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On The 6Th Day....


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Well checking in, thanks for all the kind replys on the newbie forum, but since I think this is going to work (vaping) I'm moving over to the regular section for posting :) Anywho. 6th day vaping with my 901, finally got some new juices from (e smoky treats) not too bad, the grape is good and vanilla isnt bad either. Some things to note 18mg nicotine seems to be too much for me, alltho I smoked a pack and a half of parliment lights a day. so my next juice order is going down to the 9-11mg range to try that out, wierd I think cause I see alot of people on here saying that 18mg doesnt cut it for them. So bottom line is like my 901, i do wanna go for the 510 as a second device, since ive heard nothing but good things about them, but I can't really complain about my 901, as long as you always have a charged battery, I'm good to go. the 901 produces anough vapor for me, i dont need to have the "bong hit" crush myself type of vapor but i dont like the too dry hit either. so the minis seem to be perfect for me. First 2 days or so, had the rough throat, as I was getting used to the vapor vs. smoke thing, not so bad now. For sure no sore throat. I do drink a ton more water since vaping (which of course is also and awesome thing). But all in all I'm liking it i smoked like 4 analogs cause i ran out of the starters before i got my first e-juice delivery on monday, they tasted like crap smoked half the cig and put it out. No going back now! :D Anyway As I said my main thing was I am getting too jittery with the 18mg juice, probably cause I like to vape to often so I'm going to step it down to 9-11mg and then Im thinking i'll be good to go. I'll keep you all up to date on how it goes. Thanks for the support guys and gals! And drop a line saying hello anytime.


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Congrats on 6 days !!!! that is great. Vaping really is life changing. Glad you decided to stay with us. not tried the 901--but hear it is much better for flavor. The 510 is really great for throat hit. It's all about what is working for you.

Many, Many Days of Happy vaping


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Glad to hear it's working for you. I smoked ultra light cigarettes and still started out with high nic juice. But I've been working my way down on the nic levels and am doing fine with that. I've been doing between 3mg and 6mg and think I'll be down to 0 before too long. One good thing is that you can change the nic level until it's just right for you.

Congrats and continued good luck with the vaping.

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Congrats Luke - great news! Very happy for you.

I use 24mg, but I like being jittery. :) If I wasn't jittery I wouldn't be me! ;) (j/k)

Should be getting some 9mg from awesomevapor today ill let you know how that works in comparrison to the 18mg. would be nice to just bumpo it down to 9mg right off the bat, i wouldnt mind that at all.


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Some things to note 18mg nicotine seems to be too much for me, alltho I smoked a pack and a half of parliment lights a day. so my next juice order is going down to the 9-11mg range to try that out, wierd I think cause I see alot of people on here saying that 18mg doesnt cut it for them.


When I started a few months back I started with 24mg. It was super harsh. I procured some 11mg a few days later and it was really harsh as well. I think with me, I just had to get used to the different materials being consumed/inhaled. It also didn't help that I was coming off of a chest cold. Needless to say within a few weeks things started to settle in for me. I am now at a comfortable 16-18mg on 3.7 and 11-16 on the passthrough. With the VP-PT, I noticed when it is in its 5-volt mode, I really have to stay lower mg and could possibly try zero nic juice. 5 volts for me really kicks. I might be scared to go any higher.

Try the lower stuff but I think you may find yourself reaching for the mid-range in a few weeks. But as is said, Whatever works! :)

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