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Everything posted by mse12

  1. Is that your ry4 I take it? If so I'm down!
  2. Welcome! Congrats on your stinger! I love mine!! The kick is really the icing on the cake! Definitely pick it up asap! With the kick I'm getting almost 24 hours with one charge which is pretty epic using the kick. Without the kick I'd expect you can get a couple days off each charge! Lol, seriously I'm in love with mine!
  3. You should be fine to vape the heck out of 0mg. Hehe. You can add that menthol juice to just about anything! I love menthol with fruity flavors! Ymmv though. Welcome to VT!
  4. Welcome! I would say something ego based to start with.
  5. Hope you enjoy VT! Welcome.
  6. Welcome, one of my best friends from the Marines was from Scottsdale. He moved north though, still in AZ...lol no help.
  7. Congrats. I've still got about a month and a half.
  8. mse12

    Aga-T+ (Aka V2)

    Yeah, I don't have an accurate way to measure the wick hole but first impressions are that it is smaller than the AGA-S. That may be entirely in my head though. I also may have rolled a larger wick...I dunno lol. It sure does look awesome I just hope I can get it running decently. Only time will tell that. I may pick up the regular aga t to see. No worries. When all else fails my boge cartos will hold me over. Also side note, that little igo-l is hitting great! Lol juice hog but great vapor and taste.
  9. mse12

    Aga-T+ (Aka V2)

    Well, I'm disappointed in myself. I can't seem to get a decent coil going on this yet. I've wrapped 3 coils so far, two with the same wire and I just can't get the hotspots out. They are all the top coil, I'm running 32 kanthal and I've tried wiggling and moving the wick closer to the post. Blah, I'll have to tinker with it this weekend. I tried two free hand wrapped coils as well as one I wrapped on a drill bit. I dunno... The build quality of the unit itself seems good. The top cap o-rings are good! That's a relief considering my experience with the aga-s. My unit shipped with both a plastic and glass tank, they both seem good enough. I will have to dedicate some time to playing with the coils. I wish it was just a wrap and go affair but obviously not today. I will post pics up once there's not a huge hotspot on the top coil.
  10. I would check out either discount vapers or my vapor sore. Both have excellent prices. All you need is the unit, some kanthal, some ss mesh and you're solid. Total start up costs for new was under $40.
  11. mse12

    Aga-T+ (Aka V2)

    It arrived yesterday. Build seems good. I had so much going on I've not even built it yet. I will do that here in about an hour.
  12. I had actually been debating going on down to around 6mg but I was unsure until today. I just got in my first DIY juice order so I'll try out around 8mg to start with, we'll see how it goes. Thank you! I already feel a little better. I've drank about 8-10 cups of water since I posted this earlier so that's helping. I've also eaten. Still have a dull headache but I'm sure that will pass as the day goes on. It was definitely a smack in the face this morning though. I've learned my lesson. If I plan on chain vaping like that again it will be on LOW nic...for sure.
  13. Well I've been vaping for almost a year now and I, for the first time have over vaped. I woke up about 3 hours ago. I haven't eaten yet but drank one cup of coffee. I've been hitting my pv almost the whole time I've been awake. My head is pounding, I've got heartburn and my stomach hurts...way to go me. I feel like an idiot. I'm only vaping 12mg juice and I guess this is my cue to drop it down to around 6mg. Blah I feel like garbage.
  14. It is a repost but no worries, we still need as much coverage as possible. Also, welcome to VT!
  15. Here is the link to the Themis...it is sexy!
  16. I'm tempted to order the temon and keep the mini did for myself hehe win win
  17. I'm looking at the link for the SS mesh now. There are too many options, lol. Which one is the best deal? Are they just different sizes or different material? lol I see the 400 and 500 but there are several options for each. Which one have you ordered in the past? Just curious.
  18. That's too much wood for this guy...I like my SS and aluminum.
  19. I'm still enjoying a great vape while yall duke this out! Here here! Cheers to wire gauge battles! ;)
  20. I'd rather drink the whiskey and have a smooth tobacco vape to chase it with...but that's just me!
  21. Fancy smanchy sales pitch...lol I'll stick with my bombshell stinger. It charges wirelessly too. I just pop the batteries into the charging bay. Hehe;)
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