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Posts posted by Patricia

  1. Thanks for asking that question. I am going to order my first Provari mini Thursday and I have no idea what to do with it. I did find this manual on their site. I have not had time to read it yet. Looks like you already got great advice above but I figured a manual to read might be helpful.

    Instruction Manual | (309KB) - English
    If that link does not work here is a link to their site . Go their and click on manuals on the home page.


  2. Mommabird,

    What color did you choose for your display and LED color. I'm ordering me one too. So pretty. I can't decide if I want the red or green color for display. Also did you get the extension? I'm really just reading about it now but I assume the extension is for a bigger battery? I've got my eye on a beautiful crystal ball drip tip to go on it from a lady who hand makes them from glass.

  3. I currently use only 5 EVOD 1s and 5 of the EVOD 2, glass tanks and I do not have any leaking problems or coils burning out. I get very good flavor and vapor. Give the Genuine Kager EVODs a try, I think you will like them. I do. I do not use the EVOD battery though, I am currently using the Vision Spinner 2s. Great combination.

  4. Thanks Comp, its been over a year and I'm still learning the E-cig lingo. : ) The people in my office think I'm a pro. : ). 1.5 is what I had in my cart but I second guessed myself and came here to ask to be sure. Yesterday I went into a place of business where I have a few friends and I mentioned your Butter Popcorn juice and they all went wild. They got so excited about it I gave them my bottle and told them they were going to have to split it up. So, I introduced Fedora Vapor to a bunch of folks and everybody said they were going to check out your site. I guess Buttered Popcorn juice must be an exclusive for you. I really do love your juice. It is in the category with 5 Pawns it just does not cost as much. My absolute favorite is Snickerdoodle and as soon as this bottle gets low I'll be back for more. Thanks again. I'm off to complete my order.

  5. Sorry Jeffb, maybe it's just because no one has gotten up yet to share your enthusiasm about the Kings. I don't even know who they are. If it is football I have to be a Bulldog fan, I'm sure you understand that. But I will celebrate with you :animier: YA! KINGS :animier:

  6. Thank you Chris. This is just what I am looking for. I like the idea of bigger sizes but the ones I see are more for money and don't have the bands to hold the batteries in place or the zipper pouch for other stuff so I am going to get 2, 1 for the equipment and 1 for the juice. I like that it locks too. With Grand kids running around I can't be too careful.

  7. HAHA I guess I am trying to bring an assortment of different colored batteries to go with the assortment of different colored tanks and then there IS the different flavors of juice. I know, a bit much hugh? But my pocketbook is getting so overloaded I can’t snap it anymore. I have 3 of the large cases full in my pocketbook so I figured I would just get 1 large case that can handle ALL of my choices. I don’t really want to carry around a shaving bag though.

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