!!

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I know what hes talking about. I go through the same thing everyday. I thought it was my lungs getting rid of the crap but if it was, it would be all brown and disgusting. It seems that vaping creates more mucous in my throat.. not to say that smoking is any better but im curious as to why.

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I was wondering if anyone else was going through this too? When I was smoking I would wake up in the morning and cough and hack till it seemed I was bringing up a lung. Then I started vaping and it slowly started to stop. Well it's been 7 months and I'm starting to hack again in the morning. I can't figure out if it's sinus, changing weather or what. I was just curious if anyone else was having any reaction like this? :wallbash:

Well, you're too young for your age to be a factor so, my guess is that it has to do with the seasons changing.;)

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