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Everything posted by Tagsanstuff

  1. glad you are back.. for me, I can not be without my eGo T atomizer for in the car. at home, I took up DD. the flavors are really good when you DD.. Oh and I try to stay away from very thick purple grape e-liquid. it stained my jeans and hands. it was all over the place.. simply terrible..lol..
  2. if you all dont have one, I recommend it. it is 19.99 over at ttteliquids.com if you DD, it does really well with it. lots of vapor and taste.
  3. I ordered a 30ml of Peanut butter cookie from over at www.thevaporroom.net It is good. 24mg nic 75 pg/ 25/vg Make sure you keep all invoice papers that come in with your order, and also keep the bottle.
  4. You can get 30 ml at vikingvapor.com for ( 10.00 ) I go there alot for my menthol...
  5. What I do is add some menthol to my flavors that I do not care for anymore. That will give you a good TH or I also get 70 pg/30VG. I think Pg is for flavor and VG for vapor, or it can be the other way around. The amount of nicotine helps for TH. I am vaping on the eGo Tank right now. I love it! just make sure you buy extra eGo Tank attys for it as sometimes they just stop working. in most all new parts comes this primer stuff. Make sure you blow it out of the attys and you should be good to go. The ones I just got in did not have primer in them to blow out. I am hoping they are good. besides that, The eGo tank is awesome and it is great for when you are driving alot.
  6. You can add a drip tip to a carto and even to a atty.
  7. I watched all his video`s today...he is pretty good. I do not care what people think of my vaping. they are not me, so who the heck cares. they dont need to.
  8. WELCOME TO THE FORUM Yup indeed there is... 1: I have more energy, which before I did not. 2: I quit smoking due to vaping. 3: It is addictive =) one thing to remember: always buy backups. and VAPE ON!!
  9. I ordered a Goose Neck v2 on Friday evening from www.ttteliquids.com and I think im in love and finally found my PV item.. It is super awesome and the vapor it gives out is simply amazing.
  10. This guy talks about how he quit smoking and had this video about health concerns on the e-cig..
  11. just got back from buying Aqua Clear Filter Insert Foam....it says to wet it with water first? should I?
  12. That is so awesome and WTG Amy! It gets easier each day. the 3rd week was hard for me. and also the 2nd month. but it was so easy to quit by using the e-cig..congratulation on quitting smoking
  13. I dont really have an "all day vape" e-liquid. I try out a little bit of everything. I mostly like the fruit e-liquids and sometimes the menthol for the Throat hits. Now my friend , he vapes Chocolate Mint everyday.
  14. That is how americaneliquidstore was. I had a problem with a few cartomizer`s that were DOA. They called me on the phone to ask me questions about the problem I was having with the carto`s. they sent me a few carto`s in the mail to replace the ones that did not work..
  15. I am going to go to that store and buy some cool stuff. great review!
  16. 70/30 can be used in the tank system. that is what I use and it is great...You dont want to use just VG in your tank. It can clog the atty up
  17. You sound like me. lol..my house looks like a vaping store. I am so addicted it is unreal..Vapors Anonymous!! I would join it.
  18. I have a 3.5 wet box. You will need cartomizers for it. I put a few drips onto the carto because I feel it does not wet the filler inside the carto. if you squeeze the little bottle that is inside the box and hold it for a few sec, it may fillup better. I am just afraid I will break the plastic bottle. I do not use mine much anymore.
  19. I never knew what that stuff was until I read about it. I always thought maybe the place where they store the supplies was damp. I never blew that stuff out until this time when i got my ego T atty in. It is fine. wonder if that junk broke my old T atty? maybe that plastic taste is the primer that is in the attys? blow them out guys and just maybe your eGo T atty will be great like mine is. I can not live without mine. oh wow. I just filled mine with GrapeSoda and the TH I am getting is making me cough..It is great!
  20. Dang, I get good taste from mine. I blow mine out after every other fill up. it is simply awesome!!
  21. I never liked the LR cartomizers. you have to keep filling them up or they get that burnt taste.
  22. Hi and welcome to VT! I use the joye eGo 1000mah batt with the Tank and atty. I love it. I also use between 18 mg and 30 mg of nic. the higher the nic the more vapor you get I think. I use to smoke Newport's when I started smoking, but the fiberglass in the tip of the cig gave me nicotine poisoning. I started smoking at the age of 9.( the tobacco got me addicted cause the smell was so nice).and then I quit when I was 39. I started out with the joye 510 and used the extra long life batt. I quickly moved to the Joye eGo and love it. Now if you take a joye eGo and also an atomizer you can drip 3 drops onto the atty and get a much better taste. to me, that is too much dripping to do in a day. I was a heavy smoker and now I vape even more. if you do not like a flavor you bought,you can add some menthol to it and get a great throat hit. I am always mixing juices. Good luck to you. oh, also some other stuff to think about. get a passthrough, which can be used in a car or at your computer. It charges while you vape. also get a 1000 mah batt for the joye eGo.
  23. I am so sorry to hear about your brothers Loss. It is terrible that he does not have kids to help him through this, but he does have you and his friends to help. It is a terrible feeling to have lost a spouse. At the beginning I was hiding my emotions and would not let my kids see me cry. I was told I needed to share it with them for them to heal also. we can finally talk about Glenn and it does not hurt us now. we know he is not in anymore pain ( he must of been going through a heck of a lot of pain, as his kidneys and liver both shutdown). He took the kids out on Oct 31 to get candy and the next evening he was being rushed to another hospital in Baltimore,Md. for Liver and Kidney failure. The hospital told me his color would get better in time, and Glenn told me they were able to save his Liver. no they were not. they knew he was coming home to die. That darn hospital could of let me know and instead I found him dead the following morning. 9:11am on Nov 13th. we were together for 13 yrs, he passed away on the 13th, and my son is 13 yrs of age..if you take all 3 13s and add them together it makes 39, and that was my age when he passed away. also we had a service for him 13 days after he passed and he got 13 orange roses at the viewing. I laid in bed a few nights after thinking about all that. My sister-in-law has helped me out through out all this and has taking me to every Doctor visit and etc. She lost her husband also, but 5 yrs afterward's she got remarried. about 2 weeks after Glenn died, I was in bed and I remember very clearly, I wanted to give up! Then I thought about my daughter and son, who will be needing me. my daughter is getting ready to graduate HS and my 13 yr old son has behavior problems along with depression and so on. I was just so worried about who would take care of them..my daughter is fine. my son I worry about..I hardly ever cry anymore. sometimes I do, but, I am ok now. I just never expected to be without Glenn. He was my life and my only true love. see I told you, I talk alot..lol..
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