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Everything posted by Jodie

  1. Ok, this is just freakin COOL! LOL!! Can you imagine a day when PV's are prescribed to help protect against colds and flu viruses or people susceptible to pneumonia rather than the stupid flu shot! ROCK!
  2. Puresmoker.com has their special on eGo's going on again. 2 of everything in a starter kit for 49.99. It says 59.99 on the website but when you get it in your cart, it changes to 49.99. I got a good friend hooked up with one so she's gonna be a vapin fool right along with me now! WHOO HOO!
  3. I second everything SoupNation said! (course, could be that we Minnesotan's are superior vapors)
  4. OOPS! I just figured out something....the new sample juices I got today were 80/20 (pg/vg), not 50/50. I haven't tried the 50/50 juices that also came today. So it's the 80/20 that I am getting the no heartburn from.
  5. :::: insert lightbulb icon here :::::: Jodie's got it now. Thanks guys!
  6. B80: I know, right? Like how could we smoke those things for so long and call it "satisfying" and then after just a short time of vaping they make you hurl! I had a similar experience after only a few days of vaping. I took a puff and thought I was going to chunk up a lung I coughed so hard. I wanted to spit out my tongue it tasted so nasty! That still amazes me. Jodie
  7. Oh and I also found that instead of drinking just regular water while I vape, I drink club soda (with a little lime cuz I'm high maintenance like that ) and that totally helps the dry throat and the "urpy" feeling too.
  8. I started at 100% PG and like Chris said, not as much vapor and for ME, it felt very "light" in the throat, almost like I couldn't feel it going in at all. Then I did 100% VG and although it is MUCH smoother, more smoke-like and lots of vapor, it gave me heartburn BAD! (and yes, gums up the atty pretty fast). I got some 50/50 mixes today and been doing them all day and they are definitely my "sweet spot!" You can also do 80/20 and 70/30 mixes too depending on the seller.
  9. Buttercup, I actually got heartburn/burps from 100% VG. I don't think it was nic level as I'm only using 11/12mg and in some cases only 6mg (depending on the seller). I just got 50/50 pg/vg juices today and have been doing them all day and NO HEARTBURN!!
  10. And OMG is it ever fun trying em all! LOL! "Christmas" arrived here today with my 3 orders of juices. I got a sample pack of 10 different flavors, plus 5 bottles of other stuff I wanted to try. 15 different new discoveries to make! I did decide one thing though that has definitely moved me closer to my "sweet spot" (besides DD on a LR atty on my eGo) is that I LOVE 50/50 pg/vg mix. 100% of either one...no good. 50/50....SWEET! Not I just gotta find the "perfect" flavors like Nana said, the all day vapes, the "specialty" vapes etc. So far Kona Cream I can do all day. Menthol too. But an awesome "special time" vape is Cherry Cola from bluemist. Man that stuff continues to "fizz" in your mouth even after you've exhaled! It ROCKS! Ok, so I'm totally here and should take this to the eliquid forum. LOL! Back on topic: Eliquids can work on any ecig and it's various accessories.
  11. I love this thread. It makes me smile.
  12. WOOT WOOOOOT!!! Awesome news!!! I'm halfway there but like someone else said, I was shocked when I quit all analogs within the first few DAYS of vaping. I can't even imagine having an analog now and I do not crave one ONE IOTA!!! I LOVE VAPING!!!
  13. Same here. 100% VG, initially tastes better but gums up my atty pretty quick. Plus the vapor is more "syrupy" in my throat after awhile. I like it for initial taste and vapor PRODUCTION but yea, I'm definitely going for a pg/vg mix as well. Along the same vein, 100% PG is way too "wispy" for me. Can hardly tell there's any vapor going in (although a lot gets blown out) and taste is not nearly as intense. I have an eGo and the VG definitely gunks the atomizer. So I saw someone mention on here that they "blow out" their atomizer so I decided to do that (into a napkin) to clean it out... :::::WARNING::::: Close your eyes before you do it because it splattered into my eye (somehow??) and I had menthol juice in it. EOOOOWWWIIIEEE!!!!
  14. Ok, I just went for it. I ordered from electronicstix.com as it looked like they were having a sale on all of their supplies. I got a pack of 5 LR510 cartomizers (I'm going to try one and give the others to dad), 8 LR510 atomizers (4 for me, 4 for dad), and 2 button protectors for the eGo so they don't get pushed when they are in a pocket etc. That plus all the other sampler juices I got the other day is enough purchasing for awhile! LOL!! Jodie
  15. I agree Joe, LR are WAAAAYYY better. I almost bought a bunch of atty's yesterday (had my cart all full) and then realized it didn't specify if they were LR or not. All these different stores list their atomizers a bit differently and it's very confusing. Some call them 510 atty's, some call them Joye 510's or Janty eGo (I thought it was called a Joye eGo?) and none of them tell me if they are HV, standard or LR. Or if they do, they're not clear about it. The LR on my eGo now is silver but it appears some of the ones I AM able to identify as LR online are black. So yea..... I got overwhelmed and didn't pull the trigger. I'll PM you about the carto's cuz I think that is definitely something I should get for dad. I may try one just to see what it's like but worried about the burnt filling taste. Plus, since I work from home, DD works just fine for me. Jodie
  16. Aha!! :insert lightbulb emoticon here: Thanks Joe!
  17. Ditto on the Joye eGo!!! As for the accessories....what Christopher said.
  18. Ok, got another clarification question for ya.....(since DV just loves to be needed. ) LR atty, vs standard atty vs 510 atty. What the heck is the difference between them? I thought on the eGo, the atty's were all 510's just that some were LR and some were standard. Am I correct? Or is a 510 something altogether different? Danks! Jodie
  19. Hi Trice, Ohhhh...that is a good question. I am beginning week 3 of my venture into vaping and I was not a heavy smoker either (3-5 cigs a day). I quit all analogs (regular cigs) almost within a few days of vaping. It does seem I vape more than I smoke but I heard that's because you are getting far less nicotine on a vape than on a cig. 3 drops of juice on an ecig gives you about 10-15 drags which is still about 1/2 (or less) the nicotine you'd get in 10-15 drags on an analog. But it's sooooo much more fun. And, like you, I initially wanted an ecig that "looked" like a real cig....I got over that real fast and went right with the eGo and haven't looked back. It rocks in every way. Jodie
  20. LOLOL! Yea, and look where that got me. HAHA! Thanks for looking at my website! EDIT: And I see that YOU like Pink Floyd.....totally cool. Could not have gotten thru my college years without em.
  21. One step ahead of ya DV! I got 5 atty's for me and 5 atty's for my dad. Also got each of us a car charger. My credit card company sure loves me lately. LOL!! Jodie
  22. Hi there! I'm still new to vaping (going into my 3rd week now) but from what I have seen all over this board, EVERYONE does it a little bit differently. For me, I BEGAN with smoking about 3-5 analogs a day. But I wanted to get it down to ONLY 2 every day (one with coffee in the morning and one after dinner at night). I was getting tripped up during the day when I would get on phone calls. I wanted the ecig to use during those phone calls. I never intended to quit smoking all together. I love it too much. But without even trying, that's exactly what happened. (still freaks me out). I have not had an analog in 2 weeks now. I tried one last week and OMG I sputtered and choked it was so nasty. Threw the rest away. However, that's but just one outcome. I have seen plenty of others on this board who have smoked for many years, sometimes 2-3 packs a day who have now cut down to 5 or so a day and they are just fine with that. Some quit analogs all together but use vaping at the same nic strength as when they smoked. Some have managed to get their nic down to 0 and STILL vape because it's just fun. (that's where I want to get to now). I think rather than thinking of it as a "smoking cessation" product, thinking of it as a "smoking REPLACEMENT" product makes more sense. Smoking cessation has one goal: quit smoking. Smoking replacement has so many more options and variations available to you, therefore, more chance of "success" because YOU are in control of what the goal is. The bottom line is about what YOU want to achieve, not what you think you are "supposed" to achieve by vaping. That's freedom! Jodie
  23. Well, my dad has gone 24 hours with only ONE analog! He tried one this morning and said it was "bitter." LOL!!! He is LOVING the vaperite organic tobacco flavor. One downside though is his LR atty that came with the kit broke already. It worked for about 20 puffs (2 fills of juice) and now it won't heat up at all. So he is using the black standard atty that requires longer drags to get good vape and so far he says that is fine with him. For me, one of my batteries in the kit was broke (only charged for about 1 hour) so I am thinking that even though the "good deal" (puresmoker.com Joye eGo double kit for 49.99) gives you double of everything, not all of it is in good condition. They are going to send me a new replacement battery though but doubt they'll send a new LR atty for my dad. So I'm going online today to stock up on backup supplies (thank you Joe!) and get us set up proper for emergencies like this. Dad's off into the woods again today with 2 fully charged batteries, his standard atty, a full bottle of juice and NO analogs in his pocket!!! Freakin amazing! Jodie
  24. You aren't a kiddin. She's always been pretty quiet about my smoking. I generally never smoked around my girls anyway. I'd go outside or while they are at school. But when she did that yesterday in such a genuine and sincere way, it really touched me. Seriously though? This message board has done more to keep me on track than anything else because having ready access to answers to questions as WELL as being able to see how many other people have been successful is priceless. What I love is that there is no "bickering" here. No people saying "this one is better than that" or "you're doing it wrong" or "that's a dumb question" or whatever. The genuine support from all members is very potent. Jodie
  25. Wow! You are on the ball Joe! The charger that came with my eGo has a USB plug on one end and the thing you screw the battery into on the other. I can also take the USB side and plug it into the back of the wall charger unit that also came with it. So I am able to wall and computer charge right now. I don't have a car adapter and probably will not get one as I never used to smoke in the car to begin with. Buuuutttt.. I think maybe it is a good idea in case I can't get near a computer or wall plug if my battery dies, right? Wow this is a whole new way to think about smoking... LOL! One question, you said eGo's charger is only for eGo but not for 510/520. I thought the Joye eGo WAS a 510? I'm confused. (once again. LOL!) Jodie
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