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Post #100

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I learned something from my mother a long time ago. When they yell, curse and/or flip the bird, regardless who's fault it is. Immediately start waving like you know the person, then stop like you can't believe this person you know would flip you off...try and cover your face a little but its tough to see people clearly in a car while its moving.

The "funniest" was a lady who backed into my husband. She was completely oblivious. This was at an interesection. He had people behind him, so of course HE couldn't back up to get away from her. He wound up having to get out of the car and go knock on her window to get her attention.

How can you back up at an INTERSECTION without looking behind you, and WORSE not know you hit someone. It was a light hit, true, but it certainly wasn't running into pillows either. At any rate after that, hopefully she paid more attention at least THAT day.

The waving at folks thing... when I was a teenager I waved at someone I thought I knew and they chased us thinking I whipped the bird LMAO. My date started to speed, I was like pull over stupid.. getting punched might hurt, but we won't DIE like drivin like a maniac is sure to do to us LOL

Anyway, said idiot also pulled over and I read him the riot act in my patented "I'm little but tough" voice. LOL Learned it from my mother who was just shy of 5 feet tall. It worked, but even THEN I thought it was stupid to go chasing after someone even if they HAD whipped said person the bird. But then, I was an odd child.

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