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Posts posted by cschmall

  1. I have just recently gotten into rebuildables, and I have yet to figure out how to get the cotton to wick correctly.. it's not in the coil too tight, it has plenty of cotton, I'm at a loss. The ends are saturated, but I continuously get dry hits, and it seems to be saturated just outside of the coil as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It's a trident clone rda, with a single coil around 8 ohms using 28g kanthal.

    Also, why would the cotton be turning a little brown at the ends?

    Also, sorry for posting this here, the correct section is not showing up for me on my phone for some reason. 5dc395ae610009fb547c620d21609708.jpg

  2. So who all vapes on the job? What kind of work do you do? What's your setup?

    I'm a machinist.

    Here's mine:

    Nemesis clone mod with an aspire nautilus with stainless tank (looks great on it imo!)


    Nemesis clone (same as before) with a trident clone rda 98a7f237ee6b0c402b1eae1d91d1e883.jpg

    Vamo v5, with another nautilus (vamo just today replaced my crappy dna 30 clone I picked up at a local shop)


    Old crappy dna 30 clone with the nautilus 5231d300e918b07d52b4aedeac27520b.jpg

    Let's see em!

  3. I just bought a itaste vv v3 yesterday, very new to vaping, but it seems to be having issues. Apparently, according to the instruction manual, the power button led's are supposed to go from green, to yellow, to red, then flashing red as it's dying. Mine, goes from green, to no light at all, red, then flashing red, very quickly once it goes off steady green. Also, when turning it on, it's supposed to flash all the previously stated colors rapidly, but only flashes red, and green. Could I have gotten a faulty unit? Any help is appreciated, thank you.

  4. Started leaking again, and now stopped again.. but now the battery doesn't seem to be working properly... The led only flashes it's cycle when I turn it on (once red, then once green) and then doesn't do anything, no matter what, unless I plug it in, then it flashes red once, then green a few times, and then stays steady green. I'm already getting fed up with this crap....

    I haven't had any issues with the vape I bought at a gas station, for 1/5 the price of this... This is a bit ridiculous.

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