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Everything posted by Kragax

  1. Stepping down seems to have that effect. Im down to 16 now. Variable voltage helps me to compensate. Love the Joker
  2. I used cartos only anymore, but I have got the "burns" when I let it get too dry. I still have a ton of attys for backup but I loves my cartos
  3. Congrats on the Buzz, I have really enjoyed the HV experience. Usually about 4.7 for me.
  4. I have narrowed it down to two suppliers any more. VT and Word up. For quite a while I was trying all different kinds of juice and stuff but over the last six months or so I have been disappointed. I do like DIY Flavorshacks butterscotch but Ill stick with these to for speed, cosistancy(sp), and pricing/flavors. But the first year is just crazy, learning what you really like. The only one that really made out was the post office, I spent a fortune on shipping. LOL
  5. Placebos have their place, they are mostly used in blind testing for medications where the operator needs to seperate the control group to insure the effect was indeed from the medication and not the persons mind. Even in testing some people on the placebo have a positive effect the test was lookinf for. This is a mind over matter thing. Much like a "contact high". Other than testing or in a few cases a head shrinker there is no ethical use for them. The mind can be your own worst enemy when it comes to addiction. The phyical addiction takes time but can be overcome. It is the mind that usally brings people back to the addiction as the mind misses things that the body doesn't, like throat hit. It always brought me back to analogs. Under stress the mind seeks the comfort of a known response. I am weaning down on Nic and will get off it in anothe 6-8 months but, will probably vape for life as I am more addicted to throat hit and the act of inhaling then I am to the chemical. Godd luck to any that are trying to kick any addiction. I have worked with alcoholics and herion addicts and it can be done. Understand your enemy and your triggers, and stay strong.
  6. I still prefer Ian Anderson, for those of you that remember.
  7. Man, Im gettin' old. I tried to post this the other day but the server was busy so I timed out, and I don't remember if I tried to post this again or not. Has anyone tried vaping just Nic and PG with no flavor? I was going to try it but haven't had time to mix any. I was wondering if it was tolerable. Also Im stepping down from 24 to 18/16 will the flovors be stronger with reduced Nic? Same recipe just lower Nic content. I wondered if there was any correlation. If I did post this before, forgive me, I think old age is creeping up. Edited: to correct spelling, my keyboard is stupid
  8. I use the "holster" that came with my Joker. With my Vypr I just back the Carto off a few threads an carry it in my pocket.
  9. Funny, I haven't seen a lick of tobacco in my Joker. There ARE other way to derive nicotine.
  10. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers...............or .gov agencies
  11. I have tried a bunch but the two I go back for are Dawn's Butterscotch and VT's Grape Soda. May have to try one of those Pina Coladas some day.
  12. My experience was the same as yours, I haven't found a good Root Beer yet. Or a good caramel either.
  13. Welcome back ! If you are looking for a great unit I recommend the Joker AV.
  14. Its not just the ladies, I have quite a time tasting flavors as well. I think its damage to the taste buds from many years of smoking.
  15. Nicotine was actually a pesticide, not a drug.
  16. Amen Sister, you may also notice that if you, like me, smoked like a chimney while drinking that with vaping your hangovers are a lot less. Something about all the CO2.
  17. First of all, I would like the .Gov for once again intruding in my life and trampling my rights. I find it offensive that they feel they have the right to force me back into using a product that although it will kill me, puts money in thier pockets. Now, I live in Western New York State, where the cost of a pack of analogs runs between $9.00 - $11.oo a pack. Our beloved governor is screwing with the Indians ($4.80 a pack) to try to get them to collect thier blood money for them as well. With the scare of a NY ban on E cigs I did stock up on nicotine and othe supplies and could hold out for quite a while. Hopefully long enough to get down to zero nic. I think Ill always vape. Next week are the primary elections in "our" state and trust me I will be there to make my feeling known. Its too bad we can't vote the FDA out. At 57 years of age I think Im old enough to make my own choices. This country is being destroyed from the inside right now and its time to give THEM some "change" WE belive in. The Republic is growing weak, God help us all. /Rant.
  18. I understood that the threads are loose for safety. Should there be a battery issue the endcap blows out rather than the business end. The Vypr is made that way and they most likley just kept that part of the design. I love my Joker.
  19. Same one here. I have to put the meter on it when it gets here.
  20. My only craving is first thing when I wake up.
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