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Anybody Got A Puresmoker Passthrough?

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Those things look pretty serious. I wanted to know if it was worth the extra cash and how reliable it might be. Thanks!

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I ordered a pass thru, but it hasn't gotten here yet and I have no clue as to which one I ordered it for. DO you or anyone know what models you can get a pass thru for and some sites that sell them???

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It depends on which model of PV you have. The main 3 are 510, 901, and 801. I think there is a thread in here somewhere that explains which is what but here's a link, too: http://www.e-cig.org/category/types-of-electronic-cigarettes/

If you know which one you have, post it back and we'll get you to the right place.

In the meantime, here's some places I like to shop: http://www.awesomevapor.com , http://www.dietsmokes.com , http://www.vaporkings.com

I've had good luck with these guys. dietsmokes is the only one that seems to have the 510 passthrough (it's a Dura-C passthrough and is the same thing).

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I want this thing...Unfortunatley the recent VP2 purchase has put other purchases on hold. Compared to the other passthru's I have seen this thing looks quality, plus there is the whole voltage thing. Anyway this is the video that sealed the deal for me. If you have never seen a grimmGreen video enjoy:

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i got mine a week ago. this thing cooks the vapor a little hot. even making the normally cool vapor of an 801 hot (not blazing hot, but warmer than normal). if you are looking for an adapter to switch from model to model, it take the protege adapters. the VP1 adapters dont fit for some reason

it uses a heavy gauge of wire. i assume that would be so that more current goes through the wire than the skinny wires most USB PTs have.

performs great, perfect for dripping, just a tad pricey

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This post inspired me so much that I whent to puresmoker.com, set-up an account and tried to purchase an 801 passthru, but everytime I click on the add to cart link I get a screen saying your cart is empty...must be fate saying cool your jets

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There is going to be a new passthrough coming to the market soon, although I hear the Pure Smoker passthrough is awesome, there is another on the way which I'm sorry to say, I can't talk about yet. I should have it in my lap in about another 2 weeks. You can rest assured though I'll have that sucker on video as soon as I get permission and the production unit is ready. (Which should be very soon)

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