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Everything posted by shaddz

  1. Here we go, so basically what happened was my battery got low. I could only vape for maybe a few seconds before the light would flash four or five times and turn off (I assume that means low battery, if not then I guess I have more problems). So I plugged it into the USB charger. Apparently cleaning the two heads, one in the battery and one in the charger, with rubbing alcohol and a q-tip isn't enough, because there was still enough residue to make the two pieces stick together. So, when I went to unscrew the charger from the battery, I risked breaking the Ego. That would be the second time I've broke an Ego like that. This time, I was prepared. Instead I took apart the USB charger and pulled it free from the circuit board. I can easily resolder it, no biggie. But now, for some reason, the Ego's status light is stuck "on". No matter how many times I click the button, or how long I hold it, or how hard I whack it on a table, the thing is still glowing a steady blue. I've tried dismantling the Ego, but I can't figure out how. I think it's held together with adhesive, but I really don't know for certain. I did find out that I can replace the entire kit I have for less than $30, which came as a shock because I bought it from my friend for $80. Does anyone know if it's fixable?
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