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Posts posted by tea2085

  1. Just ordered some orange cream from Vape Dudes. Thanks all who participated in my quest. I do plan to try the flavors you reccomended, just that I have ordered from the dudes before and like their juice. I read an excellent review on their orange cream. Thank YOU!!! Paul

  2. Bought a ton of juice when I first got into this, one of which was Orange Dream from jjvapes. I thought "this doesn't taste much like orange" so I put it away. Two monthes later I tried it again (steeping does work) and said "wow, this is great"- nice citrus flavor. Anyways, I've decided I really like a citrus flavored juice (orange,lime, lemon, tangerine) and would like to ask fellow members what their favorite is? Paul

  3. After all this talk, though I swore to not buy any juice for a while, I ordered 30mil of Custards Last Stand. Do I need to steep it? Paul Never mind, I did a search (which I should have done first) and steeping is reccomended. Nikoticket just sent me a message stating they overfilled my bottle and to "enjoy the extra tanks". Can't wait to try it!! People in the EVapor sales are so much more civilized than they are in other sales- glad to be a vapor. Paul

  4. Proetus, I know I could have googled but since many companies seem to sell flavors of the same name, I wanted to know from Mike where he got his, and he graciously answered my query. Same with my question about the custard- as you can see you were wrong about availability in the US, apparently it is available sometimes. I appreciate the wisdom of the members of this forum than the hit or miss of the google. Keep an eye on me, though. and if I appear lazy again-Notify me right away!! Paul

  5. but so far have only really liked a licorice and a dreamsicle flavor. Seem a lot of juices don't taste as advertised i.e. a french vanilla I just got has no vanilla flavor at all. I know the flavor is only a matter of personal taste but can someone tell me about some flavors that really taste like their namesake? Paul

  6. If you,re new to vaping and want some excellent advice, order from Brian at http://www.theveteranvaper.com/

    He will answer all your questions about hardware etc. and it will not take days for him to do so. If you email him in the evening you will get immediate responses to your vaping questions. He will tell you what e cigarette and hardware is right for you and ( if you order from him) he will back up his products to the fullest extent. The guy has really helped me quit the "stinkies" and I am on my way to becoming analogue free. About everyone on this forum is aware of how helpful Brian is and he is a real pleasure to do business with. Give him a try. I am in no way associated with Brian or his business but have been really impressed with his company!! Paul

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