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Joye Ego Light Stuck "on", Not Vaping

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Here we go, so basically what happened was my battery got low. I could only vape for maybe a few seconds before the light would flash four or five times and turn off (I assume that means low battery, if not then I guess I have more problems).

So I plugged it into the USB charger. Apparently cleaning the two heads, one in the battery and one in the charger, with rubbing alcohol and a q-tip isn't enough, because there was still enough residue to make the two pieces stick together. So, when I went to unscrew the charger from the battery, I risked breaking the Ego.

That would be the second time I've broke an Ego like that.

This time, I was prepared. Instead I took apart the USB charger and pulled it free from the circuit board. I can easily resolder it, no biggie. But now, for some reason, the Ego's status light is stuck "on".

No matter how many times I click the button, or how long I hold it, or how hard I whack it on a table, the thing is still glowing a steady blue.

I've tried dismantling the Ego, but I can't figure out how. I think it's held together with adhesive, but I really don't know for certain.

I did find out that I can replace the entire kit I have for less than $30, which came as a shock because I bought it from my friend for $80.

Does anyone know if it's fixable?

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I've broke a lot of eGo batteries by accident from having them "snap" in two in my pocket at work. They are pressed together just below the button and can come apart if enough force is applied. If the tiny wires don't break away you can just press the pieces back together and you're back in business. Soldering such tiny wires is difficult and I wouldn't even want to try it.

As far as the chargers go, I've never had an issue. NEVER screw your batteries in the charger like you're torquing on a lug nut. Just barely snug it with 2 fingers, that's all it needs. I sometimes wipe away any e-liquid from the contacts but don't feel the need to clean it any further and never had any problems with sticking or otherwise. As soon as there is any sign of a problem with a charger replace it immediately for safety sake.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The most common issue I have found with the ego batteries button sticking down is that this small housing for the chip has broken loose inside the metal cap.

This can be readily repaired with a little due care.

myPVshop.com has ego-t batts in stock ,(the site says they still have megas, but they out of stock),for 16.99 plus shipping, so it is probably not worth the effort to repair.

(Any damage to or tampering with battery voids the warranty, and is done at your own risk) I have a special table set up with gloves eye protection etc.

First a safety issue.....do not disassemble the battery pack that is inside the tube!!!! It is not that interesting anyway, several foil strips coated in chemical compounds(Lithium ion for one)

It is very easy to creat a "run away" if disassembled. The entire thing is incased in a plastic wrap to protect it, just don't tamper with it.

Back to the repair. The chip has a tactile switch which is depressed form outside by a small translucent button. The housing holding this chip has moved inside of the housing allowing the plastic button to drop and become wedged.

I use large needle nose pliers and a shop towel to remove metal threaded portion. Wrap threads to protect from pliers. I just do one partial wrap, and from the top down grasp the chrome portion with the pliers, holding batt with other hand. Apply pressure sideways(rocking slowly) and the two portions will seperate. Be gentle.

You will probably see that the plastic chip carrier which is supposed to be glued into chrome portion has came loose. It needs to be reglued( superglue, 1/4 drop) There are 2 notches that it will slide into to ensure proper alignment. The plastic button needs to be reinserted back into its hole prior to this of course.

If any wires are broken now is a good time to resolder them.

There is also a small ground wire from battery to bottom cap that can break on occasion, this can be resoldered.

In closing....SAFETY FIRST...gloves, eye protection, rubber apron.

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