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  1. Well most vape shops will allow you to test the juice before you purchase it so really you shouldnt run into buying a flavor you dont like..however if you dont have an option to test before purchase i would dump the tank and change out to a liquid you enjoy.
  2. Not knocking the mvp still love my mvp but do love this mechanical mod [emoji16]and subtank is awesome so far!
  3. Just picked this setup up yesterday wayyy more vapor then my mvp and iclear 16 put out.
  4. Thanks everyone looks like a protank and maybe a twist battery will be on order soon
  5. Hey guys seems like it was only the right thing to join a vaping forum being i have a forum for all my other hobbies haha.anyways im 20 years old and use to dip a can a day i quit due to my gums getting all messed up..since then ive been craving a nicotine buzz..well a few friends of mine had these e cigs at my house the other night and after trying them and a few different flavors i was hooked! So i got a starter kit and a few flavors. For sure looking to upgrade as i go on..ill defiantly be browsing around the forums and most likely asking some questions. Thanks!
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