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Posts posted by cr2coolv7

  1. Well...I am now the proud owner of a brand spankin' new Totally Wicked Tornado in black. Maybe ill get a screwdriver one day but here in a few days I should recieve a package containing my new tornado and 30ml of their decadent vapours very vanilla. And to think I have only been vaping for five days. I am sold. Analog free for three days. That's about two packs avoided. Well worth it. Thanks for all the fantastic advice.

  2. So I am ordering a new pv tonight. I planned on wickeds tornado but I saw the screwdriver mk2 was on sale for about the same price. I want something fairly easy to care for and I plan on dripping. Anyone owned both? I am leaning towards the tornado because it comes with gear to run two e cigs. I also heard the screwdriver is a beast. It is the mk2 version. I want a full days battery life without going to my charger. Does the screwdriver charger only charge one put of two batteries at a time? Haha I can't figure it out. Sorry. I am super n00b. I also want a good throat hit. I want good vapor as well. Well now you know the dilemma. Any and all advice would be fantastic. I have read and watched some things on both units. Vapor talk is a blessing. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

  3. Okay so the battery life on my fifty one trio is about six hours of moderate use. Not enough for this guy. I am getting a new e cig. Question is ego or tornado or what? I'll spend the money to get what I want but not too expensive. I want good battery life and I plan on dripping. I know the ego and tornado are the same thing almost. Thoughts? Others maybe?

  4. Wow great responses. I already have spent quite a bit of time reading assorted info. I have used my e cig for about a day and a half. I have had five analogs in that time. Compared to twenty or more. I am pumped about this. I plan on visiting a local cigar shop hearing that they stock several models. For now I may stock up on batteries and some e liquid. Thanks to everyone who responded!

  5. I must be in the right forum of I get responses from the founder and a supplier right in a row. Fantastic news about the Android support. I am aware the fifty one is not the most loved model, and it is probably for good reason haha. My break even point is about two weeks with analogues. I will probably wait til this one bites it before I upgrade but I plan on getting my monies worth. I have looked at several other forums but I think I found where I belong. This forum is better designed to boot! Now if they only had electronic chew...

  6. I am using an Android device and all of my posts and topics are from a mobile phone so bare with me. I purchased a fifty one trio today for very cheap. Seriously cheap. I am getting great pulls already and using standard cartridges. My problems stem from the charger. It says when I screw In the battery that the light on the charger will turn to red but mine stayed green the whole time. Anyone else had this happen? It did charge so it isn't a huge issue I would just prefer to have everything work properly, you know? I may take it back and exchange the charger. Besides that I am completely in love with vaping. I also backpack a lot in the backcountry and didn't know how water affects these? Not submersing just rain. Sorry I am so long winded. I greatly look forward to being a contributing member and avid learner. Thanks for your time.

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