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Infamy last won the day on April 28 2011

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About Infamy

  • Birthday 05/24/1987

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    Pittsburgh, PA
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    Music Production, DJing, Computers,

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  1. Well I finally received my VVV mod back from KalamazooVaporShop. I had a bit of issues with it when I originally received it, however James took great care of me and we found out the issue initially was in the switch, a simple return and repair and now it's back in my hands. I have to say that with the current setup I have on it (MAP tank, 510 to 510 adapter), it vapes beautifully, producing large clouds of vapor with a nice warmth to it. Old juices seem to have more of a punch and a deeper throat hit due to it being 5V. The battery life is incredible, however the charge times take a bit for 2x 18350's The button is very solid, and is fairly clicky. The whole unit is very durable feeling and there is no battery rattle. It's fairly large compare to an eGo and when used in public, especially with the MAP Tank attachment I tend to do a lot of show-and-tell. All-in-all even with the initial misfortune, It was worth the wait. I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking for an affordable 5V tube-mod. That's all. Happy Vaping!
  2. Vaportalk sells some great juice, as well as kalamazoo vapor shop and Clouds of Vapor. The list of amazing juices and reputable vendors if quite large, I'd just say to try them all. As for mods, also endless. I have found out though the MAP tank is awesome on an eGo. I can't wait til my VVV gets back to me so I can try it on that. As for shops in Ohio, not sure, but living in PGH, there's nothing around here really. Luckily alot of online stores are within the local timezones so shipping is pretty quick. Grats on your order though, I started with that as well! Keep on Vaping!
  3. I'd recommend a good 555, I find it to have the taste of a fine aromatic tobacco blend.
  4. Hey guys, I posted another topic before this regarding this issue, but this might be a better place to post it. I just recently purchased a Triple V mod from Kalamazoo Vapor Shop, I have been in touch with James regarding this issue but I have a feeling it might just be user-error on my behalf. So, I bought the mod, opened the box when it arrived, charged the batteries, but it would just not vape. I contacted James and it seemed like the batteries were DOA, he readily sent me some new batteries and a few sample bottles of juice for my trouble and I currently have the batteries on the charger as I type. I originally bought the IMR 18350's used with the device the batteries seem really finicky with the tr-001 trustfire multi-charger I have and it's hard to tell if the batteries are fully charged. I also have two 16340's that are supposed to function with it as well. Also, as discussed with James it might unfortunately be a problem with the switch on the device, which is uncommon. Just figured I'd ask you guys before I send it in for a repair/replacement. Any ideas greatly appreciated.
  5. Thank you, hopefully soon if I have access to a kiln, and not just some paperclips, I'll make some ceramic drip-tips.
  6. Phase Two, now better for dripping.
  7. Why Thank you! lol, I'll be working on phase two soon.
  8. I would consider, to make them both took me around an hour. I didn't have tools so it was all hand-bend, I'd imagine with tools I would make them much quicker.
  9. Also, are the carts there around $9 for three? That seems to be the going rate for this device around where I live. Starter kit is $20.
  10. I actually have that exact one you are talking about, the connection is not a 510, it uses cartos that are very difficult to refill, and I have found out that most store bought re-fills are dead on arrival and the taste leaves much to be desired. The Revolutions sold on vapor talk are not the same device. I'd imagine you could refill a revo-lution carto, however I have disassembled one before and it took much effort. VT juices range from 0mg nicotine to 24mg. I'd strongly recommend buying an eGo instead personally.
  11. Most likely a dry atty, also make sure it is completely de-wicked. When I did mine I needed 4-6 to prime it, then afterward no more than 2-3 drops. I also found out it worked better for me if I dripped on the sides rather than right down the center.
  12. I got bored and decided to make a juice and eGo holder (paperclips), so that while I'm at work I won't lose it. kinda ugly, but does the trick. Image is attached if you want to see my hand-bend handy-work.
  13. I recently ordered some Mad Hatter Smooth from Kalamazoo Vapor Shop (24mg w/ 70%PG 30%VG Blend) It comes in a standard child-safety bottle in either 10ml or 30ml sizes. 30ml is $15.00 The cure time on the bottle is recommended for at least one week prior to receiving. However, I have found that it's taste is quite good regardless. It has a slightly spicy flavor to it, like an American spirit analog with a nice smooth cotton candy undertone. I'd imagine the spiciness will fade over time, however it fades after taking a few toots on the boge 510 carto i'm using. Because of the blend being 70/30 the TH is comparable to 16mg at 24mg, The TH is not as reckless as one would believe. It really is smooth for lack of a better term. The end result is an amazingly relaxing and delicious vape, not too bold but not too mild with that great aftertaste that keeps you wanting more. I'd highly recommend this to anyone.
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