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Think I Am Not Going To Vape

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The chances of this are pretty slim. You have to remember this forum has been around since almost the start of ecigs. We've all sort of learned along the way. There where much higher strengths back then.

You'd have to drink e liquid before you'd end up with nicotine poisoning. I know "listening to your body" doesn't seem like it would work but it does. Have you ever gone out drinking, smoked your rear end off only to feel sort of "bleh" You think to yourself "got I can't smoke anymore" The same thing would happen with vaping. I can assure you that if you start with say 12 or 16mg you'd have to really push yourself to ever hit nicotine poisoning. In other words your not going to vape only to wake up 8 hours later and think "what just happened" it doesn't work like that. It takes A LOT of time and you'd end up throwing up before you ever hit a lethal stage. Now if you buy 100ml of 36mg from China and then spilled it all over yourself... well then your on your own. ;)

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

All of you really thank you!

I think you are all right I think its the addiction talking. I ordered 18 mg juice and I have been using 18 mg carts, with this P.O.S. M401 I have.

Thanks again all of you.

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At 24mg, it is a joke, but I fear there are people out there who are not safe and playing with 100mg.

Exactly. 24mg is nothing, but if you're messing with 100, it gets serious.

Original poster, yeah, you will be perfectly fine at 18mg. I don't even see how you could get enough 18mg vapor into your body to poison you. You'd probably have to drink the stuff.

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One of my first tries at quiting I was wearing the patch and still chain smoking. I would get some wicked headaches and a big buzz. So after I figured out what was causing them I would go outside, take off the patch, smoke my analogs, and then go back inside and put on a patch. That's was one of my first attempts to stop. It didn't work so I gave up the patch. (what a joke)I also tried the gum, candy, etc. Then when I got my first e-gig I was using it and still smoking at least as much as ever. I never had any trouble with it and I don't believe you will either. It's just a matter of using your smarts. If you start to feel bad back off. (I'd say on the analogs)You really wont get enough nic vaping and smoking to do you much harm. Unless you're vaping 50mg liquid. So don't give up. You will find vaping is a much better choice and a whole hell of a lot more fun.

Good luck and happy vaping.

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Hi, such an interesting thread here. I want to say I could get run over by a bus tomorrow...I think if I listened to everyone I've ever met and believed everything I've ever read, I'd be dead. I recall reading the nic poisoning thing here when I first joined...somewhere. People sometimes do dumb things, people also have sensitivities to things that others don't. I don't know... The best advice imo (and that's what this is, my opinion) is what has already been said, do the research and listen to your body. Vaping is far better than continuing to smoke analogs. That is hard to dispute! Good luck!

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Are you serious someone OD'ed on nic, thats a fable no one can OD off of a Ecig you would have to be a complete idiot, I think if your that worried about something like that than maybe vaping isn't for you, I don't see how you couldn't use Ecigs just get low mg's and give it a try. It seems to me people who vape are people that are not afraid of trying something new, yet again people have different tolerances to different drugs, Just look at it compared to real cigs to me it was a no brainer to switch plus I have a few screws loose upstairs, hopefully you can at least give it a try bcuz its working for thousands of people.

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Here's the link on nicotine poisoning that I think started this whole discussion.

If I'm reading this correctly the poster self-diagnosed himself with nicotine poisoning. Frankly, I'm in the camp that your body will warn you when you've had enough. Listen to it. :coffee:

Edited by unruly8i
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Here's the link on nicotine poisoning that I think started this whole discussion.

If I'm reading this correctly the poster self-diagnosed himself with nicotine poisoning. Frankly, I'm in the camp that your body will warn you when you've had enough. Listen to it. :coffee:

I agree :thumbsup:

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