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Everything posted by eCloudMaker

  1. gee-wiz I never shared why I find this important I feel the ENTIRE Vaping Culture should be nominated. To include but limited to: Vape Machine Manufactures ejuice manufactures Vaping YouTube Channels Vaping Forums and the last, but hardly the least, the Vapors .... never in the history of tobacco have more people stopped smoking Cigs. The most important faucet is amount of heavy smokers that are throwing away their ashtrays away I will make a open challenge to the world to prove me wrong. The biggest problem, as it appears to me, is that the non-vapors don't understand what they are seeing is vapor. The non-informed have no knowledge of what they are seeing. They just see a 'cloud' and think --- Oh, that must be bad for me. There really needs to be better public education of the topic. It would be a rare doctor that feels safe enough to tell a patient to Vape
  2. Geneva, 30 January 2015 - The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for nominations to the World No Tobacco Day 2015 Awards of individuals or organizations in each of the six WHO Regions for their accomplishments in the area of tobacco control. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 5 March 2015. ==============================================
  3. the mini still sounds like a better choice, listening to ya all I do like that cover and hope to encourage them to progress in that direction .... I can see a rubberized coating someday, I'm starting to get vaping calluses ---- OR... perhaps all that might be from all my sheep escaping --- just might be a contributing factor
  4. from what I have been observing - there is going to be lots of new toys coming out after CNY you will probably see some price drops on the older models they are starting to saturate their own product lines - actually offering too many choices I was sure I was going to find myself over medicated from the stress of trying to find the best option for me on my first purchase
  5. [sharply turns around] ......... who is most interesting woman - I'll have to work on acquiring her old toys ;-)
  6. the battery cover got my attention - very slick and they use magnets in a little different way posted the best of two videos - should be out after CNY - no pricing has been announced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP3_doGyRuw if I got two of these IVP4's, I would also get two under the shoulder quick draw hostlers (one each side) ..... but I would have to change my name again to "Rambo Vaper" --- always ready for the next Vape
  7. lol - that video is very funny however, that is my cousin - my tutu is Blue w/ sparkles old name was Cloud Maker - same icon
  8. hey gang, for those I already have met; I made a new name (eCloudMaker) and bought a new tutu, same odd sense of humor to rest of you, pleased to meet you - LOL, i hope
  9. dripping atomizer, seems like a good idea for the start-up taste testing and the search for favorite flavors - just flip the cotton out - next juice please !!!
  10. I need another battery and would like to make a less carppie decision. [hooker pun intended] What do you find working for you? replaceable (physical battery swap) & best value what brand of battery (been recharging AAa's for several years {why does the wireless mouse always go dead Sunday and 3am}) me likes the Sony real good, Amazon OEM 2nd place pass-through charging full stick swap out ... thanks gang - I have yet to find other local vapor geeks - i know, i know, i know - follow the cloud xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ! you know if I get a new stick I'm going to want a kewl LED w/ temp control I really think temperature control is going to make more sense and a heck of a lot simpler for the newbies LOW-MED-HI and for advanced users the ability to dial in desired temp w/ five memory settings (your lifestyle use) ? reason for temp control - everything has a proper vapor point + it gives all of us a whole new topic to disagree on - you never want your blend..... to burn too hot
  11. hey kids - i really need to thank you for making me feel welcome here i'm finally to the point where I can ask questions I've watched so many youtube videos i had to drink coffee to chill out
  12. I noticed this today, not sure what they are trying to tell me "Unprotected Flat Top Battery"
  13. hmm, not having any spitting issues "yet" - but I dearly wish the strange voices would stop .... lately mine has saying "more tanks.... more tanks"
  14. ahhh heck - if we're getting Q involved - we might as well for a holographic projector
  15. ... kewl..... and one of those super small video projectors
  16. wouldn't it be kewl to have a MOD that you could also use as a self-defense Taser
  17. thanks bebop - greatly appreciated - still feeling like a whimp [vape] [good news] I got a bit dizzy today when I had a cig vaping about 2/3rds of time at 24ml, 1/3rd cigs
  18. thank you such a fast reply I have yet to find a favorite juice... that is the current quest right now, it is silly and probably more of a newbie thing --- but I hate wasting nicotine that I am still hooked on I have a bit of a tasteless solution, but it might work I have some small glass bottles, I will label them 24ml, 12ml nicotine and such, then pour left overs in the bottles based on nicotine level taste would be off, but I probably didn't like the flavor in the first place. I have simple goals right now, #1 - Don't run out of anything while I make this transition # 2 - take another vape I have already realized: -- you need two batteries -- still waiting for this to be cheaper than smoking cigs (I am way, way over my smoking budget and I still want more stuff) - lol
  19. as I progress on this learning curve journey, i have stumbled again on something that is probably simpler than I tend to make things. as a newbie, I bought about a dozen, or so, small volume juice samples. I bought three tanks, seeing this coming - however..... I want to try more samples, before I have emptied the tank do I pour the old stuff out and then clean tank - aftre the clean-up I could try the next sample ----- that would be a waste of juice and wouldn't the used coils alter the taste somewhat? what do you do?
  20. kewl ideas gang - thanks Earthling789 really like the grain and the way you jazz'ed up the edges.
  21. excuse confusion pls I'm the owner / operator and even I get confused in my own maze
  22. - traveling with all my new stuff (but still don't have a good answer for 1/2 full tanks) .... this appears to be working for the rest of my new crap I am a pouch/bag/case saver - just because I don't use the insides - doesn't mean its time to throw the really kewl zippered case away.... right ? :-) For new vaping crap - I am using an age old zipper/nylon cassette carrying case (one cassette wide and probably a dozen cassettes long) - removed the molded plastic cassette holding tray and bought some 10 & 15 compartments 'adjustable' transparent jewelry/bead/hobby case with hinged lid and fairly secure clasp - about $1.00 of ebay. .... from I'm beginning to notice; it is easy to have lots of vaping stuff
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