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Custom Silver Bullet


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is there any place out there that makes custom silver bullets (designs, colors other then silver and black etc.) ive seen grimmgreens green one and i cant remember where but i seen a white one that was really really sharp looking. just wondering who makes em.

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The Silver Bullet is manufactured by AltSmoke. Some of the colors you see other vapers using were custom colors made specifically for them. At one time there were a few other color options you could chose from. If you would like a custom color, I would suggest contacting them or find a local powder coater to do it for you. But if you have it done privately, you could void your warranty.

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I've never really looked at that mod before tonight. Not bad looking. At least it doesn't look like a Volkswagen tailpipe with garden hose fittings screwed on each end. LOL 8 different body color/switch combinations to choose from. :)

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Altsmoke now has all kinds of custom colors to choose from. (I ran across them earlier today somewhere).

Orange, green, white, pink, black, black chrome, silver buttons, black buttons, etc. Lots more.

Keep checking their website for updates.

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well i sent them an email asking if they charged extra for custom colors because when i was looking all they had was silver black and silver vein but they messaged me back and they had put those up just a few hours before i sent that message

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