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Non-Smoker Was Concerned About Exhaled Nicotine

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I was doing a holiday gig the other night at a friend's restaurant in Nashville, Indiana. He throws one every year for his closest friends and business acquaintances, and he hired me to provide some nice guitar music for the evening. I had gotten him using an ecig months ago, and he allows ecig use in his establishment.

So I had finished my set, and sat down at my table with a few other folks. I pulled out my ecig and was puffing away, and as usual some folks who had never heard of an ecig asked questions, which I answered.

One lady asked, "is there nicotine in the vapor". I said, "no it's only water vapor". Well, she began to get a bit agitated, saying that she has a hypersensitivity to nicotine, that even trace amounts could give her palpitations or something. "If there's any nicotine at all in the vapor, I can't be around it. How can there be nicotine in the juice and not have trace amounts in the vapor?"

Well, I immediately saw what I was dealing with, and putting the ecig in my pocket, told her no problem. My opinions about her hypersensitivity aside, I'm wondering if there is any science regarding the exhaled vapor and whether or nor ALL the nic is absorbed by the user. Anyone?

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I was doing a holiday gig the other night at a friend's restaurant in Nashville, Indiana. He throws one every year for his closest friends and business acquaintances, and he hired me to provide some nice guitar music for the evening. I had gotten him using an ecig months ago, and he allows ecig use in his establishment.

So I had finished my set, and sat down at my table with a few other folks. I pulled out my ecig and was puffing away, and as usual some folks who had never heard of an ecig asked questions, which I answered.

One lady asked, "is there nicotine in the vapor". I said, "no it's only water vapor". Well, she began to get a bit agitated, saying that she has a hypersensitivity to nicotine, that even trace amounts could give her palpitations or something. "If there's any nicotine at all in the vapor, I can't be around it. How can there be nicotine in the juice and not have trace amounts in the vapor?"

Well, I immediately saw what I was dealing with, and putting the ecig in my pocket, told her no problem. My opinions about her hypersensitivity aside, I'm wondering if there is any science regarding the exhaled vapor and whether or nor ALL the nic is absorbed by the user. Anyone?

From what I understand from a prety fair amount of research, more than 90% of the nic is absorbed by the lungs and the very small % that is exhaled dissipates faster than the pg. So yes there is a very trace ammount of nic in the exhaled vapor at first but before the visible vapor dissipates the nic has been long since evaporated . Also on a side note, if she is truly hypersensitive to nic then eating a potato or a tomato, or even just a bite of eggplant would cause a severe reaction since these and other vegetables contain more nicotine than what would be exhaled by more than 20people vaping at once in the same room. So I would say if someone claims hypersensitivity to nic and still eats a baked potato or a plate of spaghetti, then they are full of BS.

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From what I understand from a prety fair amount of research, more than 90% of the nic is absorbed by the lungs and the very small % that is exhaled dissipates faster than the pg. So yes there is a very trace ammount of nic in the exhaled vapor at first but before the visible vapor dissipates the nic has been long since evaporated . Also on a side note, if she is truly hypersensitive to nic then eating a potato or a tomato, or even just a bite of eggplant would cause a severe reaction since these and other vegetables contain more nicotine than what would be exhaled by more than 20people vaping at once in the same room. So I would say if someone claims hypersensitivity to nic and still eats a baked potato or a plate of spaghetti, then they are full of BS.

And drinking Vodka, eating garlic, or any nightshade plant... I would hate to be alergic to nicotine! Talk about screwed!

I would say that the chances of being sensitive to PG would be much more likely that alergic to nicotine.

There is indeed a known alergy to nicotine but as far as I can tell, it's mostly from folks using patches and gum. Symptoms include headaches, nausia, the squirts. Mostly digestive issues. And it's very, very rare.

It's strange how people associate nicotine with the bad stuff in cigarettes. Most likely this lady was sensitive to cigarette smoke and just jumped to the conclusion that it was the nicotine in the smoke that bothered her. But, alas, no amount of reassurance on your part would make any difference. You did the right thing by just letting it go. That's the way we are going to win folks over in my opinion.

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I would have to agree with Jmhester, and Dannyboy. This woman sounds like one of many Ive met and heard of, who use the "sensitivity" defense to stress her angst against ANYTHING tobacco related. She probably teaches Ignorance 101 at the local community college. If you had brought up the fact that there is nicotene in potatoes and other foods, she probably would've said "no, not THAT type of nicotene". You did the right thing by just putting it away, as Joe Walsh said, "You just cant argue with a sick mind".

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My first thought when reading the orginial post was "What about the nicotine in foods?", but since that has already been mentioned, I won't go into that. I agree with with jm that it was probably the smoke she was sensitive to (although with some people I tend to think it's all in their heads, but that's just my opinion of some people - not this lady).

Just a bit off topic here, but I'm curious if this lady was one that soaked herself in perfume. So many of the people I was ever around who complained about my smoking or the smell of the smoke on me were ones who wore tremendous amounts of perfume. I am one who is very sensititve to perfume and even get sick by the smell of it if it's too strong. I've always wished I could comment on how offensive their "smell" was to me. Alas, I'm not. But oh! the replies I've thought of.... :whistle:

I did try the patch once. The reaction I had was a big red rash every single place I'd had a patch. Interesting look, to say the least. I have no idea why that happened, but it couldn't have been a reaction to the nicotine.

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Good point Nana ( and gee, I missed you ). The smell of perfume makes me ill. My wife HATES the fact that I complain about it. I cant even stand the smell of mens cologne, and she hates the fact that I never wear it. And I always tell people, like you, I tried the patch and it didnt work. I couldnt keep the damn thing lit.

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StringDancer, I too commend you for your consideration of the lady who found herself so agitated over imagined second-hand exposure to nicotine. My first thought was that she must not be so hypersensitive to nicotine that the vapor would affect her, if she wasn't already having a reaction. I suppose I would probably have put the PV away as well, but would certainly have been disgusted over the issue. Possibly have found a gracious way to leave the table. I've absolutely no tolerance for willful ignorance -- at all. Thankfully you are a good ambassador for our cause. thumbsup.gif

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I wasn't going to post here because I felt the first couple of post pretty much said it all, but I believe if I am ever put in this situation I will try to diffuse it before it becomes an issue. I would tell her that of course there are trace amounts of nicotine in the exhaled vapor, but it dissipates very quickly. I would try to find out if her reaction was actually to nicotine or to cigarettes. If she can eat tomatoes, potatoes, or other foods containing nicotine, she is not sensitive enough that the exhaled vapor will bother her. Honestly, although I have no proof to back it up, you probably have about as much of a chance being THAT sensitive to nicotine as you do being allergic to the sun.

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Just a bit off topic here, but I'm curious if this lady was one that soaked herself in perfume. So many of the people I was ever around who complained about my smoking or the smell of the smoke on me were ones who wore tremendous amounts of perfume. I am one who is very sensititve to perfume and even get sick by the smell of it if it's too strong. I've always wished I could comment on how offensive their "smell" was to me. Alas, I'm not. But oh! the replies I've thought of.... :whistle:

You got that right! Glad I'm not the only one who has seen this. Back on topic - I actually had a smoker tell me that the vapor couldn't be harmless if it had nicotine in it. I hadn't thought of it really, and couldn't respond to his statement. So, guess this post helps me if it comes up again.

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Thanks for the input, everyone. I was a bit put out by the woman's little power-play, but inasmuch as I was playing a gig there, and in my friend's restaurant to boot, it behooved me to take the high road and be ultra-courteous, regardless of my opinions of her alleged hypersensitivity. I didn't think to mention the trace amounts of nic in tomatoes, etc, but I probably wouldn't have pressed the point even if I had. You can't argue truth to people like this. Maybe she just wanted to put me in my place. Well, she failed, because I eventually just got up, went across the room and had a vape anyway.

I think certain people just have a negative reaction to ecigs because it pisses them off that there's a way around the tobacco bans, or that I was able to enjoy a vape without concern about second-hand smoke, etc. Some folks will complain just because I'm sucking on something that doesn't happen to be an organ of theirs. Like she has no oral fixations of her own? Right.


It's no biggie to indulge a tight-*** such as this. I do think it's better to not get too belligerent about ecigs with anti-smokers, for the sake of being a good ambassador. I'm saving my belligerence for when the government tries to ban my banana-flavor juice, the bastards.


Edited by StringDancer
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Thanks for the input, everyone. I was a bit put out by the woman's little power-play, but inasmuch as I was playing a gig there, and in my friend's restaurant to boot, it behooved me to take the high road and be ultra-courteous, regardless of my opinions of her alleged hypersensitivity. I didn't think to mention the trace amounts of nic in tomatoes, etc, but I probably wouldn't have pressed the point even if I had. You can't argue truth to people like this. Maybe she just wanted to put me in my place. Well, she failed, because I eventually just got up, went across the room and had a vape anyway.

I think certain people just have a negative reaction to ecigs because it pisses them off that there's a way around the tobacco bans, or that I was able to enjoy a vape without concern about second-hand smoke, etc. Some folks will complain just because I'm sucking on something that doesn't happen to be an organ of theirs. Like she has no oral fixations of her own? Right.


It's no biggie to indulge a tight-*** such as this. I do think it's better to not get too belligerent about ecigs with anti-smokers, for the sake of being a good ambassador. I'm saving my belligerence for when the government tries to ban my banana-flavor juice, the bastards.


you were so correct the way you handled it. But yes it was a power-play and yes another non-smoker pissed we can still get our nicotine. and of course see saw vapor which made her see red.

I often used to smoke outside were i worked which was at San Francisco airport and one particular person used to cough and complain when she walked by that my smoke bothered her but we were at the airport with jet fumes everywhere but it was MY smoke that bothered her. She too had to win, what a lonely life they must lead.

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Thanks for the input, everyone. I was a bit put out by the woman's little power-play, but inasmuch as I was playing a gig there, and in my friend's restaurant to boot, it behooved me to take the high road and be ultra-courteous, regardless of my opinions of her alleged hypersensitivity. I didn't think to mention the trace amounts of nic in tomatoes, etc, but I probably wouldn't have pressed the point even if I had. You can't argue truth to people like this. Maybe she just wanted to put me in my place. Well, she failed, because I eventually just got up, went across the room and had a vape anyway.

I think certain people just have a negative reaction to ecigs because it pisses them off that there's a way around the tobacco bans, or that I was able to enjoy a vape without concern about second-hand smoke, etc. Some folks will complain just because I'm sucking on something that doesn't happen to be an organ of theirs. Like she has no oral fixations of her own? Right.


It's no biggie to indulge a tight-*** such as this. I do think it's better to not get too belligerent about ecigs with anti-smokers, for the sake of being a good ambassador. I'm saving my belligerence for when the government tries to ban my banana-flavor juice, the bastards.


Taking the higher moral ground is always its own reward. I'm glad you had the integrity to pull it off. thumbsup.gif Now everybody, send me the power vibes so that when my time comes I can respond with as much aplomb.

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I am hypersentive to anyone who nags as it causes me to go balistic, so I am glad as hell I was not there.

can you spell c o n t r o l f r e a k

Amen... What a great attitude! thumbsup.gif

We have people like that at my employment too. Some one inside the building once complained that they could smell smoke from outside... I don't know where they grow these people but I don't think it's on my planet.

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Got a woman at work that complains about "second hand nicotine", she complaied to the boss. I told the boss I only use 0 nicotine juice at work.The bottle even says 0 nicotine.24 mg 555 tastes the same even though it's in a 0 nicotine bottle.

Sneaky, sneaky.

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:D That's just what I was thinking. I know the day is coming when someone at my job is going to realize I'm "getting over" and make a stink. I'm going to have to order some 0mg juice to use for a decoy. ;) I like it!
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biggrin.gif That's just what I was thinking. I know the day is coming when someone at my job is going to realize I'm "getting over" and make a stink. I'm going to have to order some 0mg juice to use for a decoy. wink.gif I like it!

Great idea!! Even if I just show the 0nic decoy bottle would be a good thing. I have been vaping in my cubicle obviously for almost a year.

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You did the right thing by just putting it away, as Joe Walsh said, "You just cant argue with a sick mind".

Or, as that great philosopher, Ron White says, "You Can't Fix Stupid"!

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