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    00MustangMom got a reaction from copper in Vaping and tooth decay?   
    I started vaping a few months ago, and all of a sudden (after about 3 weeks) the enamel on my top teeth started sloughing off. My dentist thinks it could be the e-cigs, but I can't bring myself to quit long enough to find out. Has anyone else had, or heard of, this problem with vaping?
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    00MustangMom got a reaction from Uma in Vision Spinner 1300Mah Vv   
    Someoene said they get 12 hours of life from their 1300VS. I get 48 - 72 hours, how can this be? Also, it takes mine 4-6 hours to charge on the wall socket, depending on how low I let the battery get before charging.
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    00MustangMom got a reaction from Lyrical in Time To Fess Up   
    Yes, I'm exactly the same as you, even down to the chain-vaping at times and the reason for it LOL. BTW, hubby found a couple good flavors of juice already and hasn't touched a single analog since Friday afternoon - looks like I'm buying another battery! How do you get the "Smoke Free for...days" banner on your posts? I filled one out but it doesn't show up?
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    00MustangMom got a reaction from daleron in How do I get better battery life from a standard eGoT?   
    OK, but I'm really not there yet with understanding how to do that. All I know is, I get what I get from my Vision Spinner and it lasts me a certain amount of time at whichever voltage I have it dialed in at (you guys have to allow for the learning curve of non-technically-inclined noobs like me). I do appreciate it every time someone like you offers an explanation for something, though, because even when I can't understand all of it I'm understanding more all the time, and I'm learning more every day. So thank you for taking the time to read and respond to posts like mine.
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    00MustangMom got a reaction from Lyrical in Time To Fess Up   
    Hmmm, I recently (4 weeks ago) switched from a pack-a-day Marlboro Reds to vaping. From the beginning, I found that I could go an hour or more without vaping (I use 24% during the day, 18% from 8p to 6am). The cravings between vaping were not nearly as strong as those I used to have between cigarettes, and now I find myself going 3 to 4 hours without even thinking about vaping, which would never in a million years have happened with the Marlboros. So I think the cigarette companies put additives in their product to make them more addictive, because I'm finding that my body's craving for pure nicotine and the act of smoking is just not that strong. Just a thought. Also, I love feeling like I can breathe again; taste again; not smelling like an ashtray; being able to vape in places where analog smoking is prohibited; knowing I'm not putting thousands of carcinogens & tar into my body; saving money; not having my house look or smell like cigarettes (as much) anymore. I've almost convinced my husband to give up his cigarettes (he's agreed to try vaping at home & just do the analogs at work for now). I just need to find him "an acceptable tobacco-flavored juice" as he puts it.
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    00MustangMom reacted to maskwoman in Different nicotine strengths for day/night? Informal poll   
    I'm thinking about doing that in the near future. I've been using the 24 mg day and night - I usually end up vaping more heavily at night when I'm sitting around and I'm having wild and crazy nicotine induced dreams. It is definitely something to consider! Being so new at quitting the analogs, I've still got major cravings - but it's getting better all the time....
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    00MustangMom got a reaction from daleron in How long can you use a ce4 clearomizer?   
    I tried drying it out like in the video above but it was taking forever, so I got impatient and just blew it out with my hairdryer and that seemed to work just fine too (and faster!). Now it's working fine for me, I'm using it again and it's working like new. I'm glad there's not just one way to get something done around here, I guess the motto is "as long as it works, it works."
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    00MustangMom reacted to Jeffb in 10-second cutoff question   
    I dont think you're causing any real damage. Consistently taking a hit until the cut off may decrease the longevity of the batt in the long run, but I have not scientific data to back that up.
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    00MustangMom reacted to Proetus in How long can you use a ce4 clearomizer?   
    Depending on what type they are selling, the V2 and V3 are rebuildable. But no it is not needed to replace every two weeks as long as you are getting good flavor and vapor out it.
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    00MustangMom reacted to CaptStuBeans in How long can you use a ce4 clearomizer?   
    i love the rebuildable ones. That said - here's a good vid on cleaning your ce4 if its not rebuildable.

    (fast forward to 1 minute. vid has a long silly intro)
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    00MustangMom got a reaction from kitsune in Hi from Sunny SW Florida   
    My name's Bettina. I got into "vaping" by going into an e-cig store to get a disposable e-cig since I normally smoke Marlboro's but won't smoke in my car. The girl working there talked me into this vapor system yesterday (sorry, I'm so new I don't know the terms for anything yet, except the chocolate-hazelnut nicotine I got with my starter kit - yummy!). I'm so in: vaping yes, Marlboro's no!
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