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Posts posted by daisygirlie

  1. Get this - I may be paying it forward to my BROTHER! I had no clue he had any interest in e-cigs. He thinks they're all too expensive and I told him next time he comes over to try my joye510 and see what he thinks. I think if I hand him the Leo to try he may be scared, lol!

  2. Good to know about the cotton candy, i know it's important to have that spun sugar taste which is why i'm going to try some. I'm going withcar Mt. B because it is inexpensive and i may be able to tweak some flavors a little bit if they need a nudge. It'll also be the second black licorice to try, from him - first was top vapor, we'll see how it compares. I'm also doing a one bottle order here and getting a couple of LR cartos super cheap for the Leo. I managed to scrimp it back to $65 which is about 15 less than when we smoked...progress!

  3. bet I can give you a recipe for that one. LOL

    15% Capellas cinnamon Danish swirl

    A little Em to take the dryness out and a little capellas vanilla custard for creaminess.

    I make this one too but can vape much because I am not a cinnamon fan.

    OMG that sounds good. Is Em the ethyl malt that you mentioned before?

    I've decided that I'm going to get just straight premade juices this month - then start really going mad scientist as my collection of flavor extracts gets larger. Right now i only have vanilla, almond, lemon, orange, banana, coconut and anise (i actually add extra anise to my black licorice depending on how i'm vaping it). Until i get more extracts i don't want to get overly excited...ok, it's too late...about making my own recipes :) i figure i can pick up a few extracts with my juice orders (i think i settled on MtBaker and TVR juices for this month. If i can figure out a way to sneak it in somehow, i'm gonna order a 60 ml (67 actually) of Malty Toffee for only 32 bucks! i think i can do it :D

  4. lol - we caught the mailman (who didn't show up till 5:45 pm!!!) just as he was delivering it so I had to open it of course! I figured out the power thing pretty fast :) I used a syringe because it's easy enough (I used to have to give my other half a shot every week so we have lots left over). I started by vaping the liquid in the smaller bottle that wasn't cupcake but I couldn't remember what it was - oopsy! I fired it up and OMG - heaven! Then I filled a carto with my malty toffee - which I don't think I could have gotten in without the syringe cause it's so thick. This thing vapes like a champ and it's SO much easier to hold!

    Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The other half just realized that his tat is going to have to wait another month because i'm getting more e-cig stuff (pretty much juice) and he's more than happy to wait because he doesn't want to see me pick up a ciggie again! We officially quit the same day, although he used a little of the mistic stuff which we started with, but then said he'd rather chew gum, lol! So he's a lil bit pouty, but i'm going to go to the tattooist (without him knowing it) and see if we can come up with the art for the tat so i can surprise him with it :)

  6. Or the wormwood(in the real stuff anyway) :)

    sent from my ice cream sandwiched Samsung fascinate

    Or the Molasses in black licorice - it adds to the hrm factor of black licorice, usually people can't figure out what it is! I'm a huge black licorice fan and it'll be my all day vape i'm sure - since i ran through my first 10ml in like, erm 8 days?

  7. Flavor Art Caramel is very similar. It tastes like dark brown sugar that has been melted freshly in a pot. This flavoring needs sweetener.

    Maybe not quite what your looking for but...

    Actually, it may be exactly what i'm looking for so i'll have to check it out. Since i've never dealt with an unsweetened flavor, is there an easy explaination or should I go forum surfing? i don't mind searching if i need to!


  8. Blu - i showed my other half a regular 510 carto - then the Leo and his chin just dropped, lol! At least when i'm not dripping i'll have a few nice FULL cartos to use - and i obviously prefer cartos when driving and when doing things that would annoy me having to stop to drip - like mowing the lawn on my, thankfully, riding mower (which if any one of my dr's witnessed i'd be grounded for life, lol). I set that puppy to full speed, throw on the cruise control and go bouncing and jarring all over my 1/3 acre yard - takes about 45 mins, lol! i have a small vole/mole problem so it's *really* bad.

    Wow did i digress!

    Anywho, can't wait to try it out!!! OH - it was highly recommended to me to try the new LR but not the clear one (apparently it's awful) but the new black LR is apparently the bee's knees!


  9. Speaking of recipes - anyone got a good sticky toffee type one or know where one is? The one from madvapes isn't bad, i'd just like a little more flavor hit and they don't give the "additional flavor" option. I'm open to ideas of what to add to it to maybe get it a bit more on the intensity of the toffee, it's kinda of meh, not the sort of burnt-ish toffee i was hoping for.

    Sorry for the OT post, but no one here has steered me wrong yet, lol!


  10. Holy Honkin Cartomizer batman! E-cig-arsenal sent me a free cartomizer - WOW, lol! i'll be able to go a couple days before topping off! Have you ever tried to drip with an atty? If i'm a dipper, can it still be done if i get an atty? They have them cheap at ECA and someone offered to send me a cleaned used one to try out - but they hadn't dripped since their 510 days. I'm totally fine with just cartomizers, just wondering if it's possible :)

    Btw - i'll be paying it forward already - my other half has a best friend trying to quit, so we're going to send her my old mistic stuff with the USB charger so she doesn't have to buy all that stuff. i'm quite sure i'll also be able to help someone new out with some minimal 510 supplies. i'd like to make someone as happy as you did me, because i'm still just feeling really blessed right now!

  11. Ahh I was going to recommend all of the above :D

    I love foreign films. There are some pretty good psycho thrillers in the Korean, Japanese and Spanish markets.

    The Swedish folk aren't bad either - "Let the right one in" was first done in Sweden and remade here, as was "the girl with the dragon tattoo." I recommend both. I've only seen the Swedish versions of them, but i'm guessing the re-makes are probably decent. They've done a few creepy movies and their frighteningly good at it...something you don't really imagine from cute little Sweden, lol!

  12. That was freakin' hilarious. i wish i'd had one of those for all the interviews i conducted in my life! We, instead, developed an application that could catch you in lies - and some were doozies, the managers would gather around and read all the "red" applications (the fails). But this still would have been worlds better, ROFL!

  13. i have one on the back of my neck/nape. It's a butterfly and the body is the breast cancer ribbon and the ribbon pattern is repeated in the wings. i'll try and get my other half to take a picture of it because the only ones i have on this computer, would be inappropriate although it's my back (and freak some people out). I also have 14 piercings, 11 in my ears, 1 nose, 2 elsewhere, lol!

    We're gonna be going in next month to get Colin (the other half) a tattoo and we think that they will have time to do mine as well (they do GREAT work and only charge $75 an hour! and coincidentally another butterfly but it's for a different reason, lol) and i want "yousei hime" which means "fairy princess" in Hiragana above the breast cancer tattoo (pure neck, should be a BLAST - not, lol! A friend gave me the nickname a long time ago - his reason being that he called me princess, and i was special to him (we're best buds), but also intangible (and fairies are intangible) because he lives in Alberta and i'm in Ohio - so all of that together to him is "fairy princess." My other half doesn't mind, he likes the idea too :)

  14. I volunteer helping the elderly with their computers. Sometimes they just aren't plugged in...sometimes they have a file that they keep trying to open...suddenly have a virus...i go over, remove virus(es)...lather rinse repeat. But nearly EVERY single one has just been that the computer came unplugged - heck, one guy was unplugging his just so he could watch me bend over - I remedied that with a bit of electrical tape ;) I've had to talk to Time Warner (our only option here) for about 20 people so i pick their "id" question and answer - always favorite movie and gone with the wind - unbelievable how much that helps, ROFL!

  15. My 75 year old mother (who didn't get that A Mighty Wind was a spoof and was *hilarious* to watch with her as she screamed over and over - THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT NAME!!!) has worked with Chinese students and teachers for 30 years. She'd look at these and believe them, lol! I'd have to help her out with the face palm assist afterwards, lol!!

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