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Posts posted by lovie

  1. thanks for the reply beans . i am excited to get one as well it will be my first too :jump: .hey beans i lived up on the south hill for about a year on hilby rd .my family was havermale family . my grand father havernmale who of course help to found spokane in 1700's he used to own all of the down town area . i had a great time there living on south hill in my grannys old house .i took care of her for a year befoe she died .it was a bitter sweet time. spokane will always have a special place in my heart. sorry don't mean to rabble . thanks for the info.have a great day beans

  2. I just got in 10 of the Smoketech Dual Coil Cartomizers. These are the first cartos I've ever tried mostly because I've been pretty happy with either direct dripping, MAP tanks, or the eGo-T LR and am just tired of trying new stuff. Well, I'm so glad I decided to give these a try. They are AMAZING!! Amazing enough that I packed up my 3 MAP tanks and my 8 LR eGo-T atties and put them away! These hold about 60-70 drops of liquid on first fill before they will start to leak out the bottom. You can just drip from the top but that just took to long for me. I personally use an 18gauge needle which is so much quicker.

    OK, now for the review. Flavor is amazing with these. I loaded one up and loaded up an atty by direct dripping to go head to head with. The flavor is just as good with these as with dripping. I couldn't tell any difference. There actually was one flavor of juice I used that tasted even better in the carto than with dripping which I just can't explain. Vapor production was also very good. You will be blowing clouds of vapor with these. Last but not least, the TH on these are very good also. I noticed about the same TH as with dripping and a lil better TH on these than the eGo-T's.

    Overall, I have found my vaping nirvana and will use these as my exclusive vaping method(propbably until the next latest and greatest thing comes along...lol.) If you've never used a carto, give these a try. They are worth it. I personally have never used BOGE cartos but have heard good things about them. Even die hard BOGE fans are raving about these new Smoketech Dualies over on ECF.

    PS. I tested these on both the eGo 650mah and 1000mah batts using 24mg nic 70/30 PG/VG juice.

    what vender did you use thanks

  3. I just got some of the Smoketech dual cartos and am in vaping heaven. I got the 1.5ohm ones and they work awesome on eGo batts. I've also heard you can use them on higher voltage and they provide even better vapor and TH. I'm going to try the 1.25ohm ones next.

    oh yes i ordered some of those should be here tomarrow .the other mega cartos they did not work for me at all .looking forward to getting the duel . :thumbsup:

  4. I had the same problem with a supplier, They are a boutiqe type cartomizer vendor. I tried 3 different style cartomizer from them. I want to like them so much from reading so much hype about them. They just never met my expections. I had to move on. I gotten a leery when I hear a lot of hype about a new product now a days. Of cour I did jump on the bandwagon with the dual coils but that is only 1 that has succeeded for me out of a lot of failures. Taste is subjective but I sometimes that my taste buds would real some of these forums because they are not getting the same message as the brain.


    guess thats how it go's some times . i really hope the duels work for you and me seems like i can suck down a reg carto it no time flat .i need more JUICE lol have a great night :)

  5. well here gos i got 5 mega cartos from $%#@ . i really want to like them but i am disapointed .the first one stuck to battery and the metal piece came right out and i had just cleaned battery .the next one i filled with 80/20 pg vg it worked well for a while about 1/2 day maybe . then seemed to be getting gunked up not so good ..so i tried my 3rd with my good juice stright pg base .again for some reason it dose not set right on my battery and did nothing so i changed battery not great but it works . in my opinion they are suckie. but not giving up i ordered some duel coil cartos hope my luck is better(.i think i might have posted wrong place sorry ) :turned:

  6. :thumbsup: just wanted to let you know i ordered on 20th shipped on 21st got it today 26th nice work .and i was worried lol.thanks forever vapor aka. vapor talk .there is a twist i can't get it until tomarrow it didnt fit in mail box so. i have to wait to pick it up at post office d****it d**it :wallbash:
  7. i know every bodys taste buds are differant but i have been using vt juice from the start i have never tasted a bad one .some i like better than others .but never had any that had funky taste i really like the quality .my favorites sweet dawn ,midnight , grape .mentha . also they have a new store with lot of new flavors .i ordered peach .vanilla cant wait .i hope you find somthing you like .there are lots of venders out there .sweet-vapes , kick bass vapors and lots more.happy vaping

  8. vapor talk has a nice mentha also there new store forever vapor has menthol as well . i just ordered some peach and vanilla excited to try .there are a lot of places to try kick bass vapor ,sweet vapes .vapor talk .i my self am looking for a sweet cinnmon.anyway have a great day .

  9. I am getting some liquid when I vape. I don't mind the initial taste, but the greasy taste isn't so great and I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be drinking this stuff. :-) I am using the Bose cartos for my eGo. I fill them till they look all glossy and slushy. Then i let them siton a paper towel for a few mins. Sometimes liquid comes out the bottom. I let them sit at least overnight before using. Is that enough info? lol

    sounds like you are over filling ..it should look slushie but not to the point where you see extra juice on top .also if it comes out the bottem over fill .unscrew carto from batt.and wipe off then put it back on . if you take a couple of long so drags it should take care of any leftover .and you should be fine .hope this helps

  10. thanks everyone for all the help, I am definetly looking into an ego, or 901 now, but am still looking for something realistic to take to the bar, or on smoke breaks at work. I don't think, at this point, i will stick with quitting the analogs unless I have something that doesn't attract all of the attention when out and about. I was looking at the intellicig, but not much in the way of reviews there. if anyone has any thoughts on this, please let me know. thanks again for all of your replies, I can tell I'm going to like this forum.

    hello i have tried an ecig that looked like a cig not that great i thuoght the same thing you do .and i was lucky enough to find this forum i now use the ego i got the starter kit here vapor talk store and i love it .reliable sturdy not to big .i have had no problems really..its a great buy.

  11. sorry bout expresso comment .i was really taken a back by your question it .i think you might looking in the wrong place .this a resposible fourm .people are here to help not hurt.please dont do it ...and do some more reading on nic poisoning .take good care of your self peace :wave:

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