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PayPal question.


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You know Spydre I have also worked with a few vendors who without any questions asked or not even asking me to send a defective product back in just replace the item that was defective or what ever the case may be but GotVapes are not that type of vendor. The only replies I get from them are short and basically say once we turn the package over to them we have no more responsibility in the matter. I predict that treating a customer as coldly as they did me at the beginning of the year will bring them bad luck for 2014.

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You know Spydre I have also worked with a few vendors who without any questions asked or not even asking me to send a defective product back in just replace the item that was defective or what ever the case may be but GotVapes are not that type of vendor. The only replies I get from them are short and basically say once we turn the package over to them we have no more responsibility in the matter. I predict that treating a customer as coldly as they did me at the beginning of the year will bring them bad luck for 2014.

It could be that they aren't - which sucks, because it leaves customers with a bad taste in their mouths. I mean, even if the post office screwed up, and yeah, every site has that warning about if the post office screws it up, it's on them, we aren't responsible, but most of them will "man up" and cover the situation so their customers are happy.

Just be glad you didn't order a device and they sent it out uninsured.

But I'm glad your post office is willing to work with you. Generally, unless you are out of a HUGE post office, they will be. They want their customers happy, too - they don't make money if we don't send things via USPS, if we choose e-mail and UPS and FedEx for packages (I worked at a law firm that would UPS anything over a certain weight, despite getting a flat priority rate - with insurance - if it fit in a specified box size). But they were a Plaintiff's personal injury law firm, so it's like the money was nothing to them. Then again, I also temped at a plaintiff's combo personal injury/work comp/divorce/heavy duty personal injury litigation where awards get tied up in appeals, and I got laid off because they accepted crap cases, and were only earning "piddling" amounts - when it comes to having to pay salaries - and not even settling for enough to cover the client's medical bills. My position was completely eliminated, they put one attorney on one secretary, and another attorney on another secretary. I have to admit, I was a temp, I was only there three months, but I bawled leaving there because I loved working for that old former judge so much - he returned my faith in personal injury lawsuits. At THAT law firm, I'd seen the brand new receptionist run her own mail through the postage meter. She got pissed off because I reported it.

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