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Charger Issue--


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Okay so I just bought a Unique KGO and the charger that came with is broke. My buddy used it and idk what he did with it but the charger peice that connects to the ciggerettes base, completely came out of the charger itself. He replaced it with one of the AGO ciggerette chargers, the ones you can buy at local FastTracks. For some reason the new charger he replaced it with does not charge my battery, but neither was the one it came with beofre the peice broke off, what it was doing was it was just staying green, and when i would touch it, or figit it, it would then turn red, but not for long.. HELP???

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Do you tighten your tank down very firmly when you assemble your kgo?

You probably pushed the top of your battery post down and now its not making good contact with the charger.

That , or your battery top is dirty

Clean and slightly lift the center post of your battery.

When you're all done go and buy a joytech battery or a vision spinner and get a quality charger.

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