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Everything posted by fjs340

  1. Had to throw out two 12 ml bottles of 70/30 this week. I am also vaping only JC Red Oak blends this weekend, started yesterday to see if it helps the rash and today I find out a foot and mouth virus is going around locally but, I think I've had too long for that. That runs it's course in about 10 days. Symptoms and description are very similar.
  2. Had a new out of the pack 1.8 coil taste burned on first hit today. Kanger really needs to do something about QC on these things!
  3. Some JC Domestic with one small dropper full of Gold Reserve, pretty good!
  4. Quote didn't copy, above was meant for hookahhighness about JC.
  5. I switched immediately inhaling, had no problems. By two weeks I was over any cough and never hacked up anyting. The mucous sensation to me quickly moved from a lung cough to a throat cough. Now I only get that the next day if I bum a real one of someone. That's also when I regret doing it!
  6. Almost makes me want to smoke just 1 analog cig!!! Just kidding, still got some little black and mild cigars laying around, I hit one of those a couple of times.
  7. Been doing some more research on the rash thing, I'm finding a lot of people on various sites with the same problem and have found on several medical sites that it can simply be a reaction to quiting cigarettes! I quit the middle of last year, seems that would be gone by now? I also found some people who do have VG allergies.
  8. I agree but, early this year I was on a lot of pain (codiene based) medication after a surgery. I have had weird rashes and dry ichty places ever since. I had some samples that were 70/30 PG/VG so I did an experiment since they were the only PG liquids I had ever used, I vaped nothing but them yesterday as I have been having some rash/skin issues this year anyway. Wow this morning,my entire lower back is broken out with a rash and what was on my chest has gotten worse. I will definitely have to stick with 100% VG in the future.
  9. That's ok, the T3's with 1.8's are great! Plus got 2 free samples from vapethegrape.com and they are quite good. Old Captain a Blended Tobacco.
  10. How much more vape time you get out of them?
  11. Are the 1000 mAH's any bigger (longer) than the 650's?
  12. OK I will take apart an old one before I try it on a good coil. Thanks! Seems like you could just turn it upside down and tap it with pocket knife handle or something, if it is not seated completely?
  13. Gotta learn how to spell ezcema. That's how little I know about it. lol
  14. Yes and I mentioned the e liquid, he doubted that was the cause. Exima common to just show up at mid life? I never had a problem before this year, I'm in my 50's.
  15. Before I talk rashes let me tell you that I had a very invasive surgery a year ago. I was on soo much pain medication with codeine that I've had very dry and weird skin problems ever since. That being said, I've also had some strange very itchy rashes both before and since I started vaping last year. I have to the best of my knowledge used only vg juices, I am sure of it back when I started on the JC stuff, back then if I had a problem it was from contact and failing to wash my hands after handling e juice. I am past that now with tank systems that can be filled with no contact, plus am washing up immediately now. Still getting a few small rashes; chest, upper arm, stomach and legs occasionally. Any one else seen this reaction? Dermatologist says he thinks it's exima?
  16. Got some T3's with 1.8 Ohm coils love them! Finally a hit like a cigarette. Already ordered 5 more..
  17. I understand how it all works and check the o-rings on installation or replacement, some of it is condensation but, I have had new one leak right thru and down the battery. Happened to me on Monday!
  18. The post was under the coils forum, don't know why it got response here. No never use soap just warm water and a dip in grain alcohol (ethanol not methanol) to eveporate all the water.
  19. The post was under the coils forum, don't know why it got response here
  20. Yea, it must be condensation! The T3's with 1.8 coils are really good, like a real cigarette hit!
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