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I've been vaping for about 5 weeks , I love it.

I have a lavatube with 6 ml tank that gives a good vape now and Again , it would seem that when I get a new atomiser it never works great ( to be truthfull the only great vapes I got out of this unit were when I got a 6 ml tank with the atomiser that came with it ) the replacement atomisers never seem to work as well .

So a bit of dissapointment there.

And I also have an ego t LCD unit ( the best vape I have ) great taste and vapour.

But I after about a week of use the ego t atomiser turns bad , I've tried the boiling / cleaning etc u tube stuff , but in my experience I have to buy a new atomiser about once a week at a cost of £5 odd to get a good vaping experience.

Now I no this is cheaper than smoking, but at £20 a month + juice it's not great.

I will continue to vape, but was wondering maybe if there is a cheaper option ( maybe a unit / atomiser that lasts a good while) or is the constant purchase of new atomisers every week to be expected.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I love to vape and will nevert go back to analogue cigs ,but the magical world of the cheap never ending e-cig isn't what I first thought it was.

Maybe you can enlighten me.



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there are alot of factors such as the type of eliquid you use, the type of atomizer, the voltage paired with the resistance of the atomizer, etc. Tanks use cartomizers (not to be confused with atomizers) which don't last forever, they start to degrade in taste due to the filler material or residue buildup on the coils in the cartomizer which is difficult to clean, the cartomizers are meant to be repairable but you are able to use it up to a week id say until the flavor goes bad. Using Eliquid with less additives (such as flavor and types of flavoring etc) should increase life expectancy of your cartomizers. The brand of the cartomizer you get also matters, there are good ones and bad ones.

Atomizers are easier to clean and last you over a month, but you must drip more often and cant chainvape heavily on those. It sounds you are using cartomizers. I go through about 2-3 cartomizers per week, which are about 1-2$ a piece only. (i use smoktech 1.7 or boge cartomizers) . They are meant to be disposable, and as far as I know there is no miracle cartomizer yet available at the cost of 1-2$ a piece that lasts for a long period of time before giving off an undesired taste after so many refills.

If you want to make your cartomizers last i guess it depends on preference, if you want good flavor all the time youd have to switch out your cartos regularly every couple of days, smoke higher PG eliquid, smoke eliquid with less flavoring additives, or try boiling/cleaning them with the suggested methods out there. I always say this and theres some people who dont agree, but in my opinion its not worth the trouble, id rather deal with it and enjoy the full flavor of new cartos than try so hard to get a 2$ carto to last me weeks with significantly reduced taste/vapor. Vaping is significantly cheaper than smoking cigarettes already.

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im also not familiar with the ego-t lcd you talked about, but if that takes atomizers, atomizer life expectancy seems to vary. How you vape is a big factor in how long it will last. Its a different kind of learning curve but rarely do atomizers last for months on end, you definately should get more than a weeks use out of an atomizer though.

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That is what is keeping me from going to tanks.When you vape only a portion of the liquid get vaporised ,the rest would build up and either funk up the element or at least degrade the flavor of the liquid.In my opinion of course as there are a lot of tank fans.I think Boge carto's are the most cost effective for me as when they get funked up a new one is not that expensive.2 or 3 cartos and 2 bottles of liquid a week = $16.00 or $18.00 a week for me. That would have been a day and a half of Camel lights.

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Hi . I hope you are having a great weekend. I am somewhat new to vaping (2 months) and brand new to this forum but I was reading yesterday about an atomizer that seems to hold up for more than a month or two. It is expensive but from what I read it is worth the money and in the long run it really isn't more expensive just more up front. I don't know if it is ok to post a link to a product but I will try. If I have broken a rule please forgive me. This is it http://www.avidvaper.com/hh-357-cisco-spec-hybrid-atomizers/. I am thinking about trying one myself and will post my opinion of it here. Good luck on your search and let us know what you find that works. Have a great day.



Posted Yesterday, 08:50 PM


I've been vaping for about 5 weeks , I love it.

I have a lavatube with 6 ml tank that gives a good vape now and Again , it would seem that when I get a new atomiser it never works great ( to be truthfull the only great vapes I got out of this unit were when I got a 6 ml tank with the atomiser that came with it ) the replacement atomisers never seem to work as well .

So a bit of dissapointment there.

And I also have an ego t LCD unit ( the best vape I have ) great taste and vapour.

But I after about a week of use the ego t atomiser turns bad , I've tried the boiling / cleaning etc u tube stuff , but in my experience I have to buy a new atomiser about once a week at a cost of £5 odd to get a good vaping experience.

Now I no this is cheaper than smoking, but at £20 a month + juice it's not great.

I will continue to vape, but was wondering maybe if there is a cheaper option ( maybe a unit / atomiser that lasts a good while) or is...

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I've been buying this in uk for my lavatube with little success.

1 piece Genuine Smoktech 510 Dual Coil Atomiser to fit the 6ml DCT tank system (Ready Pierced). Resistance 1.5ohms +/- 0.2. Stainless Steel version to use inside the Smoktech DCT 6ml Tank.

Maybe this is why I have been having problems ( so much so I've not used the lavatube for days as its just problems all round)

I have stuck to my ego t LCD which is great , would it be recommended to clean the atomiser on the ego t before it tastes bad ( would this make it last longer that a week) as I've only tried the cleaning once it tastes bad.


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The Lava Tube has a built in safety feature which bumps down the voltage so that anything low res will not work. If you pick up some 3ohms you will be back in business for sure.

I have personally never been able to get a carto to last longer than a week personally but I say give it a try.

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