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He's Proud Of Me!

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I am 31yrs old and I am 42 days cigarette free. Since using the e-cig, I finally found the courage to tell my grandfather about me quitting smoking and using these INCREDIBLE devices this past monday. My grandfather is in his 70's (upper) and smoked for YEARS. My childhood memories are often clouded by the smokey haze that was always present in my grandparents house. Then 25years and 1 month ago my grandfather had a major heart attack and died 3 times. (yes i know how lucky i am to still have him..) He quit cold turkey that day. I commend him on that because many, including myself can not. And many i know have had medical issues and still can not. But still he did it, so i always felt "shy" to approach him with my issues that i couldn't. I finally summoned the courage to show him what i was doing and what had helped me and even tell him about this forum. And his words were: "I am so PROUD of you punkin'" He went on to reveal the struggle that he had in quitting and was amazed at these new devices (and how envious he is that i have this option - but so very glad.) He also talked about how upsetting it is to hear the information that is put out by the "anti-smoking" people, such crap as "nicotine kills you."

The conversation went on to many other things such as the fda and big tobacco and i wont bore you with that. But my heart and chest swelled with pride! He is proud of and happy for me, and wishes many more people will be able to find a place like VT and e-cigs. I know i'm 31 years old - at this age, i probably shouldn't still seek approval from anyone, but when you get it from someone who is your "hero" (child and adulthood alike) it just makes you feel oh so good! :wub:

Edited by MD864
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