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Main Contributors To Throat-Hit? Trying To Find A Go-To Vape


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Hey all im new here and to vaping, Ive been vaping for about 2 weeks and its been going well, no analogs for me for a whole 2 weeks which im so happy about. I have a joye 510 for when i go out and an egoT passthrough with LR atomizers for home use. I used to smoke 1-1.5 packs a day, right now im vaping about 2-3ml a day. Usually its only 1-2ml because after a while my throat or mouth starts to feel weird or the throat hits just keep getting harsher. What im wondering is what are all the contributing factors to throat hit? from the research ive done it seems to be almost everything, atomizers/battery,eliquid type,nicotine content. Right now im using 24mg PG liquids, and im waiting on a 24mg VG to come in to try that out and see if its less harsh, I was wondering if anyone out there knew the best combo for a smoother hit? Im trying to find a go-to vape mix that i can vape all day without the harsh throat hits after a while.

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Most throat hit (harshness) is caused by the nicotine itself. The higher the nicotine level the more throat hit you'll get.

PG tends to give a harsher hit than VG however. If you're looking for something that feels a bit more like a Black and Mild for example, VG is usually the way to go.

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thanks for the info, hopefully the 24mg vg im waiting for does the trick, or i might have to try a lower nicotine level. I just havent weened myself off the lightheaded feeling newports and as give me yet.

Edited by twelveday
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I used to smoke Players and Macdonald Specials, both are fairly harsh smokes. I found that that the higher nicotine liquids really did the trick, maybe a tobacco flavour as well!

Enjoy and keep on vaping! :)

Edited by IanVape
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Some new vapers experience a dry throught in the begining which may seem like your juice is harsher than what it is. The VG/PG thing is also a big factor. You should try both PG and VG and see for yourself. I find that a 50/50 mix is what I like.

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