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Posts posted by JonnyKansas

  1. My only complaint is with this forum actually. I joined via the Tapatalk app and it told me "congratulations! You've linked vapor talk to your Tapatalk account. You can now sing in without a password" now I gotta figure out how to recover the password I never created to login on the pc. Though I ordered some e liquid from here, so maybe I already did. Or are those separate accounts?

  2. Also, I've been looking at other tanks and gear & thinking about getting a sample pack of assorted flavors, but as I said earlier, can't afford any more at least until my trip is over.

    Might see if there's a vape shop when I get down there though. I'm happy with this online purchase, but would like to see more options in person.

  3. I mean, the Zig Zag was alright. I need to try that tank on the spinner, because even the pro tank's better air flow suffers a little on the Zig Zag battery.

    But the pro tank/spinner combo doesn't require near the puff power to get a nice hit.

    I'm down to 2 smokes a day, but haven't tried one since I got the new setup & don't have the urge to yet. Won't say I'm totally done smoking, but I'm feeling the need for some nic & thinking about going upstairs to grab my vape (the frigid cold might help that urge though).

  4. Wonderful guide! Can someone elaborate on the whole pg / vg thing? I see it listed in what apart to be ratios & now I know what they mean, but how do they translate? I assume what's good for you isn't necessarily what I would want, but I'm not sure how to figure what I should want. Haha

  5. This thread makes me feel good. I only started vaping this weekend & I was considering buying a pack today. The hard thing was being at work, because I couldn't just pick the vape up & hit it any time I wanted to like I did all day yesterday. Now that I'm home, I'm feeling better, but I know I won't have to feel bad for picking up a pack of analogs & making my switch more gradual.

    My other issue is that I started phasing in to vaping with the vuse & the nic is nuts on those things, so I'm not feeling the 18mg juice I bought like I was.

    That thing tastes horrible now that I got some real vape though.

    I'm gonna hold out as long as I can, but good to know that I'm not alone. My sense of smell is already coming back a bit & it's trippy. Took me a while to realize the smokey smell I was picking up yesterday was my hoodie. Haha!

    Hang in there & keep the faith & so will I.

  6. My wife works at a convenience store and the Camel rep was giving out free Vuse to the employees. She gave it to me to try. I found it disgusting. It tasted like burnt rubber mixed with burnt electronics. The Menthol one tasted like Vicks vapor rub. He was passing out coupons to customers to get one for $0.99. Some took them most said they hated it for the reasons I did or that it broke in their pocket. IMO RJR made a very inferior product and they taste horrid. As far as disposables, I would recommend a Blu or N-Joy any day over that Vuse.

    Go with a Twist or Spinner and a KPT Mini or Nautilus mini and some quality E-Liquid you will not regret it.

    Welcome to V|T :)

    Ok. After using a real vape this afternoon, I took a puff of the vuse tonight. I see what you mean about the taste now. Wow...
  7. Not much selection at the head shop, but I ended up with this Zig Zag unit.


    No word on the battery size & the gf says she can smell this Drip juice (Turkish Blend, 18mg, 20mL). Heck of a lot more smooth than the vuse though.

    Figure this'll serve as a decent backup one & until I get the stuff I ordered, but it'll definitely keep me from buying a pack of smokes while I wait. That vuse is ridiculously harsh after trying this & I'm not sure it would've kept me in line like this will.

    Thanks again for all the great advice & I'm sure I'll see you folks around.

  8. Oh so are getting this white stuff too. We got about 4" last night have about 8" on the ground now. I think this is going to be like last year where it didn't stop till spring. I'm in the Ludington-Manastee area.

    We're not quite that bad off yet. I'm in the Escanaba area. Banana belt. We've got about 5-6 on the ground & got a dusting last night.

    The same people who told me the Farmers Almanac said last year would suck said this year is set to be just as bad.

    Just glad I made a career change & don't have to be out in it near as much as I did last year.

  9. Welcome! I'm new too & actually just ordered my first setup.

    I only smoked for about 10 years & am down to about half a pack a day, but I only had 2 yesterday (morning & night). Vape a disposable ecig the rest of the day. Convinced me that I can give up the smoke, so now I'm getting into some real gear.

    I can tell you from experience, this forum is full of friendly and knowledgeable folks!

  10. Oh! And another thing; if you're changing flavors and empty your tank, NEVER put the old liquid back into your bottle. Always keep your old liquid in a different bottle -- if you're going to save it. If not, just rinse it out.

    Makes sense.

    Thanks for those tips for sure! I'll definitely invest in multiple tanks as I get into more flavors. I'm all for quick & easy.

  11. If you don't buy anything more right now, you really need to get more coils. Usually, a stock coil will last around a couple of weeks but you never know when they'll go out and if your only back up coil will work and/or last long enough to get more.

    We're a broken record around here about back ups. And back ups of back ups. We can't emphasize that enough. :)

    I went back & ordered 2 5 packs of single coils. Went mid on the ohms, since I don't get the difference other than lower=hotter. Went for singles because there were only the lowest ohm ones in Stock for double.
  12. I spent about what I'd spend for a carton for the one of each, charger, & liquid.

    I buy by the pack, so that's a bigger one-time purchase than I'd usually make smoking, but your points are all valid. I ordered online, but I'm going to see if any of the smoke shops in town sell vapes. I'm pretty sure at least one or two do. If so, I'll take more money from my trip fund, as I'd be buying smokes on the trip as well anyway, and purchase local while I wait for the ones I ordered to be shipped.

  13. Thank you all for the advice & links to more advice.

    For starting purposes, I'm going with a Vision Spinner VV eGo 1300mAh, a Mini Kanger Protank 3, an eGo rapid USB charger, and some tobacco e-liquid. Is there any piece I'm missing?

    I'll definitely be investing in more gear in time, but want to make sure I've got one of each part to begin with.

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