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Posts posted by ninjabatgirl

  1. No doubt, it's like it's own addiction. Trust me, many of us are there with ya. Shiny syndrome is a hard thing to reign in. ;) It's ok at least this money spent isn't killing you like the analogs. :D

    Definitely agreed!

  2. Carmex is a type of chapstick. Either in a squeeze tube or a little finger applicator tub. :D Works like a champ! I use it daily working in the rubber industry. Rubber sucks any and all moisture out of the air and your skin for that matter.

    Thanks for the clarification! I'll have to look for it the next time I go out.

  3. Well first of all, Congratulations! Quitting cigarettes was always extremely hard for me, until my husband and I decided to try e-cigs to cut back on our cost of smoking (plus going outside in cold & rain was not fun, since we didn't smoke in our home). The same thing happened to us when we did a little research online and found the world of flavors.

    Last week I slipped and bought a pack of cigarettes because of life's stressors building up. I couldn't even take more than three drags on the first one. The taste that I got was just absolutely horrible. Mind you I quit numerous times since I picked them up as a kid. The taste that I encountered was never that bad. Possibly I just got use to getting my nicotine fix with my sweeter flavors, and subconsciously my brain was telling me "What the...?"

    Anywho,it sounds like you're enjoying your vaping experience. Check to see if there are any meets in your area. My hubby and I are going to our first vapor meet this Saturday. Looking forward to the experience and the knowledge that we can gain from people that have vaping much longer than the two of us.


  4. Keep in mind it's also winter...i'd point to that before i pointed to vaping. Drink lots of water and get some carmex, works much better than chapstick IMO.

    Definitely agree that winter has it's effects as well. In my case though, when I'm sitting at home vaping, if I don't keep up on drinking water, my lips do feel the feel the effects. And Carmex?

  5. I tried chantix a couple years ago, hated it also. Quit it after only a couple weeks. I'd recommend vaping and quitting the drugs, you have more control over yer nic intake with vaping. As an added bonus, vaping has helped cut my snack consumpiton thanks to S'mores juice.

    Dave was absolutely miserable on this medication, so you're not the only one. Puffing on an e-cig is by no means failure. You're still not using analogs, and that's what matters. :animier:

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